Audio/Visual Items for: Roosevelt, Eleanor

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Video Cassette
4 min
Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the Family1930/08/03University of South CarolinaAnna Eleanor Roosevelt speaking on relationships between parents and children. Executive Mansion, Albany, New York. In black and white and with sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10140
Video Cassette
9 min
Easter Egg Rolling on "White House" Lawn1934/04/02University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt with daughter Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Dall, wife of Curtis Bean Dall and her children Sistie, and Buzzie Dall. Walking down the steps. Group standing. Mrs. Roosevelt speaking over microphone. Mrs. Roosevelt extending Easter greetings. People walking. Mrs. Roosevelt and family walking thru crowd. Walking up steps, waving from balcony. Crowd applauds. A view of Buzzie, Mrs. Roosevelt, Sistie and John Roosevelt, son of President Mrs. Roosevelt. Buzzie Mrs. Roosevelt and magician. Magician performs msgic trick with Buzzie. Children holding rabbits as magician and First Lady smile. Children from audience waving. Group forms circle with "White House" in background. Boys and girls search for eggs. Easter concert. In black and white and sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10140
Video Cassette
3 min
Mrs. Roosevelt on Child's Health Day1934/05/01University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Children present flowers to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Rita Johnson speaking and singing "An Orchid For You." Mrs. Roosevelt greeting children in garden. In black and white with sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10140
Video Cassette
4 min
Mrs. Roosevelt Opens Drive for Books for Sailors1934/05/08University of South CarolinaNew York, New York First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt presenting book written by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to American Merchant Marine Library Association. Unidentified women speaking. Sailor thanks Mrs. Roosevelt. Seamen looking at book. In black and white, with sound. Tape # 002522AER-10040
Video Cassette
12 min
20th Annual Convention of Girl Scouts of America1934/10/24University of South CarolinaBoston, Massachusettes Mrs. Frederick Edey introducing First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt speaking. Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover. Crowd. Girl Scouts. Audience and Mrs. Roosevelt reciting Scout Pledge. Applauding. Leaving car. Speaking on quality of a Scout. Lou Henry Girls; Societies and clubs; speeches, addresses, and womens studies. In black and white, some sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10150
Video Cassette
6 min
Mrs. Roosevelt Donates Award to the Handicaped1934/12/12University of South CarolinaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. (Eleanor) Franklin D. Roosevelt awarded one thousand ($1,000.00) as the country's outstanding women. She gives it to paralyzed boy for treatment in Warm Springs, Georgia. Medium shot of group (L to R: Richard Gimble, Ellis Gimble, Mrs. Roosevelt, Bernard Gimble, and Benedict Gimble, Junior). Medium shot Ellis Gimble presents check to Mrs. Roosevelt. Walter Fox, eight (8) years old, thanks Mrs. Roosevelt from his home. Medium shot "Uncle W.I.P.", of radio station WIP, presents check to boy (boy's parents in background). In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10050
Video Cassette
7 min
Mrs. Roosevelt Goes Christmas Shopping1934/12/14University of South CarolinaWashington D.C. Various scenes of Mrs. (Eleanor) Franklin Roosevelt in the Toy Department of "Kern's" Department Store. Includes talking to "Santa Claus" and examining toys. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10060
Video Cassette
2 min
Eleanor Roosevelt Visits A. T. A. and A.T.S. Units1942/10/30University of South CarolinaEngland, Great Britain, United Kingdom At an Air Transport Auxiliary station, women pilots and mechanics of Ferry Command are out to give Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt an insight into their work. Mrs. Roosevelt thanks them. Mrs. Roosevelt then travels on to the A.T.S. Training Center to learn more. To all and sundry she has a word of praise. Girls of a Mechanical Transit Section provide ample proof of the stout work being done by this branch of Britain's army of uniformed women. In black and white. Tape # 002536AER-10070
Video Cassette
4 min
Eleanor Roosevelt Visits Fighter Command1942/10/30University of South CarolinaEngland, Great Britain, United Kingdom Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt visited the Headqquarters of R.A.F. Fighter Command, where she was shown the operations room which serves as the nerve center of the air defense of Britain, and the hub of fighter offensive by day and night, over enemy occupied territory. She was received by Air Chief Marshal Sir Sholto Douglas, C-in-C, Fighter Command. Before entering the ground block, she had been received by a guard of honor od WAAF from every department of the command headquarters, where several hundreds are employed. Mrs. Roosevelt was accompanied by Air Commandant Trefusis Forbes, Director of the WAAF and Colonel Oveta Hobby of the United States WAAC and was greeted at the R.A.F. station by group Officer Lady Welch, in charge of the WAAF at the command. In Mrs. Roosevelt's party were Major Eldon Bailey of the U.S. Army with members of the American Embassy. Wing Officer Crowther represented the air Ministry. In black and white. Tape # 002536AER-10080
Video Cassette
2 min
