Media | Title | Date | Source | Notes | LocID |
53 min
| Ceremony Honoring Lady Bird Johnson | 1988/04/28 | C-SPAN | | LBJ-10010 |
35 min
| Reminiscences of a Democratic Volunteer | 1990/04/10 | C-SPAN | Woman's National Democratic Club, Lady Bird Johnson reflects on her life as a Democrat on the 25th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson inauguration. | LBJ-10020 |
Audio CD
25 min
| Dedication Ceremonies of LBJ Boyhood Home | Unknown | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Johnson City, Texas | LBJ-10030 |
Audio CD
9 min
| First Lady's Remarks in Rock Creek Park | Unknown | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Washington D.C. | LBJ-10040 |
Audio CD
33 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a Convocation Honoring the First Lady | 1964/03/31 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas | LBJ-10050 |
Audio CD
20 min
| Presentation of a honorary degree to the First Lady | 1964/03/31 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas | LBJ-10060 |
Audio CD
58 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Emory University | 1964/05/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Atlanta, Georgia | LBJ-10070 |
Audio CD
8 min
| First Lady's Remarks in Atlanta, Georgia | 1964/05/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Science Award Presentation, Ground breaking address | LBJ-10080 |
Audio CD
27 min
| First Lady's Remarks to the Kentucky Federation of Women | 1964/05/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Lexington, Kentucky | LBJ-10090 |
Audio CD
9 min
| First Lady's Remarks in an interview with Miss Helen Hall | 1964/10/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | WCBS Radio Station, New York, N.Y. | LBJ-10100 |
Audio CD
13 min
| First Lady's Remarks in a "Remark America Beautiful" award Program | 1964/10/07 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, N.Y. | LBJ-10110 |
Audio CD
71 min
| "Project Head Start" with the First Lady | 1966/02/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | White House | LBJ-10120 |
Audio CD
84 min
| First Lady's Remarks in Denver Colorado | 1966/02/24 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10130 |
Audio CD
11 min
| First Lady on behalf of Beautification of America | 1966/06/01 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Radio announcements | LBJ-10140 |
Audio CD
23 min
| Youth Conference on Natural Beauty | 1966/02/27 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | President's and First Lady's Remarks | LBJ-10150 |
Audio CD
14 min
| First Lady's Remarks in introduction to "Lost Colony | 1966/04/07 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10160 |
Audio CD
28 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the Voices of Ireland Recitation | 1964/05/27 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10170 |
Audio CD
28 min
| First Lady's Remarks to the National Convention of the American Home Economics Association | 1964/06/24 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Ford Auditorium, Detroit, Michigan | LBJ-10180 |
Audio CD
9 min
| First Lady's Remarks at launching of a Food for Peace mobile demonstration wagon | 1964/07/14 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The Ellipse, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10190 |
Audio CD
11 min
| First Lady's Remarks in Texarkana | 1964/09/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Part One of Two Part Event | LBJ-10200 |
Audio CD
36 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Texarkana | 1964/09/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Part Two of Two Part Event | LBJ-10210 |
Audio CD
11 min
| First Lady's Call on Phone Vision | 1965/01/07 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | First picture-phone call. First Lady speaks to Dr. Elizabeth Woods of Bell Labs. | LBJ-10220 |
Audio CD
41 min
| First Lady's Remarks on a trip up the Potomac River | 1965/01/07 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10230 |
Audio CD
23 min
| First Lady's Remarks in the White House Family Theater | 1965/02/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10240 |
Audio CD
31 min
| The First Lady's Remarks regarding the War on Poverty | 1965/02/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Tape One of Three | LBJ-10250 |
Audio CD
2 min
| The First Lady's Remarks regarding the War on Poverty | 1965/02/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Tape Two of Three | LBJ-10260 |
Audio CD
28 min
| The First Lady's Remarks regarding the War on Poverty | 1965/02/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Third tape of Three | LBJ-10270 |
Audio CD
28 min
| The First Lady's Remarks at Greenleaf Gardens Public Housing | 1965/03/09 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | 1016 Third Street S.W. Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10280 |
