Audio/Visual Items for: Carter, Rosalynn

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Audio CD
3 min
Remarks to the PTA1977/03/08Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10010
Audio CD
83 min
Discussion on Aging1977/05/10Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10020
Audio CD
64 min
Discussion on Aging1977/05/10Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10030
Audio CD
2 min
Little Generals Cloggers1977/05/12Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10040
Audio CD
1 min
Entertainment for the Elderly1977/05/10Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10050
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter at Luncheon in Honor of Congressional Wives1977/05/16Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10060
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter to Former Members of Congressional Auxilary1977/05/19Jimmy Carter LibraryRose GardenRSC-10070
Audio CD
54 min
Briefing on First Lady's Upcoming Trip to Latin America1977/05/24Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10080
Audio CD
14 min
Today Show with Judy Woodruff1977/06/14Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10090
Audio CD
57 min
Discusses Her Trip to South America and Latin America, Family Theater1977/07/06Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10100
Audio CD
3 min
Youth Orchestra Day1977/08/02Jimmy Carter LibrarySouth GroundsRSC-10110
Audio CD
3 min
Presentation of New Edition of Book "White House History Guide1977/08/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10120
Audio CD
4 min
Meeting of the Friendship Force1977/09/08Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10130
Audio CD
20 min
Award Ceremony for American Association of Nurserymen1977/01/05Jimmy Carter LibraryEast GardenRSC-10140
Audio CD
2 min
Video taping of "La Primera Dama" 1977/01/16Jimmy Carter LibraryMap RoomRSC-10150
Audio CD
25 min
Presentation of Christmas Tree Decorations to Press1977/02/13Jimmy Carter LibraryBlue RoomRSC-10160
Audio CD
4 min
Christmas Reception for Diplomatic Children1977/02/14Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10170
Audio CD
30 min
Christmas Reception for White House Police and Families1977/02/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10180
Audio CD
15 min
Christmas Reception for Volunteers1977/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10190
Audio CD
18 min
Reception for National Council of Jewish Women, East Room1978/01/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10200
Audio CD
12 min
Reception for the White House Conference, Balance, Growth, and Development1977/01/31Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10210
Audio CD
67 min
Rosalynn Carter at a Meeting Concerning ERA Strategy1978/02/15Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10220
Audio CD
31 min
Rosalynn Carter remarks Concerning the White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals1978/03/02Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10230
Audio CD
1 min
Reception for Busuness and Professional Womens Clubs of America1978/03/03Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10240
Audio CD
75 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during Video Tape for Corporation of Public Broadcasting 25th Anniversary1978/03/14Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10250
Audio CD
65 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks Concerning Women and Energy1978/03/16Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10260
Audio CD
12 min
Reception for the Society of American Florists1978/04/11Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10270
Audio CD
65 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks Concerning Women and Energy1978/03/16Jimmy Carter Librarypart 2, State Dining RoomRSC-10280
Audio CD
40 min
In an Interview with Neal Pierce, Mrs. Carter's Office1978/04/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10290
Audio CD
35 min
Meeting with Radio Correspondents1978/04/27Jimmy Carter LibraryRoom 202, East WingRSC-10300
Audio CD
2 min
Remarks to a Group on White House Sun Day1978/05/02Jimmy Carter LibraryPart A, Room 450 OEOBRSC-10310
Audio CD
2 min
Remarks to a Group on White House Sun Day1978/05/02Jimmy Carter LibraryPart B, Room 450, OEOBRSC-10320
Audio CD
34 min
Remarks at a Luncheon for Senate Wives1978/05/15Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10330
Audio CD
16 min
Remarks at a Receptiont to Honor Dr George Papanicolaiou / Cancer Research with Commentary1978/05/18Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10340
Audio CD
75 min
Remarks at Meeting on Neighborhood Initiatives1978/05/23Jimmy Carter LibraryIndian Treaty RoomRSC-10350
Audio CD
58 min
Remarks to Spelling Bee Winners and Guests1978/06/19Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10360
Audio CD
16 min
Remarks at Rathaus in Linz, Germany, Relating to the Student Exchange Program1978/07/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10370
Audio CD
9 min
Remarks at a Reception for American Newspaper Women's Club1978/09/12Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10380
Audio CD
80 min
Remarks at a Reception for Stock Car Auto Racing1978/09/12Jimmy Carter LibrarySouth LawnRSC-10390
Audio CD
3 min
Remarks at the Italian American Reception1978/09/15Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10400
Audio CD
5 min
Remarks to Hispanic Americans1978/09/17Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10410
Audio CD
60 min
Remarks Introducing Concert Cellist Rostropovich1978/09/17Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10420