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt with Foster Children1942/11/01University of South CarolinaEngland, Great Britain, United Kingdom Medium and closeup of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and children. Children giving Mrs. Roosevelt gifts. Mrs. Roosevelt speaking. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10090
Video Cassette
4 min
First Lady Dedicates Merchant Seaman Club1943/01/04University of South CarolinaNew York, New York Various scenes of seaman enjoying recreation and leisure. Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt speaking. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10110
Video Cassette
12 min
Mrs. Roosevelt at Aid to Russia Rally1943/01/22University of South CarolinaMontreal, Canada Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King welcoming Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. King speaking. Mrs. Roosevelt speaking on Union of Soviet Socialist Republic's war effort, sending Russia economic assistance, and world peace. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10120
Video Cassette
4 min
Mrs. Roosevelt Inspects WAAC's1943/02/14University of South CarolinaKansas City, Missouri Luncheon at WAAC's consolidated mess. L to R: Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby; Colonel J. A. Hoag; Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; & Mrs. J.A. Hoag. Interior inspection of barracks. WAAC's passing in review, L to R: Colonel Hobby, Mrs. Roosevelt & Colonel Hoag, group of WAAC,s trying to get photos of party. At coliseum, L to R: seating, Colonel Hobby, Mrs. Roosevelt and Brigadier General Frederick E. Uhl. Massed group of WAAC'S at Coliseum, Mrs. Roosevelt and Colonel Hobby hurriedly being shown radio school where WACC's train with soldiers. Women's Army Corp. In black and white. No sound. Tape # 002536AER-10130
Video Cassette
10 min
War Personalities: Madame Chiang Kai Shek1943/02/23University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Madame Chiang Kai Shek walking on "White House" lawn. Several takes of Madame Chiang speaking in English and Chinese about relationship between America and China. Several takes First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt speaking. Note: Mayling Soong. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10140
Video Cassette
13 min
Women in News: Red Cross Rally1943/03/15University of South CarolinaMadison Square Garden, New York, New York Massing of colors. Metropolitan Opera singer Elinor Stebor sings "Star Spangled Banner". First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt speaking. Her Royal Highness, Princess Martha of Norway with Mrs. Roosevelt. Crowd. Mayor Fiorello Henry La Guardia leading bands. Grand finale. Radio City Music Hall "Rockettes." Dancing. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002536AER-10150
Video Cassette
3 min
War News: New Aircraft Carrier Launched1943/04/05University of South CarolinaVancouver, Washington First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt with Mrs. Frances Carpenter, 1st woman welder. With Henry Kaiser, president Kaiser Shipping Company and with "Papa" Argraves, father of American soldier Mrs. Roosevelt decorated in England. Carrier deck. Crowd. Mrs. Roosevelt decorating African - America soldiers. In black and white. No sound. Tape # 002536AER-10160
Audio CD
28 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1933/10/24FDR Presidential LibraryDinner in New York City with Eleanor and Mrs. M. Kerry Thomas, President and Founder of the Affiliated School for Workers.AER-28440
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1935/05/31FDR Presidential LibraryMarine Barracks in Washington, DC Mrs. Roosevelt encourages the use of savings bonds, especially to women of the nation.AER-28450
Audio CD
7 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1935/12/03FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks to members of the Housing Authority in New York.AER-28460
Audio CD
7 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/04/06FDR Presidential LibraryThe White House, Washington, DC Mrs. Roosevelt had participated in the nation wide broadcast launching the Emergency Peace Campaign the previous year, she speaks of peace again this evening.AER-28470
Audio CD
11 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/04/09FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about women and leadership at the Biltmore Hotel, in New York City. She wishes Girl Scouts across the country a happy 25th anniversary.AER-28480
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/06/02FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks with a junior from George Washington University. The topic is peace.AER-28490
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/06/09FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about formal and informal entertaining in the White House.AER-28500
Audio CD
16 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/08/20FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt is introduced by her son to the Young Democratic Clubs of America, in Indiana.AER-28510
Audio CD
3 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/09/25FDR Presidential LibraryMr. and Mrs. Roosevelt are at Yellow Stone National Park, the day before it closes for the rest of the winter.AER-28520
Audio CD
30 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1937/12/16FDR Presidential LibraryWomen in Office. Washington, DCAER-28530
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1945/03/27FDR Presidential LibraryCarnegie Hall in New York City. New York Association for the Blind.AER-28540
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1938FDR Presidential LibraryCopyright 1937 by Anna Roosevelt. Foundation for the blind.AER-28550
Audio CD
13 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1939/10/13FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks to over 250,000 Camp Fire Girls, on the challenge of the future.AER-28560