Audio CD
14 min
| The First Lady's Interview for Mutual Radio | 1965/03/12 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10290 |
Audio CD
9 min
| The First Lady at the Dedication of the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden | 1965/04/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Lady Bird and guests remarks at the White House | LBJ-10300 |
Audio CD
49 min
| The First Lady's and guests remarks aboard the USS Sequoia | 1965/05/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10310 |
Audio CD
49 min
| The First Lady's and guests remarks aboard the USS Sequoia | 1965/05/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Washington, D.C. Tape begins in the middle of the speaker. | LBJ-10320 |
Audio CD
13 min
| The First Lady's and guests remarks aboard the USS Sequoia | 1965/05/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10330 |
Audio CD
2 min
| The First Lady's remarks to a group of Maryland Home Demonstrators | 1965/06/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10340 |
Audio CD
22 min
| The First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of Project Head Start | 1965/06/30 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10350 |
Audio CD
18 min
| The First Lady's remarks to a group of Postmasters who launched beautification programs | 1965/08/03 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, The White House | LBJ-10360 |
Audio CD
18 min
| The First Lady's remarks at Princeton, N.J. | 1965/08/12 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Princeton, N.J. | LBJ-10370 |
Audio CD
27 min
| The First Lady's remarks at a tea | 1965/08/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Thanking ladies for their work on the boyhood home of LBJ. LBJ Ranch, Texas | LBJ-10380 |
Audio CD
26 min
| The First Lady's remarks at the Smithsonian Bicentennial Conference | 1965/09/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | South Lawn | LBJ-10390 |
Audio CD
4 min
| The First Lady's remarks to a group of wives of the Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel Officials | 1966/01/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10400 |
Audio CD
31 min
| The First Lady's remarks at a University of Texas Dinner | 1966/01/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10410 |
Audio CD
28 min
| The First Lady's remarks at a University of Texas Dinner | 1966/01/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10420 |
Audio CD
19 min
| The First Lady's remarks at a University of Texas Dinner | 1966/01/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10430 |
Audio CD
3 min
| The First Lady's Introduction of Stan Getz | 1966/10/29 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | At Sara Saharthai Hall, In The Old Palace, Bangkok, Thailand | LBJ-10440 |
Audio CD
23 min
| The First Lady's remarks at Presentation of Beautification Award to Highway Department Officials | 1967/02/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10450 |
Audio CD
9 min
| The First Lady's remarks in a Heart Fund Distinguished Heart Service Award Program | 1967/02/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The White House Family Theatre | LBJ-10460 |
Audio CD
4 min
| The First Lady's remarks in a Presentation of Mexican Playground Equipment for the Nation's Capitol | 1967/03/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Hains Point, E Potomac Park, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10470 |
Audio CD
45 min
| The First Lady's introductory remarks in a program with past White House Residents | 1967/03/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Queens Room of the White House, Tape One | LBJ-10480 |
Audio CD
34 min
| The First Lady's introductory remarks in a program with other prominate Ladies | 1967/03/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Queens Room of the White House, Tape Two | LBJ-10490 |
Audio CD
27 min
| The First Lady's remarks in Adventures In Education" | 1967/03/13 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Kickoff Ceremony, East Room | LBJ-10500 |
Audio CD
23 min
| The First Lady's Remarks at Dedication of the Hunter Library Wing | 1967/03/14 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, N.C. | LBJ-10510 |
Audio CD
9 min
| The First Lady's Remarks at Unveiling of the Andrew Jackson Stamp | 1967/03/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee | LBJ-10520 |
Audio CD
7 min
| The First Lady's Remarks in Dedication of Columbia State Community College | 1967/03/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Columbia, Tennessee | LBJ-10530 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Ladies Remarks at Reception for Southern Educators | 1967/03/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Governor's Mansion, Nashville, Tenn. | LBJ-10540 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a Presentation of the Anti-Litter Poster | 1967/05/03 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Jacqueline Kennedy Garden of The White House | LBJ-10550 |