Audio CD
45 min
Remarks at a Reception for ERA Leaders 1978/09/18Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10430
Audio CD
8 min
Remarks at Presentation / Reception for Committee for the Preservation of The White House1978/09/19Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10440
Audio CD
53 min
Entertainment for Picnic on the South Lawn.1978/09/20Jimmy Carter LibraryRosalynn's remarks not found on tape.RSC-10450
Audio CD
9 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks to the Democratic National Committee, East Room1978/09/27Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10460
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks to Girl Scouts of America, Map Room1978/10/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10470
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks at Reception for Leukemia Society, East Room1978/10/06Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10480
Audio CD
75 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks at a Meeting with Committee on Preservation of White House, State Dining Room1978/10/20Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10490
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks to ERA Supporters1978/10/20Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10500
Audio CD
5 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks in "Get Out the Vote" Campaign, Conference Room, East Wing1978/10/24Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10510
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks at a Reception for the District of Columbia Library Association1978/11/09Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10520
Audio CD
15 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks during a Phone Call with Susan Wilding1978/11/16Jimmy Carter LibraryEast WingRSC-10530
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter, Remarks for Consumer Affairs Kit1978/11/20Jimmy Carter LibraryMap RoomRSC-10540
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Taping for United Way Message1978/11/29Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10550
Audio CD
40 min
Christmas Music at Reception for Christmas Card 1978 Volunteers1978/12/13Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10560
Audio CD
26 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in an Interview with Mutual Radio Network1978/12/14Jimmy Carter LibraryEast Wing Conference RoomRSC-10570
Audio CD
50 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks During a Christmas Reception for Diplomatic Children1978/12/21Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10580
Audio CD
20 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Taped Message for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra1979/01/11Jimmy Carter LibraryFirst Lady's Conference RoomRSC-10590
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at ERA Awards Presentation1979/01/15Jimmy Carter LibraryDiplomatic RoomRSC-10600
Audio CD
38 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in an Interview on Mental Health, Atlantic Date Line1979/02/07Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10610
Audio CD
5 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for International Board of Governors of the B'nai B'rith Society1979/02/12Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10620
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for Consumer Federation of America. 1979/02/09Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining RoomRSC-10630
Audio CD
50 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a WOR Radio Interview1979/02/22Jimmy Carter LibraryFirst Lady's Conference RoomRSC-10640
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at an Editor's Briefing1979/02/23Jimmy Carter LibraryRoosevelt RoomRSC-10650
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks During an Interview with the Press1979/02/27Jimmy Carter LibraryFirst Lady's Conference RoomRSC-10660
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for Political Wives1979/03/01Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10670
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Video Tape Message for Washington Board of Trade. 1979/03/02Jimmy Carter LibraryMap RoomRSC-10680
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for National Association of Manufacturers. 1979/03/29Jimmy Carter LibraryEast RoomRSC-10690
Audio CD
35 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to Subcommittee on Health and the Environment1979/04/03Jimmy Carter LibraryState Dining Room, The White HouseRSC-10700
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Briefing for American Journal of Nursing1979/04/24Jimmy Carter LibraryFamily Theater, The White HouseRSC-10710
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Senior Citizens Day, East Room1979/04/24Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10720
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during an Editor's Meeting1979/05/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10730
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at "Patriots on Parade" Presentation1979/05/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10740
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for Senator's Wives1979/05/21Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10750
Audio CD
7 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at the Environmental Youth Awards Presentation1979/06/07Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10760
Audio CD
