Audio/Visual Items for: Clinton, Hillary

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14 min
White House Christmas Preparations1993/12/06C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced White House reporters to the Blue Room Christmas tree and the decorations found in and around the tree. She described the decorations throughout the house and took questions from reporters. One question centered on her wishes for all Americans during the holiday season.HRC-10010
26 min
Hillary Clinton Campaign Appearance1992/09/14C-SPANHillary Clinton, the wife of Democratic presidential nominee Govenor Bill Clinton, made apperances at a Catholic charities program called "Children with Children" in Newark, New Jersey and a teen fathers program in Bridgeport, CT. Cameras also recorded Mrs. Clinton as she was intervieded on live television by several Bridgeport television news correspondents.HRC-10020
18 min
Health Care Reform1994/03/21C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to a gathering of Floridians during a stop to promote the president's health care reform plan. Following her ten minute speech, she and the president took questions from the audience. The topics of the questions concerned the details of the plan including veterans health and cost controls.HRC-10030
45 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/06/13C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, head of the Clinton administration's task force on health care reform, spoke on health care reform issues to a meeting of physicians. In her remarks, Mrs. Clinton repeated the promises of the Clinton health care reform plan, including universal health care coverage, and called for "a new bargin" to relieve physicians from the burdens of antitrust laws, bureaucratic oversight, and frivolous malpractice suits. She also called for physicians peer review in the speech, which was interrupted at points by applause from the audience.HRC-10040
159 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/09/30C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified to the committee concerning the president's health care reform proposal. Mrs. Clinton led the presidential health care task force investigating the health care system. She took questions from the committee concerning the financing of the plan and the effects it will have on small and large businesses as well as on individuals.HRC-10050
46 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1994/02/07C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Clinton spoke with retired citizens and hospital employees during a health forum in Portland, ME. She and the political leaders who accompanied her took questions from the participants concerning the president's plan and the effect it will have on current health care policy. Following the event, the first lady shook hands and talked with the participants including a blind women who stated "you look wonderful." She also helped celebrate one couple's 52nd wedding anniversary.HRC-10060
131 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/09/28C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified to the committee concerning the president's health care proposal. Mrs. Clinton led the president's health care task force responsible for the design of the proposal. Following a lengthy opening statement, she took questions from the committee members concerning the details of the proposal. This was the first time a first lady has ever testified to the House Ways and Means Committee.HRC-10070
135 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/09/28C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified to the committee concerning the president's health care reform proposal. Mrs. Clinton led the president's health care reform task force which designed the current proposal. Following her opening remarks, she took questions from the committee members concerning the details of the president's proposal.HRC-10080
160 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/09/29C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified to the committee concerning the president's health care reform proposal under congressional consideration. Mrs. Clinton chaired the presidential commission investigating the health care crisis. It was the first time a first lady had addressed the committee.HRC-10090
122 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/09/29C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified concerning the president's health care reform proposal. Mrs. Clinton chaired the presidential health care task force which authored the health care proposal under congressional consideration.HRC-10100
47 min
University of Michigan Commencement Address1993/05/01C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the commencement address to the 1993 graduating class at the University of Michigan on a sunny afternoon in Ann Arbor. In her remarks, which followed remarks from members of the university administration and class speakers, Mrs. Clinton charged the students with the responsibility to make the most of their lives, and outlined the agenda of issues facing the Clinton administration and the 1993 graduating class.HRC-10110
68 min