Audio CD
1 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a Tea for the O.E.O. Conference | 1967/05/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10560 |
Audio CD
48 min
| First Lady's Remarks during a meeting with the Women Speaker's Bureau | 1967/05/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Blue Room, Part One | LBJ-10570 |
Audio CD
34 min
| First Lady's Remarks during a meeting with the Women Speaker's Bureau | 1967/05/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Blue Room, Part Two | LBJ-10580 |
Audio CD
8 min
| First Lady's Remarks during at the Presentation of an award from the Multiple Sclerosis Society | 1967/05/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Jacqueline Kennedy Garden of the White House | LBJ-10590 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Lady's Remarks during at a Student's Concert | 1967/05/24 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | South Lawn | LBJ-10600 |
Audio CD
18 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Wm. Syphax School Playground Dedication | 1967/05/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Syphax School, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-10610 |
Audio CD
25 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a Beautification Program | 1967/06/06 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Jacqueline Kennedy Garden | LBJ-10620 |
Audio CD
4 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Strawberry Banke | 1967/06/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Portsmouth, N.H. | LBJ-10630 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Lady's Remarks at arrival at Woodstock, Vermont | 1967/06/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Town Hall of Woodstock, Vermont | LBJ-10640 |
Audio CD
7 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the Calvin Coolidge Home | 1967/06/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Plymouth, Vermont | LBJ-10650 |
Audio CD
11 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Ceremony Honoring George Perkins Marsh | 1967/06/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The Laurence Rockefeller Home, Woodstock, Vermont | LBJ-10660 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's Remarks upon receiving an Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree | 1967/06/12 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Middleburg College, Middleburg, Vermont | LBJ-10670 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's Remarks to the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation | 1967/06/20 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-10680 |
Audio CD
29 min
| First Lady's Remarks used in Recorded Guided Tours at the Birthplace and Boyhood Home of President Lyndon Baines Johnson | 1967/01/09 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Recorded by D.W. Grow at the LBJ Ranch | LBJ-10690 |
Audio CD
5 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Dedication of Texas Historical Marker | 1967/08/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Robertson Mansion, Salado, Texas | LBJ-10700 |
Audio CD
48 min
| First Lady's Remarks at Library Dedication Program | 1967/08/26 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Kerrville, Texas | LBJ-10710 |
Audio CD
5 min
| First Lady's Remarks upon receiving a Citation from Women's Federation of Clubs | 1967/09/14 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | State Dining Room | LBJ-10720 |
Audio CD
8 min
| First Lady's Remarks at showing of Beautification Film, "Were On Our Way" | 1967/09/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10730 |
Audio CD
14 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the Dedication of an escalator facility | 1967/09/20 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Montevideo, Minnesota | LBJ-10740 |
Audio CD
21 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the Dedication of a fountain designed by Larry Halprin | 1967/09/20 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Nicolet Mall. Minneapolis, Minnesota | LBJ-10750 |
Audio CD
7 min
| First Lady's Remarks in a program at Mark Twain's boyhood home | 1967/09/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Hannibal, Missouri | LBJ-10760 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a welcoming ceremony upon her arrival in Quincy Illinois | 1967/09/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Municipal Airport | LBJ-10770 |
Audio CD
19 min
| First Lady's Remarks in a toast during an after dinner program | 1967/08/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Columbus, Indiana | LBJ-10780 |