20 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for 25th Annual Landscape Awards1979/06/08Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10770
Audio CD
5 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Food Editors1979/06/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10780
Audio CD
6 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at the Dedication of Susan B Anthony Coin1979/06/20Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10790
Audio CD
13 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Bardstown, Kentucky1979/07/07Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10800
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Briefing on Mental Health Systems Act1979/07/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10810
Audio CD
7 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during a Reception for Women's National Democratic Club1979/07/12Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10820
Audio CD
35 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Telephone Interview with KLNG Radio in Council Bluff, Iowa1979/07/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10830
Audio CD
13 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception Unveiling of Soecial Olympics Commemorative Postage Stamp1979/07/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10840
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Briefing for Mental Health Systems Act1979/07/31Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10850
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in Host International Grand Ball Room1979/08/30Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10860
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to the National Symphony Board1979/09/25Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10870
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Radio Interview with KOMX1979/09/26Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10880
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Taped Message to the National Association of Retarded Citizens1979/10/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10890
Audio CD
11 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Presentation of the White House Guide Book1979/10/10Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10900
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during Children's Book Fair Program Reception1979/10/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10910
Audio CD
7 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for the National Council of Jewish Women1979/10/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10920
Audio CD
10 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Members of the Democratic Party 1979/11/17Jimmy Carter LibrarySt Petersborg, FloridaRSC-10930
Audio CD
25 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Fundraiser Dinner 1979/11/17Jimmy Carter LibrarySt. Petersburg, FloridaRSC-10940
Audio CD
26 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks on a Personal Announcement for Victor Palmeri to Head Cambodian Refugees1979/11/30Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10950
Audio CD
20 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to the Florida State Democratic Convention 1979/11/17Jimmy Carter LibrarySt Petersburg, FloridaRSC-10960
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter In Meeting about Cambodian Refugees1979/11/06Jimmy Carter LibraryRosalynn Carter made no commentsRSC-10970
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for Kennedy Center Performers1979/12/02Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10980
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Taping for Cambodian Refugees1979/12/10Jimmy Carter Library RSC-10990
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Volunteers1979/12/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11000
Audio CD
8 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks on a Photo Session with Senator Barnes1979/12/12Jimmy Carter LibraryFundraising for the Cambodian RefugeesRSC-11010
Audio CD
1 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to Staff Resident Christmas Party1979/12/13Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11020
Audio CD
31 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during a Christmas Reception for Diplomats Children1979/12/18Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11030
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Poet's Meeting1980/01/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11040
Audio CD
90 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks with Radio Call - Ins from Iowa1980/01/28Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11050
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for the National Cambodian Crises Committee1980/01/29Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11060
Audio CD
11 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Phone Call to WTSN1980/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryDover, New HampshireRSC-11070
Audio CD
13 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Phone Call to WHEB1980/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryPortsmouth, New HampshireRSC-11080
Audio CD
12 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Phone Call to WHMV1980/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryWhite River, Vermont RSC-11090
Audio CD
12 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Phone Call to WTSV1980/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryClaremont, New HampshireRSC-11100