Whitewater Investigation1994/04/22C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton answered media questions today on the Whitewater investigation and several other issues. Specific topics included: the circumstances surrounding and profits gained from Mrs. Clinton's commodity trades; Mrs. Clinton's view of Whitewater impact on the state of Arkansas; Mrs. Clinton's initial opposition to appointing a special prosecutor on Whitewater and her initial reluctance to release tax documents; the circumstances surrounding Vincent Foster's death; the call for employer mandates and mandatory health alliances in the health care reform plan; Mrs. Clinton's view on how history will judge former President Richard Nixon; and Mrs. Clinton's activities while employed at the Rose Law Firm.HRC-10120
38 min
Woman in Politics1992/11/08C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about the achievements of women in the 103rd Congress and the need for a more diverse Congress. The first lady was introduced by Senators Mitchell and Boxer. Following her remarks, Mrs. Clinton was joined on stage by administration officials and female legislators in a dance to Aretha Franklin's "Respect".HRC-10130
27 min
Women Lawyers of Achievement Awards Luncheon1992/08/09C-SPANThe American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession held a luncheon in San Francisco to give the Margaret Brent Women Achievement Awards. Hillary Clinton, spouse of Democratic presidential nominee Govenor Bill Clinton, gave the keynote address at the event. Mrs. Clinton spoke on the continuation of discrimination against women in the legal profession. and honored the award-winners for their work in pushing back barriers against women in the profession. She went on to speak on the need for solutions to social problems facing Americans in contemporary society, including the bleak realities behind statistics in unemployment, child abuse, and crime in the U.S.HRC-10140
30 min
Wellesley College Commencement Address1992/05/29C-SPANHillary Clinton, attorney, spouse of Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton and member of the Wellesley College class of 1969, delivered the commencement address for the graduating class of 1992. In her remarks, Mrs. Clinton discussed the challenges facing the 1992 graduating class as well as current international affairs following the cold war and the recent flap over family values started by Vice President Quayle's condemnation of a television sitcom. Mrs. Clinton had spoken at her commencement from Wellesley in 1969, and referred to her education at Wellesley frequently during her remarks. HRC-10150
52 min
Women's Role in Health Care Reform1992/05/25C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to the International Women's Media Foundation concerning the importance of health care reform on the health of women and children in the U.S. She stated that "women have a greater stake in the health care reform debate than men."HRC-10160
9 min
Children's Issues1992/11/18C-SPANThe next First Lady, Hillary Clinton, lauded work of the Children's Defense Fund at a CDF fund-raiser in Washington, D.C. during her visit to the city with her husband. She mentioned her and her husband's past appearances at CDF fund-raisers.HRC-10170
16 min
Clinton Campaign Rally1992/11/02C-SPANDemocratic presidential nominee Govenor Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary spoke at an election eve campaign rally in Romulus, a suburb of Detroit. Surrounded by supporters bearing blue "United For Change" signs, Govenor Clinton spoke briefly to urge a change in national policies to solve the problems facing America. Govenor Clinton's voice was reduced to a croak by a case of laryngitis.HRC-10180
7 min
Death of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis1994/05/20C-SPANFrom the White House Lawn this morning, President and Mrs. Clinton expressed their sadness over the death last night of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. The President sais Mrs. Kennedy Onassis was a model of courage and dignity for all Americans and around the world. Following the Presidents comments, Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about her appreciation for the time and consideration that Mrs. Kennedy Onassis showed her during the time before and after the election. The First Lady's Garden, also called the East Garden, was originally planted by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis during her tenure as first lady in the early 1960's.HRC-10190
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of seven living First Ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend due to her battle with cancer.ZZZ-10020
60 min
Lady Under FireUnknownUniversity of South Carolina"Investigative Report" An A & E Documentary, Aired 1998HRC-10200
Hillary Clinton Testimony1993University of South CarolinaHillary Clinton's testimony, House Ways & Means CommitteeHRC-10210
Hillary Clinton Press ConferenceUnknownUniversity of South CarolinaHillary Clinton press conference on Nelson Mandela State DinnerHRC-10220
23 min
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Reception2001/01/03C-SPANFollowing her swearing-in earlier in the day, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton celebrated with friends and family at an evening reception at the Mayflower Hotel. Washington, DCHRC-10230
40 min