Audio CD
20 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a Dedication of Lincoln School | 1967/09/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Columbus, Indiana | LBJ-10790 |
Audio CD
41 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the Dedication of the Sylvania Recreation Area | 1967/09/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Ottawa National Forest, Ironwood, Michigan | LBJ-10800 |
Audio CD
15 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a food exposition | 1967/09/23 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Dane County Coliseum, Madison, Wisconson | LBJ-10810 |
Audio CD
27 min
| First Lady's trip to Appalachia - "Adventures in Learning" | 1967/03/14 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | 03/14-15/1967 | LBJ-10820 |
Audio CD
17 min
| First Lady's Remarks upon the Convocation at Chapin Hall | 1967/10/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts | LBJ-10830 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's Remarks to the Washington Art Society | 1967/11/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10840 |
Audio CD
7 min
| First Lady's Remarks upon receiving a Christmas Creche Nativity Scene for the White House | 1967/12/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-10850 |
Audio CD
35 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a meeting of Latin American Educators Graduating Class | 1967/12/18 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-10860 |
Audio CD
73 min
| First Lady's Remarks at the "Women Doers" Luncheon | 1968/12/19 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | First Floor Family Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-10870 |
Audio CD
23 min
| First Lady's Remarks at a filming for the Today Show | 1968/01/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | "The First Lady's Guided Tour of The White House" | LBJ-10880 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Lady's taped message by Mrs. Johnson to the St. Louis Mayors Conference on Urban Beautification | 1968/02/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10890 |
Audio CD
9 min
| First Lady's remarks at a ceremony awarding the "Heart Volunteer of the Year" Medal | 1968/02/21 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The Family Theater of The White House | LBJ-10900 |
Audio CD
21 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Children's Hospital, Washington, D.C. | 1968/02/27 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10910 |
Audio CD
31 min
| First Lady's remarks introducing a style show at a luncheon for a group of Governor's Wives | 1968/02/29 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-10920 |
Audio CD
66 min
| First Lady's remarks at a luncheon for Women Doers | 1968/04/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Blue Room of the White House | LBJ-10930 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's remarks upon arriving at Hemisfair | 1968/04/05 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10940 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's remarks upon opening Hemisfair | 1968/04/06 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-10950 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's remarks upon opening the U.S. Pavilion at Hemisfair | 1968/04/06 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | San Antonio, Texas | LBJ-10960 |
Audio CD
55 min
| First Lady's remarks at Dedication of Padre Island National Seashore | 1968/04/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Corpus Christi, Texas | LBJ-10970 |
Audio CD
24 min
| First Lady's remarks at Dedication of Presidio La Bahia as a National Historical Landmark | 1968/04/09 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Goliad, Texas | LBJ-10980 |
Audio CD
30 min
| First Lady's remarks on Trails of Texas Stop | 1968/04/09 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Courthouse Square, Gonzales, Texas | LBJ-10990 |
Audio CD
1 min
| First Lady's remarks in a "Head Start" filmed message | 1968/04/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11000 |
Audio CD
25 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Beautification Luncheon | 1968/04/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-11010 |
Audio CD
18 min
| First Lady's remarks at the unveiling of Bess Truman Portrait | 1968/04/18 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room | LBJ-11020 |
Audio CD
39 min
| First Lady's remarks at a tree planting ceremony | 1968/04/18 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | North Lawn | LBJ-11030 |
Audio CD
66 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Women Doers Luncheon | 1968/05/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Family Dining Room | LBJ-11040 |