Audio CD
7 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1940/02/10FDR Presidential LibraryEleanor Roosevelt discusses music appreciation.AER-28570
Audio CD
13 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1939/10/24FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt on the American Ideal. Education, health, medical care.AER-28580
Audio CD
28 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1940/09/27FDR Presidential Library Mrs. Roosevelt and friends discuss Democratic Women's Day.AER-28590
Audio CD
6 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1940/07/18FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelts speaks at the convention prior to the nomination for the vice president.AER-28600
Audio CD
11 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1940/06/26FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about women and national defence.AER-28610
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/09/28FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about current events.AER-28620
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/10/05FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt and the increase cost of living.AER-28630
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/10/05FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about current events.AER-28640
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/10/19FDR Presidential LibraryMoving Picture Industry under investigation. Freedom of speech.AER-28650
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/10/26FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about the Germans, ships, Commanders, the reports that are making it back to the States. Speaks of other events.AER-28660
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/11/02FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt and guest speak of social services.AER-28670
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/11/09FDR Presidential LibraryNational Defence Week, Armitice Day. Mrs. Roosevelt discusses these topics.AER-28680
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/11/16FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt has just traveled to Ohio and Michigan.AER-28690
Audio CD
16 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/11/23FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt and guest speak about peace and war in the Pacific.AER-28700
Audio CD
12 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt 1939/10/23FDR Presidential LibraryConvention Hall, Philadelphia Pa. Girls Scouts celebrate their 25th National Convention.AER-28710
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/11/30FDR Presidential LibraryGuest, Nelson Rockefeller discusses Hemispher Defence with Mrs. Roosevelt.AER-28720
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/12/07FDR Presidential LibraryGuest, Corporal James Cannon at Fort Dixx. Mrs. Roosevelt speaks of Hawaii, and Pearl Harbor being bombed this morning.AER-28730
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/12/14FDR Presidential LibrarySeattle, Washington. National Wartime Civil Defence. Mrs. Roosevelt has many important facts after the first week of civil defence. AER-28740
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/12/21FDR Presidential LibraryThird week of armed conflict. Japan, Germany.AER-28750
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/12/28FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks of Winston Churchall, the Prime Minister of Great Britain.AER-28760
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/01/04FDR Presidential LibraryFamily and Home Defence. Mrs. Roosevelt speaks with a mother of three. American children and war.AER-28770
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/01/11FDR Presidential LibraryNational Moral. Latin America and Canada. If we understand our own people, then we might be able to understand our neighbors.AER-28780
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/01/18FDR Presidential LibrarySecretary of Agriculture, will discuss war and the family food supply.AER-28790
Audio CD
4 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/01/19FDR Presidential LibraryThe Fight for Infant Paralysis Campaign.AER-28800
Audio CD
29 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/09/25FDR Presidential LibraryYoung America, 4000 students in parade to inaugurate schools at war.AER-28810
Audio CD
27 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/12/17FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks at the cantine in Washington, DC. Various performers, singers, comedians take the stage.AER-28820
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1944/04/14FDR Presidential LibraryChamber of Commerce, Washington, DC Mrs. Roosevelt speaks of her travels to our military bases in the Caribbean.AER-28830
Audio CD
20 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1944/04/20FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks how we have not had to go thru what so many others have in war.AER-28840
Audio CD
6 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1944/04/22FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks of our Navy Boys and how well they behaved while they were in Rio.AER-28850
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1944/06/06FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt and guest speak to each other in Spanish. Whole recording in Spanish.AER-28860
Audio CD
9 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1945/04/04FDR Presidential LibraryFunds for American Red Cross Drive. Mrs. Roosevelt and volunteers talk and explain what exactly the American Red Cross means.AER-28870