Audio CD
16 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in a Phone Call to WTSV1980/02/19Jimmy Carter LibraryBerlin, New HampshireRSC-11110
Audio CD
40 min
Rosalynn Carter Taped Message to the Public Relating to the 1980 Census1980/03/07Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11120
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Accepting an Award from the Association of Retarded Citizens Campaign1980/03/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11130
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Tea for Wives of Foreign Ambassadors1980/03/11Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11140
Audio CD
65 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during Radio Call - Ins,1980/03/12Jimmy Carter LibraryWIND, Chicago, WMAQ, Chicago, WGEN, ChicagoRSC-11150
Audio CD
16 min
Rosalynn Carter Taped Message for Closed Captioning for the Hearing Impaired1980/03/12Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11160
Audio CD
30 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for the National Captioning Institute.1980/03/19Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11170
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks during Phone Calls to Wisconsin Radio Stations1980/03/31Jimmy Carter LibraryWOKY, WCWC, WFHR, WXYZRSC-11180
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in Message to American National Baptist Church1980/04/09Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11190
Audio CD
85 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in Telephone Radio Interviews1980/04/21Jimmy Carter LibraryWith Part B 1hr. 15min.RSC-11200
Audio CD
3 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for the National League of Pen Women, Inc.1980/04/22Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11210
Audio CD
17 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at a Reception for Guests of the Cambodia Relief Diner1980/04/28Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11220
Audio CD
25 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at the Senate Wives Luncheon1980/05/05Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11230
Audio CD
78 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks in Phone Interview1980/05/08Jimmy Carter LibraryWith, WBAC, WCAO, WPOC, WFBR, WFM, WCBM, WNAURSC-11240
Audio CD
50 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Senior Citizens Group1980/05/13Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11250
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Public Broadcasting Service1980/06/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11260
Audio CD
20 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Girl Scouts of America1980/06/10Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11270
Audio CD
8 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for VISTA Members1980/06/13Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11280
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at ERA Reception1980/06/18Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11290
Audio CD
11 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to Blacks in Goverment Group1980/09/03Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11300
Audio CD
7 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for General Federation of Women's Clubs1980/09/09Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11310
Audio CD
15 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for National Symphony1980/09/18Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11320
Audio CD
2 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for DNC Gala Attendees1980/09/30Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11330
Audio CD
27 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception Honoring the 15th Anniversary of NEA and NEH1980/09/30Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11340
Audio CD
60 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Youth Reception/Captain America Youth Conservation Campaign Kickoff1980/10/01Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11350
Audio CD
35 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for the Consumer Education Commerative Stamp1980/10/06Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11360
Audio CD
4 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for the National Broadcast Association Community Affairs Group1980/10/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11370
Audio CD
8 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Reception for Mental Health Workers1980/10/17Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11380
Audio CD
40 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Christmas Reception for Diplomatic Children1980/12/16Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11390
Audio CD
7 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks at Artists Portfolio Reception1981/01/05Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11400
Audio CD
25 min
Rosalynn Carter Remarks to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House1981/01/15Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11410
Rosalynn Carter Bill Signing Mental Health Commission & Press Conference 19771977/01/01Jimmy Carter Library RSC-11420
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of seven living First Ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend due to her battle with cancer.ZZZ-10020
76 min