Audio CD
24 min
| First Lady's remarks filmed for tours of the White House | 1968/05/01 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11050 |
Audio CD
1 min
| First Lady's remarks at a reception for White House Fellows | 1968/05/06 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11060 |
Audio CD
47 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of Buchanan Plaza Buchanan School | 1968/05/07 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | 13th & E Streets, South East, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-11070 |
Audio CD
7 min
| First Lady's remarks upon the presentation of the new White House China | 1968/05/09 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room of the White House | LBJ-11080 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's remarks to the "Women's Advisory Council on Poverty" | 1968/05/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11090 |
Audio CD
31 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of Kiwanis Park | 1968/05/16 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Stamford, Connecticut | LBJ-11100 |
Audio CD
20 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Opening of the Interim Exhibits of the American Museum of Immigration | 1968/05/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the Statue of Liberty, New York City, New York | LBJ-11110 |
Audio CD
25 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of the State Park, from aboard the Circle Line Ship #11 on the Hudson River | 1968/05/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | New York City, New York | LBJ-11120 |
Audio CD
32 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of the James K. Polk Home | 1968/05/20 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Polk Park, Pineville, North Carolina | LBJ-11130 |
Audio CD
34 min
| First Lady's remarks at a ground breaking ceremony for the Felene Center | 1968/05/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Vienna, Virginia | LBJ-11140 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Luncheon for Senate Wives | 1968/05/23 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11150 |
Audio CD
25 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of a Pheonix Post Office | 1968/05/28 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Pheonix, Arizona | LBJ-11160 |
Audio CD
59 min
| First Lady's remarks at a dinner held in her honor. | 1968/05/28 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the Thunderbird Room of the Westward Ho Motel, Pheonix, Arizona | LBJ-11170 |
Audio CD
20 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Beautification Awards Ceremony | 1968/06/01 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | East Room of the White House | LBJ-11180 |
Audio CD
30 min
| First Lady's remarks to American Institute of Architects | 1968/06/26 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | The B.Y. Morrison Memorial Lecture, Portland, Oregon | LBJ-11190 |
Audio CD
4 min
| First Lady's remarks for a Texas trip film | 1968/07/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the second floor of the white House | LBJ-11200 |
Audio CD
12 min
| First Lady's remarks to The Youth Power Group | 1968/07/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11210 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's remarks for tour of the Lyndon B. Johnson birthplace and boyhood home | 1968/09/10 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11220 |
Audio CD
6 min
| First Lady's remarks for tour of the Lyndon B. Johnson birthplace and boyhood home | 1968/09/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11230 |
Audio CD
8 min
| First Lady's remarks for tour of the Lyndon B. Johnson birthplace and boyhood home | 1968/09/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11240 |
Audio CD
36 min
| The President and The First Lady's remarks at a buffet dinner | 1968/09/13 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | White House South Lawn | LBJ-11250 |
Audio CD
29 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of Hobart Place Parks | 1968/10/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11260 |
Audio CD
27 min
| First Lady's remarks to the first meeting of "Reading is Fundamental" | 1968/10/08 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | National Advisory Board. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-11270 |
Audio CD
3 min
| First Lady's remarks in a telephone conversation between the First Lady and Liz Carpenter | 1968/10/11 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Thompson's Boat Yard, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-11280 |
Audio CD
40 min
| First Lady's remarks at Historical Restoration Luncheon | 1968/10/15 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Family Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11290 |