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/01/25FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about being able to fly to Fort Worth, Texas and visit her new grand child. She also speaks about Community voluntarism, the effort to win the war.AER-28880
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/02/15FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks from New York on registration of men over 45 years of age for service. She also speaks about women being able to register for service.AER-28890
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/02/08FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about the war from Washington DC. The impact of the war on the youths of today.AER-28900
Audio CD
13 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/03/08FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks about Farm Security, and our National Defense.AER-28920
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/03/15FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt speaks from New York. She talks about new production and speed for that product. People are preparing in Red Cross. The public is aware of this need to be prepared during this war.AER-28930
Audio CD
14 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1942/02/22FDR Presidential LibraryMrs. Roosevelt's guest is Dr. Rowe Director General of the Pan American UnionAER-28940
Audio CD
15 min
Radio Broadcast with Eleanor Roosevelt1941/10/12FDR Presidential LibraryIssues for debate in Congress and the Right to Vote.AER-28950
Video Cassette
14 min
First Ladies: Political Role Public Image1997/03/18Roland House and Smithsonian Productions.Many First Ladies highlighted- Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon, Jackie Kennedy. Features information on ERA, Just Say No, Cancer, Health Care, and Mental Health. Smithsonian has no more copies of this tape. 3 tapes.ZZZ-10180
Video Cassette
12 min
An Evening with EleanorUnknownProduced by Mike and Rosina ReynoldsA one-woman play by Lawrence WaddyAER-28970
Video Cassette
16 min
The First Lady1997/04/29Worleybird Productions, Inc., Timeless VisionSecond version. Showcases the First Ladies and their causes- Barbara Bush and education, Jacqueline Kennedy and foreign languages, Betty Ford and breast cancer and drug and alcohol abuse, Nancy Reagan and Just Say No, Ida McKinley and her exceptional education, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and healthcare. Also discusses Eleanor Roosevelt's many accomplishments. 4 tapes.ZZZ- 10220
Video Cassette
43 min
Remember the Ladies- Segment 51993/10/31CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and Connie ChungHost Maureen Bunyan talks about Eleanor Roosevelt- Franklin's affair, women's rights, life after Franklin's death, public wanting her to run for the Senate in the 1950's. President Kennedy's appointment of her to Chair of Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. President and Mrs. Kennedy attending Eleanor's funeral November 1962. The evolving role of women in politics.AER- 28990
Video Cassette
60 min
First Ladies, The Unelected and Unsung Heroes1989MPI Home Video, ABC News, A Messecar ProductionHighlights different ways in which the nation's First Ladies have made their mark on American society.ZZZ-10250
Video Cassette
50 min
First Ladies2001The 20th Century with Mike WallaceProgram detailing the contributions of 20th century First Ladies. 2 copies.ZZZ-10170
Video Cassette
120 min
History of the Study of First Ladies1994George Washington UniversityContains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman.ZZZ-10300
Video Cassette
210 min
First LadiesUnknownHome made tapeSmithsonian program on the lives and achievements of First Ladies, followed by Carl Anthony interviewing Rosalynn Carter and Nancy Reagan.ZZZ-10260
Video Cassette
59 min
First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 19891989Smithsonian InstituteNancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia.ZZZ-10285
Eleanor An American Love Story1999ValKill ProductionsFull length musical.AER-28960
23 min
Caring Hearts: Health of a Nation Exhibit--Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitUnknownNational First Ladies Library Post ProductionsExhibit Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitNFLL-30220
11 min
Girl Scouts of AmericaUnknownNational First Ladies LibraryFirst Ladies Roosevelt & Hoover. 
Audio CD
51 min
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Speaks1957/07/14UnknownMrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is intervied from her home in Hyde Park, NY. She speaks of her time visiting the Women's House of Detention among other topics.AER-28980
2 min
First Ladies Visit Girl Scouts1934/04/28University of South CarolinaMedium shot and closeup Mrs. (Eleanor) Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Mrs. (Edith Bolling Galt) Woodrow Wilson inaugurating "Better Homes Week". Mrs. Roosevelt speaking on better homes through handicraft work done by scouts. Examining work done by girls. Scouts standing, applauding. Washington, D.C. In black and white, with sound. VHS also available. Tape # 118766 ZZZ-10040
Video Cassette
57 min
Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies2000PBSHost Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies.ZZZ-10280
90 min
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt2013C-SPANFirst Lady Eleanor Roosevelt during her time in the White House.AER-28990
9 min
The Roosevelt CottageUnknown A video tour of the Roosevelt CottageAER29000
Eleanor Roosevelt An Opera by Persis Parshall VeharUnknown A 2 act Opera Based on the Book & Play by Rhoda Lerman - premiere Sat., March 26, 2011 - Syracuse, New YorkAER29020
27 min
ROOSEVELT Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Historic SitesUnknown  AER29010