Media | Title | Date | Source | Notes | LocID |
4 min
| Mrs. Nellie Taft with Son Senator Robert Taft | 1952 | Source Unknown, Donation | Short silent film of an elderly Nellie Taft and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Filmed in front of the National Republican Club. | ZZZ-10010 |
Video Cassette
25 min
| First Ladies and Washington, D.C. | 1996 | C-SPAN Sunday Journal | Carl Anthony speaks about Nellie Taft and how the cherry trees came to be in Washington, D.C. He also mentions Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, and others who worked to beautify Washington. | ZZZ- 10240 |
Video Cassette
60 min
| First Ladies, The Unelected and Unsung Heroes | 1989 | MPI Home Video, ABC News, A Messecar Production | Highlights different ways in which the nation's First Ladies have made their mark on American society. | ZZZ-10250 |
Video Cassette
59 min
| First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 1989 | 1989 | Smithsonian Institute | Nancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia. | ZZZ-10285 |
Video Cassette
57 min
| Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies | 2000 | PBS | Host Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies. | ZZZ-10280 |
Video Cassette
10 min
| Taft's Funeral | 1930/03/11 | University of South Carolina | Army soldiers place casket/coffin of William Howard Taft upon caisson in front of Capitol. Various scenes of funeral cortege/procession moving through downtown streets, past the "White House." Marching bands play music, casket/coffin of William Howard Taft on horse drawn caisson. Cortege arrives at house, casket removed from caisson and carried into house. President and Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover leave house, get into waiting automobile. Washington, D.C. Black and white and with sound. Tape # 002522 In ZZZ collection | ZZZ-10140 |
90 min
| First Lady, Helen Taft | 2013 | C-SPAN | First Lady Helen Taft's time spent in the White House. | HHT-1000 |