Audio CD
28 min
| First Lady's remarks at the Dedication of the Extensive plantings on Columbia Island | 1968/11/12 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11300 |
Audio CD
34 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Luncheon for Conservation Leaders | 1968/11/13 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Family Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11310 |
Audio CD
10 min
| First Lady's remarks at a Dedication of Landscaping outside "The President's Building" | 1968/11/18 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | 12th & Pennsylvania, S.E., Washington, D.C. | LBJ-11320 |
Audio CD
9 min
| First Lady's remarks for inserting on a tape | 1968/11/18 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | From the Lincoln Sitting Room | LBJ-11330 |
Audio CD
30 min
| First Lady's remarks at the US District Court for D.C. Naturalization Ceremony for 55 new American Citizen's | 1968/11/22 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11340 |
Audio CD
35 min
| First Lady's remarks at a N.A.S.A. Awards Ceremony | 1968/11/23 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Vehicle Assembly Building, Kennedy Space Center | LBJ-11350 |
Audio CD
36 min
| First Lady's remarks upon Dedicating the Redwood National Forest | 1968/11/25 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Baldhill, California | LBJ-11360 |
Audio CD
37 min
| First Lady's remarks at Presentation of Elenor Roosevelt Golden Candlestick Award | 1968/12/02 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Presidential Ballroom, Statler Hilton | LBJ-11370 |
Audio CD
4 min
| First Lady's remarks at Presentation for White House Photographers | 1968/12/04 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | State Dining Room of the White House | LBJ-11380 |
Audio CD
8 min
| First Lady remarks at Dedication Ceremony for a Jet Fountain at the Tip of Hains Point | 1968/12/17 | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | Hains Point, Washington, D.C. | LBJ-11390 |
Audio CD
13 min
| First Lady remarks on the First Day Issue of Four Beautification Postage Stamps | Unknown | Lyndon Baines Johnson Library | | LBJ-11400 |
Video Cassette
23 min
| "The Poverty Tours" | 1964 | US Naval Photographic Center | President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson visit Appalachia | LBJ-11410 |
Video Cassette
36 min
| Trail Through Texas | 1966 | US Naval Photographic Center | Lady Bird Johnson's tour of Texas. April - May 1966 | LBJ-11420 |
Video Cassette
21 min
| "Faces of the West" | 1966/09/20 | US Naval Photographic Center | 9/20/1966 - 9/23/1966 | LBJ-11430 |
Video Cassette
10 min
| The Trip of the First Lady | 1967/07/07 | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson's one day tour of Central Texas. | LBJ-11440 |
Video Cassette
16 min
| New England: Now and Then | 1967/06/09 | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson's visit to New England. 6/9-6/12 | LBJ-11450 |
Video Cassette
21 min
| "Crossroads: USA" | 1967/09/20 | US Naval Photographic Center | June 20-23, 1967 | LBJ-11460 |
Audio CD
34 min
| Crossing the Trails of Texas | 1968/04 | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson tours the rural southwest. | LBJ-11470 |
Video Cassette
17 min
| Homeplace | 1968 | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson conducts a tour of the Presidential residence at the LBJ Ranch, June of 1968 | LBJ-11480 |
Video Cassette
26 min
| The Hudson | Unknown | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson's trip up the Hudson River from New York City. 5/17-5/18/1968 | LBJ-11490 |
Video Cassette
23 min
| "Showcase for the Nation" | 1965 | US Naval Photographic Center | Summary of Lady Bird Johnson's beautification efforts in Washington, DC Between 1965-1968 | LBJ-11500 |
Video Cassette
34 min
| "This is our Country" | 1968 | US Naval Photographic Center | Meets with school children, New Orleans, Mr. C. Heston helps Mrs. Johnson open the theater season. Nasa, Denver, Colorado. Redwoods of California. Four days on the road. | LBJ-11510 |
Video Cassette
27 min
| The President's House | Unknown | US Naval Photographic Center | Mrs. Johnson on a tour of the President's house. | LBJ-11520 |
86 min
| Tribute to America's First Ladies | 1994/05/11 | C-SPAN | Six of seven living First Ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend due to her battle with cancer. | ZZZ-10020 |
44 min
| Lady Bird Johnson 90th Birthday Tribute | 2002/12/11 | C-SPAN | The former first lady turned 90 on December 22, 2002. Earlier in the month, the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas paid tribute with an event featuring her 3 grandchildren, Catherine Robb, Lyndon Nugent and Nicole Nugent Convert read selected portions of the Lady Bird's diaries, describing her childhood, meeting and marrying Lyndon B. Johnson, their life in Politics and in the White House. Mr. Fly sang to Mrs. Johnson and led singing as a birthday cake was presented to her. | LBJ-11530 |