National First Ladies' Library Opening Events1998/06/08C-SPANCelebrities, Ohio dignitaries and former first lady Roslynn Carter spoke at the opening of the new First Ladies Library, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and then at the dinner. A video of congratulatory remarks by first lady Hillary Clinton was shown.RSC-11750
50 min
A Tribute to Rosalynn Carter1997/09/25C-SPANFriends, admirers and mental health advocates paid tribute to Mrs. Carter for her years of mental health advocacy and service. In her remarks, Mrs. Carter talked about the progress of mental health in the nation and the remaining challenges for equal and humane treatment of those with mental illnesses.RSC-11430
61 min
Town Hall Meeting1989/11/06C-SPANFormer president Carter returned to Washington for a meeting and discussion with friends, cabinet members, and former White House staffers. Jody Powell, the press secretary in the Carter White House, moderated the discussion. The event was sponsored by the Carter Center and held at Georgetown University.RSC-11440
57 min
Mental Health Issues2001/12/05C-SPANMrs. Carter spoke about mental health issues and the twentieth anniversary of the Carter Center. Following her remarks she answered questions from the audience.RSC-11450
86 min
Living Values on the World Stage2002/11/19C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Carter spoke about their efforts to aid the homeless, fight mental illness and further human rights around the world. They also talked about their approach, the values they have tried to instill through their work and the goals of the Carter Center. Following their remarks they answered questions from the audience. The event took place in the kennedy Center Concert Hall.RSC-11460
58 min
East Wing : A Memoir2002/05/07C-SPANMs. Hoyt discussed her memoir, East Wing : A memoir: Politics the Press, and a First Lady, published by Xlibris. Ms. Hoyt, a former Press Secretary to first lady Rosalyn Carter, Mrs. Jane Muskie, wife of the late Edmund Muskie and Mrs. Eleanor McGovern, wife of George McGovern, related her personal and professional journey as a single parent of two sons during the early days of the women's movement. In addition, she described political events from the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention to the Iran Hostage Crisis. Former First Lady Rosalyn Carter introduced Ms. Hoyt and shared anecdotes of their times together.RSC-11470
20 min
Pro Bono Publico Award2002/08/12C-SPANOutgoing ABA president Hirshon presented the Pro Bono Publico Award to the former first lady for her work as vice chair of the Carter Center. Mrs. Carter talked about the work done by the non-profit organization.RSC-11480
69 min
Town Hall Meeting2002/09/25C-SPANFormer President and Mrs. Carter spoke about their activities on behalf of the Carter Center. Among the topics theu addressed were election monitoring, efforts to alleviate poverty, mental health, and outreach to Cuba. During a question and answer session they also talked about efforts to conbat terrorism, human rights and the detention of terrorists, and potential action against Iraq for non-compliance with United Nations resoultions.RSC-11490
98 min
An Evening with Former First Ladies1998/03/09C-SPANMs. Mitchell moderated this discussion among three former first ladies. They talked about their activities since leaving the White House, including addiction programs, mental health and literacy. They also reflected upon their experiences in the White House, both positive and negative, and how these experiences prepared them for their current activities and their readjustment to life after being in the White House.ZZZ-10080
34 min
Presidential Medal of Freedom1999/08/09C-SPANPresident Clinton awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former President and Mrs. Carter for the Camp David Accords and their work in the fields of International peace, health issues, and the environment. He said that the Carters had "done more good things for more people than any other couple on the face of the earth." The Medal is the highest U.S. civillian award.RSC-11500
8 min
35th D-Day Anniversary1978/01/06C-SPANPresident Carter spoke at the Normandy American Cemetary near the beaches of Normandy, France on the 35th anniversary of the D-Day Invasion. He praised the patriotism and deeds of those who fought and died for Europe and world freedom. The first lady stood several feet behind the president during the address.RSC-11510
54 min
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues1994/03/07C-SPANMrs. Carter amd Mrs. Ford met with reporters to promote the need for mental health and substance abuse benefits in the health care reform package that is now being debated on Capitol Hill. The Bazelon Center for Mental Health is a non-profit organization that works on behalf of individuals with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities.ZZZ-10090
35 min
Mood Disorders and Depression1999/09/15C-SPANMr. Buchwald spoke about his personal and professional experiences with anxiety and depression. He peppered his speech with humor, poking fun at numerous political figures while explaining how he overcame his own depression. Following his prepared remarks he answered questions from the audience.RSC-11520
60 min
Helping Someone with Mental Illness1998/10/15C-SPANThe former first lady talked about her book, Helping Someone With Mental Illness: A Compassionate Guide for Family, Friends, and Caregivers, published by Times Books. She described many types of mental illness, scientific research, diagnosis, and treatment for patients. She also related stories of individuals with mental illness, and gave advice to caregivers.RSC-11530
17 min
