Audio/Visual Items for: Bush, Barbara

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2 min
First Lady on Next First Lady1992/12/01C-SPANMrs. Bush urged reporters to give the next First Lady Hiliary Clinton "a break," in response to questions from reporters during a ceremony at the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse. She said Mrs. Clinton was "warm" during her visit to the White House the previous week.BPB-10010
18 min
Barbara Bush Campaign Interview1992/07/28C-SPANFirst Lady Barbara Bush responded to questions on her first four years as First Lady, the upcoming presidential campaign, and the media's coverage of the issues in the campaign and her family. She spoke the White House library on her work in support of literacy programs in the U.S. and her impressions of her husband's performance as a leader and politician.BPB-10200
18 min
Barbara Bush Campaign Interview1992/08/14C-SPANBarbara Bush talked about her role in the Republican National Convention and the upcoming general election. In addition, she talked about her efforts in the past four years to increase the reading levels in America and a recent article by Vanity Fair profiling her life.BPB-10030
12 min
Conflict in Former Yugoslavia`1993/12/15C-SPANFormer first lady Barbara Bush spoke with reporters following her completion of a humanitarian trip to parts of former Yugoslavia. She was unable to travel to Sarajevo due to continued fighting in the city. Following her opening statement, she answered a number of questions concerning her trip and the things she witnessed. Following Mrs. Bush's statement, former President Bush took a couple of questions concerning his administration's inability to bring the fighting to a stop.BPB-10040
8 min
Bush New Hampshire Primary Filing1991/12/22C-SPANBarbara Bush delivered brief remarks in the state capitol of New Hampshire during a visit to the state to file her husband's name for the first presidential primary in 1992. She lauded her husband's performance in the executive office, and criticized Congress for failing to pass her husband's economic growth package. Mrs. Bush briefly responded to questions from reporters following her prepared remarks.BPB-10050
21 min
Clinton and Barbara Bush Campaign Speeches1992/10/05C-SPANDemocratic candidate Governor Clinton discussed various campaign issues, as did Mrs. Bush. One main topic at the black tie dinner was family issues.BPB-10060
31 min
Barbara Bush Campaign Appearance1992/09/15C-SPANCoverage of the campaign swing of Barbara Bush through Connecticut included scenes of the first lady reading to children in a suburban Wilmington library, an impromptu news conference following the reading, and a appearance of the first lady at the Republican unity rally in a Wilmington hotel. BPB-10070
44 min
Tribute to the First Lady1992/08/20C-SPANMs. Quayle, Mr. Bond, Ms. Steiger, and other guests commended Barbara Bush on her efforts for various causes as first lady. Mrs. Bush thanked the audience and the speakers for their support. Ms. Lake presented the first lady with a check for $25,000 for her family literacy program.BPB-10080
25 min
Republican National Convention Address1992/08/19C-SPANFirst Lady Barbara Bush addressed the Republican National Convention on it's third evening to "have the conversation" with the country on her experiences as the president's wife. Mrs. Bush spoke on the communities and people she and her husband have meet during his presidency, and lauded the sense of "family" in American society that lifts Americans in times of need. She went on to discuss the importance of instilling family values in the nation's children. At the end of her speech, Mrs. Bush introduced all 22 of her grandchildren to the crowd. George Prescott Bush, one of the president's grandchildren, praised his grandfather's values and family devotion. President Bush appeared briefly on stage following the remarks of Mrs. Bush. BPB-10090
27 min
Barbara Bush Appearance1992/01/22C-SPANFirst Lady Barbara Bush spoke to supporters of President Bush at the Bush / Quayle headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire and made other campaign appearances in New Hampshire.BPB-10100
40 min
Tribute to Barbara Bush1988/08/18C-SPANCeremony sponsored by National Federation of Republican Women, held in New Orleans, LouisianaBPB-10110
24 min
Barbara Bush Campaign Speech1992/02/06C-SPANMrs. Bush spent the day touring and campaigning for her husband in central New Hampshire.BPB-10120
18 min
North Virginia Community College Commencement1991/05/17C-SPANFirst Lady Barbara Bush delivered the commencement address to the 1991 graduating class of the Northern Virginia Community College program, which was also featured in the book, Searching for Academic Excellence. She also lauded the students, who all worked their way through school, balancing family, jobs, and studies to get their degree. She advised the students to cherish their personal relationships during life, and to consider their relationship and responsibilities to the world.BPB-10130
9 min
Barbara Bush at Montgomery Elementary School1989/02/17C-SPANMontgomery Elementary School, Black History Month CelebrationBPB-10140
23 min
Barbara Bush Appearance1992/01/23C-SPANMrs. Bush spent time on the campaign trail, visiting New Hampshire, site of the nation's first presidential primary. The last stop of her western New Hampshire swing took place in Peterborough, where she addressed supporters at the town hall.BPB-10150
16 min
UNICEF Children in Halloween Costumes1989/10/13C-SPANUNICEF children call on the White House. First Lady Barbara Bush greets them at the White House entrance.BPB-10160
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of seven living First Ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend due to her battle with cancer.ZZZ-10020
14 min
Barbara Bush Commencement Address to Wellesley College1989George Bush Library / NBC News Massachusetts BPB-10170
84 min
Celebration of Reading2001/04/26C-SPANThe Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy hosted its seventh annual event to promote reading that included Mrs. Bush's son, President George W. Bush. After a humorous video of George and Barbara Bush's "current life," best-selling authors read from their newest books and former British Prime Minister Major read from his autobiography. Houston, TexasBPB-10180
3 min
Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton Photo Op1992/11/19C-SPANCameras recorded the scene as the First Lady Barbara Bush greeted the next First Lady Hillary Clinton outside the White House, where Mrs. Bush warned Mrs. Clinton to stay away from the media "like the plague." Prior to Mrs. Clinton's arrival, Mrs. Bush briefly responded to reporters questions while two of the family's dogs roamed around her feet.ZZZ-10060
113 min
The Role of First Lady Barbara Bush1997/04/18C-SPANThe panelists discussed the role played by Mrs. Bush during the administration of President Bush. A video was shown of speeches given by Mrs. Bush during her time as First Lady. The panelists discussed different facets of Mrs. Bush's contributions to the nation, such as her literacy program, her image as "homemaker" and relations with the press. Following the individual presentations there was a panel discussion of the issues and questions from the audience. Mrs. Bush made an appearance toward the end of the discussion.BPB-10190
13 min
First Lady Remarks2001/12/09C-SPANFirst Ladies Laura and Barbara Bush spoke about the opening of the holiday decoration exhibit of holiday decorations at the White House Visitors Center.LWB-10090
98 min
An Evening with Former First Ladies1998/03/09C-SPANMs. Mitchell moderated this discussion among three former first ladies. They talked about their activities since leaving the White House, including addiction programs, mental health and literacy. They also reflected upon their experiences in the White House, both positive and negative, and how these experiences prepared them for their current activities and their readjustment to life after being in the White House.ZZZ-10080
33 min
First Ladies Panel1996/10/19C-SPANMs. Mitchell moderated a discussion among three former first ladies as part of a yearly business conference with speakers from various backgrounds and occupations. They talked about their current interests and activities and discussed the perspectives on the proper role of the first lady.ZZZ-10100
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of the seven living first ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens. The gardens will be a living tribute to the accomplishments of the nation's first ladies. The event was hosted by Mr. Griffin and Ms. George, and Rep. Michel sang the National Anthem. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend the event due to her ongoing battle with cancer. The former first lady died eight days later. Following the address by the first lady and the president, Johnny Mathis entertained the audience with several songs.ZZZ-10110
74 min
Bush Presidential Library Dedication1997/11/06C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Bush, President and Mrs. Clinton and former presidents and first ladies gathered to celebrate the opening of the Bush Presidential Library. President Bush praised the former presidents and thanked them for coming to the dedication.ZZZ-10130
Video Cassette
14 min
First Ladies: Political Role Public Image1997/03/18Roland House and Smithsonian Productions.Many First Ladies highlighted- Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon, Jackie Kennedy. Features information on ERA, Just Say No, Cancer, Health Care, and Mental Health. Smithsonian has no more copies of this tape. 3 tapes.ZZZ-10180
Video Cassette
62 min
Bush Campaign 2000 Speech2000/02/09C-SPANRoad to the White House, G.W. Bush Presidentail Campaign Rally, Tyson's Corner, VA. Barbara answers questions also. BPB- 10200
Video Cassette
60 min
The First Lady: Public Expectations, Private Lives2004/10/25PBSStockard Channing hosts a look at First Ladies and their role. 2 tapes.ZZZ- 10200
Video Cassette
100 min
Former First Ladies Forum1997/10/27Home made tape- C-SPANAndrea Mitchell, NBC News Correspondent, interviews the former First Ladies. A&E Presents First Lady on the Front Line- celebrates Hillary Clinton's 50th birthday in Chicago. Tours her childhood area, school, home with family and friends, travels, Monica Lewinsky scandal.ZZZ-10210
Video Cassette
16 min
The First Lady1997/04/29Worleybird Productions, Inc., Timeless VisionSecond version. Showcases the First Ladies and their causes- Barbara Bush and education, Jacqueline Kennedy and foreign languages, Betty Ford and breast cancer and drug and alcohol abuse, Nancy Reagan and Just Say No, Ida McKinley and her exceptional education, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and healthcare. Also discusses Eleanor Roosevelt's many accomplishments. 4 tapes.ZZZ- 10220
Video Cassette
133 min
Role of the First LadyUnknownC-SPAN, George Washington UniversityCarl Anthony interviews Nancy Reagan in depth- talks about the Bushes and the Clintons and show pictures. Newsreel of Mrs. Hoover making one of her speeches with the Girl Scouts during the Depression. Panelist discussion with past social secretaries, society reporter, chief of staff. Ends abruptly. Tape 2 continues with panelist discussion. Interview with Barbara Bush. Interview with Hillary Rodham Clinton- tells of her meeting and getting to know Bill Clinton in their college days. Interview continues, then stops abruptly.ZZZ- 10230
Video Cassette
60 min
First Ladies, The Unelected and Unsung Heroes1989MPI Home Video, ABC News, A Messecar ProductionHighlights different ways in which the nation's First Ladies have made their mark on American society.ZZZ-10250
Video Cassette
50 min
First Ladies2001The 20th Century with Mike WallaceProgram detailing the contributions of 20th century First Ladies. 2 copies.ZZZ-10170
Video Cassette
120 min
History of the Study of First Ladies1994George Washington UniversityContains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman.ZZZ-10300
Video Cassette
210 min
First LadiesUnknownHome made tapeSmithsonian program on the lives and achievements of First Ladies, followed by Carl Anthony interviewing Rosalynn Carter and Nancy Reagan.ZZZ-10260
Video Cassette
59 min
First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 19891989Smithsonian InstituteNancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia.ZZZ-10285
Audio Cassette
10 min
Arthur Meets The President (Barbara Bush)1991ABC Radio NetworkRead me a story. Childrens favorite stories as read by Mrs. Barbara Bush. Childrens Literacy InitiativeBPB-10210
Video Cassette
57 min
Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies2000PBSHost Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies.ZZZ-10280
90 min
First Lady, Barbara Bush2013C-SPANFirst Lady Barbara Bush during her time in the White House.BPB-10220