28 min
| Tribute to Lady Bird Johnson | 1995/06/07 | C-SPAN | Friends and family members paid tribute to former first lady, Lady Bird Johnson. She also received this year's National Building Museum award for contributing to the nation's building heritage. | LBJ-11540 |
86 min
| Tribute to America's First Ladies | 1994/05/11 | C-SPAN | Six of the seven living first ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens. The gardens will be a living tribute to the accomplishments of the nation's first ladies. The event was hosted by Mr. Griffin and Ms. George, and Rep. Michel sang the National Anthem. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend the event due to her ongoing battle with cancer. The former first lady died eight days later. Following the address by the first lady and the president, Johnny Mathis entertained the audience with several songs. | ZZZ-10110 |
74 min
| Bush Presidential Library Dedication | 1997/11/06 | C-SPAN | President and Mrs. Bush, President and Mrs. Clinton and former presidents and first ladies gathered to celebrate the opening of the Bush Presidential Library. President Bush praised the former presidents and thanked them for coming to the dedication. | ZZZ-10130 |
3 min
| Head Start a Public Service Announcement | 1965 | LBJ Presidential Library | Lady Bird and others promote in television spots about being a Head Start volunteer in their communities. From the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, DC | LBJ-28880 |
Video Cassette
5 min
| Lady Bird Johnson Excerpt from Smithsonian video program, First Ladies | 1964 | | Lady Bird makes remarks later in life about her trip through the South, "The Lady Bird Special," the environment, and her relationship with her husband. | LBJ- 28890 |
Video Cassette
14 min
| First Ladies: Political Role Public Image | 1997/03/18 | Roland House and Smithsonian Productions. | Many First Ladies highlighted- Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon, Jackie Kennedy. Features information on ERA, Just Say No, Cancer, Health Care, and Mental Health. Smithsonian has no more copies of this tape. 3 tapes. | ZZZ-10180 |
Video Cassette
57 min
| "Lady Bird" | 2001/08/14 | MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, PBS | Activist, Social reformer, her life from child to marriage to political wife, buying the ranch, with the Kennedys in Hyannis to Kennedy's assassination. Beginning of LBJ Presidency and her role with the President. Civil Rights, Lady Bird Special, Beautification. A clip from her Barbara Walters interview after LBJ's death, and her later years. | LBJ- 28900 |
Video Cassette
25 min
| First Ladies and Washington, D.C. | 1996 | C-SPAN Sunday Journal | Carl Anthony speaks about Nellie Taft and how the cherry trees came to be in Washington, D.C. He also mentions Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, and others who worked to beautify Washington. | ZZZ- 10240 |
Video Cassette
60 min
| First Ladies, The Unelected and Unsung Heroes | 1989 | MPI Home Video, ABC News, A Messecar Production | Highlights different ways in which the nation's First Ladies have made their mark on American society. | ZZZ-10250 |
Video Cassette
50 min
| First Ladies | 2001 | The 20th Century with Mike Wallace | Program detailing the contributions of 20th century First Ladies. 2 copies. | ZZZ-10170 |
Video Cassette
120 min
| History of the Study of First Ladies | 1994 | George Washington University | Contains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman. | ZZZ-10300 |
Video Cassette
210 min
| First Ladies | Unknown | Home made tape | Smithsonian program on the lives and achievements of First Ladies, followed by Carl Anthony interviewing Rosalynn Carter and Nancy Reagan. | ZZZ-10260 |
Video Cassette
59 min
| First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 1989 | 1989 | Smithsonian Institute | Nancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia. | ZZZ-10285 |
65 min
| The Golden Chalice | 1966/08/06 | The LBJ Library | The Luci Johnson - Pat Johnson wedding. | LBJ-28900 |
Video Cassette
57 min
| Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies | 2000 | PBS | Host Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies. | ZZZ-10280 |
90 min
| First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson | 2013 | C-SPAN | Lady Bird Johnson's biography during her time in the White House.
| LBJ-28910 |
| The Golden Chalice/Luci Johnson Wedding | Unknown | LBJ-30920 | Luci Johnson Wedding | LBJ-38920 |
Audio Cassette
360 min
| Lady Bird - | Unknown | PBS | A comprehensive Biography of Mrs. Johnson on 4Cassette Tapes | LBJ38930 |