Childrens Health Issues2000/12/11C-SPANPresident Clinton and Mrs. Carter spoke about Immunization programs for children and announced new initiatives to immunize American children.RSC-11540
33 min
First Ladies Panel1996/10/19C-SPANMs. Mitchell moderated a discussion among three former first ladies as part of a yearly business conference with speakers from various backgrounds and occupations. They talked about their current interests and activities and discussed the perspectives on the proper role of the first lady.ZZZ-10100
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of the seven living first ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens. The gardens will be a living tribute to the accomplishments of the nation's first ladies. The event was hosted by Mr. Griffin and Ms. George, and Rep. Michel sang the National Anthem. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend the event due to her ongoing battle with cancer. The former first lady died eight days later. Following the address by the first lady and the president, Johnny Mathis entertained the audience with several songs.ZZZ-10110
72 min
Waging Peace1995/09/19C-SPANFollowing a video presentation illustrating the work of the Carter Center in developing countries, former President and Mrs. Carter talked about their recent activities. They then spent most of the session answering questions from the audience.RSC-11550
30 min
Peace on Earth Gala1992/12/07C-SPANRemarks by Ms. Gore and Ms. Clinton preceded the remarks of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter as she received an award from Peace Links, an organization made up primarily of wives of congressmen and which advocates nuclear disarmament. Mrs. Carter lauded the goals of Peace Links and was followed by other award recipients at the podium.ZZZ-10120
56 min
North American Free Trade Agreement Signing1993/09/14C-SPANThree former presidents joined President Clinton and Vice President Gore in a White House ceremony promoting North American Free Trade Agreement. President Clinton spoke about the need to embrace change in International trade. Following the presidents remarks, he signed the NAFTA side agreements. Former Presidents Bush, Carter, and Ford also spoke in favor of NAFTA. President Carter used the bluntest language in criticizing opposition to NAFTA. Without naming names, the former president singled out H. Ross Perot for being "extremely careless with the truth...preying on the uncertainties of the American public."RSC-11560
93 min
A Conversation with Rosalynn1994/10/25C-SPANMrs. Carter discussed her experiences during the time her husband, Jimmy, was President, describing in great detail such events as the Camp David Accord. She talked with Mr. Anthony before an audience and also took questions from the audience.RSC-11570
74 min
Bush Presidential Library Dedication1997/11/06C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Bush, President and Mrs. Clinton and former presidents and first ladies gathered to celebrate the opening of the Bush Presidential Library. President Bush praised the former presidents and thanked them for coming to the dedication.ZZZ-10130
93 min
Keeping the Faith: The Carter Administration1990/11/16C-SPANMs. Carter spoke at a high school colloquium held as part of a Hofstra University conference on the Carter Presidency.RSC-11580
93 min
Keeping the Faith: The Carter Administration1990/11/16C-SPANMr. Carter spoke at a high school colloquium held as part of a Hofstra University conference on the Carter Presidency.RSC-11590
53 min
President and Mrs. Carter Interview1998/06/03C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Carter talked about their marriage and children. They also talked about life in the White House and the presidency.RSC-11600
76 min
USS Jimmy Carter Commissioning2005/02/19C-SPANFormer President and Mrs. Carter spoke at the commissioning of the Navy's newest attack submarine, the USS Jimmy Carter. The submarine was the third and final in the Seawolf class and was specially equipped for stealth and intelligence work. The ceremony was held at the naval base in Groton, Connecticut.RSC-11610
65 min
Conversation with President and Mrs. Carter2004/09/21C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Carter talked anout their efforts to promote global peace and stability, eliminate problems associated with poverty, and the work of the Carter Center. Following their remarks they answered questions from the audience on a number of issues including U.S. policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the 2004 presidential election cycle.RSC-11620
37 min
USS Jimmy Carter Commissioning1998/04/27C-SPANFormer President Carter and others participated in a ceremony to commission the third Seawolf class submarine, the USS Jimmy Carter. Secretary Dalton welcomed the former president and Mrs. Carter to the ceremony. President Carter is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and served in the Navy. President Carter recalled his days in the Navy and the heroism and dedication of those who serve on submarines.RSC-11630
64 min
Carter Presidency1997/02/20C-SPANFormer President and Mrs. Carter participated in a town hall meeting and news conference on his presidency. After an opening statement, they took questions from the audience on a variety of domestic and international issues, especially topics that were most relevant during his presidency. This was part of a three-day conference on the Carter Presidency.RSC-11640
54 min
Carter Center Anniversary2002/03/21C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Carter and other Carter Center officials talked about the work of the center and efforts to promote peace and fight disease around the world. The event was held to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Carter Center.RSC-11650
32 min
Keeping the Faith: The Carter Presidency1990/11/16C-SPANFollowing former President Jimmy Carter's speech at the Hofstra University conference on the Carter presidency, Mrs. Carter answered reporters questions during a short news briefing.RSC-11660
35 min
Humanitarian Projects of Carter Center1989/05/04C-SPANJohn Buchanan, Chairman, People for the American Way, with First Lady Rosalynn Carter.RSC-11670
91 min
Promoting Peace in the world1996/09/26C-SPANAfter a video presentation, former President and Mrs. Carter spoke about the Carter Center efforts over the past year to promote peace, democracy, human right and sustainable development around the world. They talked about various programs, including teaching African farmers how to grow more basic foodstuffs and overseeing elections in the former Soviet Bloc. After their remarks, they took questions from the audience.RSC-11680
Video Cassette
14 min
First Ladies: Political Role Public Image1997/03/18Roland House and Smithsonian Productions.Many First Ladies highlighted- Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon, Jackie Kennedy. Features information on ERA, Just Say No, Cancer, Health Care, and Mental Health. Smithsonian has no more copies of this tape. 3 tapes.ZZZ-10180
Video Cassette
57 min
Dinner Reception, Opening of the Saxton House1998/06/08Image Video Teleproductions, North Canton, OhioDr. Healy gives opening comments, good recording and sound with music. Do not have on the other copy.NFLL-30050
Video Cassette
100 min
Former First Ladies Forum1997/10/27Home made tape- C-SPANAndrea Mitchell, NBC News Correspondent, interviews the former First Ladies. A&E Presents First Lady on the Front Line- celebrates Hillary Clinton's 50th birthday in Chicago. Tours her childhood area, school, home with family and friends, travels, Monica Lewinsky scandal.ZZZ-10210
Video Cassette
93 min
Opening of the Saxton House1998/06/08Home made copy of Channel 43 NewsNational First Ladies Library Ribbon Cutting, Press conference in the Ballroom, VIP Reception and Outdoor Reception. No audio at dinner. Tape ends abruptly during the dinner.NFLL-30080
Video Cassette
60 min
First Ladies, The Unelected and Unsung Heroes1989MPI Home Video, ABC News, A Messecar ProductionHighlights different ways in which the nation's First Ladies have made their mark on American society.ZZZ-10250
Video Cassette
93 min
National First Ladies Library2001/06/04Image Video ProductionsContains footage of ribbon cutting, press conference, VIP reception, and outdoor reception. Rosalynn Carter speaks.NFLL-30130
Video Cassette
50 min
First Ladies2001The 20th Century with Mike WallaceProgram detailing the contributions of 20th century First Ladies. 2 copies.ZZZ-10170
Video Cassette
120 min
History of the Study of First Ladies1994George Washington UniversityContains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman.ZZZ-10300
Video Cassette
210 min
First LadiesUnknownHome made tapeSmithsonian program on the lives and achievements of First Ladies, followed by Carl Anthony interviewing Rosalynn Carter and Nancy Reagan.ZZZ-10260
Video Cassette
59 min
First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 19891989Smithsonian InstituteNancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia.ZZZ-10285
86 min
Former President and Mrs. Carter speak out.2005/09/20C-SPANFormer First couple spoke about Carter Center projects around the world. Discussed initiatives in disease eradication, conflict resolution, democracy building and mental health promotion.RSC-11690
37 min
Carter Presidency Town Hall MeetingUnknownC-SPANFormer President Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn answer questions from the public at a town hall meeting as part of an event marking the 30 anniversary of the Carter presidency. Location: Athens, GARSC-11710
82 min
Luncheon Keynote SpeechUnknownC-SPANFormer First Lady Rosalynn Carter delivered the keynote address at a luncheon. Topics included her life in Georgia, her experiences in various countries while her husband was in the Navy. Her work in the cause of mental illness. Location: Athens, GARSC-11700
23 min
Caring Hearts: Health of a Nation Exhibit--Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitUnknownNational First Ladies Library Post ProductionsExhibit Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitNFLL-30220
70 min
Jimmy Carter The 39th President of the United States2007SpeechWorksThe President From Plains. Featuring Highlights of major speeches given by the 39th President of the Unoted States.RSC-11730
Video Cassette
27 min
Coping with The Stigma of Mental Illness1996/04/01The Carter CenterConversations at The Carter Center. Hosted by former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Rod Steiger and Kathy Cronkite. Narrated by Joanne Woodward.RSC-11740
47 min
Former President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Carter on Health Care Reform2009/09/15CSPANFormer President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter talk about current peace and health initiatives. Atlanta, GA.RSC-11720
Video Cassette
57 min
Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies2000PBSHost Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies.ZZZ-10280
90 min
First Lady, Rosalynn Carter2013C-SPANFirst Lady Rosalynn Carter during her time in the White House.RSC-11760