Hillary Clinton Acceptance Speech2000/05/16C-SPANHillary Rodham Clinton was elected by the convention as the Democratic candidate for senator from New York. She addressed the election after accepting the nomination. Among the issues she discussed were her agenda to improve women's rights, gay rights, gun safety, as well as many others. Albany, New YorkHRC-10240
18 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/12/07C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about the president's health care reform plan and the need for comprehensive health care reforn.HRC-10250
44 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1994/02/15C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to the group concerning the president's health care reform plan. She outlined the advantages of the plan and the disadvantages of maintaining the current plan or enacting the "other plans." Washington, DCHRC-10260
40 min
Health Care Reform1994/03/21C-SPANPresident Bill Clinton spoke about health care reform following an introduction by Governor Chiles and Representative Johnston. The President addressed an audience at century Village Retirement Community in Deerfield Beach, Florida. He outlined various provisions of the administration's health care reform proposal, including universal coverage, employer mandates and patients rights. The President's remarks ran about 20 minutes. Following the President, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke for ten minutes about the president's plan before both he and the First Lady took questions from the audience.HRC-10270
106 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/10/29C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke concerning the President's health care reform plan at a health care forum in Kansas City, MO. She stated that the president will not support a plan that does not include universal coverage for all Americans. Following her opening comments, Ms. Clinton took questions from the legislators on the panel.HRC-10280
6 min
Christmas Tree Arrival1993/12/02C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke with reporters during the Christmas tree arrival ceremony at the White House. She stated that the Frazier Fur will be on display in the Blue Room and a private tree will be decorated on the second level of the White House. Decorations and other gifts sent by the American people will be displayed on and around the tree. After accepting the tree on behalf of the president, Ms. Clinton took a moment to shake hands with onlookers.HRC-10290
215 min
New England Health Care Summit1993/12/07C-SPANMedical physicians and private citizens asked questions of the First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton during a New England Health Care Summit in Boston, MA. She addressed many of the concerns local people have about the cost and effectiveness of government-run medical care.HRC-10300
26 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/05/26C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to an audience attending a union legislative conference in Washington on the progress of the President's Task Force on Health Care, which she heads. She detailed the problems facing the country concerning the rising costs of health care, and called for members of the audience to discuss the health care crisis with others to ensure support for comprehensive health care reform. She also noted how close the workers and others in the American middle-class stand to losing their health care insurance coverage.HRC-10310
45 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/06/10C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the keynote address in a symposium on health care reform at Johns-Hopkins University. In her speech, Ms. Clinton discussed the problems that spurred on the work of the President's Task Force on Health Care Reform which she headed, and laid out the objectives sought by the task force in its comprehensive health care plan to be released later in the year. Baltimore, MDHRC-10320
11 min
Inaugural Gown Donation1995/03/06C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton donated her 1993 Inaugural gown and coat to the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History. The gown will be displayed in the museum's "Ceremonial Court," an exhibition area patterned on interior sections of the 1902 White House. Mrs. Clinton wore the gown to the 11 Inaugural balls that she attended with the president on January 20, 1993. HRC-10330
2 min
Hillary Clinton Speech Preparations1996/08/27C-SPANMrs. Clinton was shown at the podium in the United Center as she talked with advisers about the speech she will deliver tonight.HRC-10340
57 min
It Take a Village1996/02/26C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton talked about her recently published book It Takes a Village, and Other Lessons Children Teach Us. The book focuses on factors that influence children and the environment in which children will best grow and develop. Ms. Clinton served on the board of the Children's Defence Fund for twenty years and worked for the organization after graduating from Yale Law School.HRC-10350
49 min
National Arts and Humanities Awards1995/10/05C-SPANPresident Clinton awarded the National Medal of the Arts, the nation's highest cultural honor, to 17 individuals and one arts educational organization. Hillary Clinton, the first lady, shared the stage with the president, and helped present the awards to the recipients.HRC-10360
30 min
Hillary Rodham Clinton Campaign Rally1996/10/18C-SPANMrs. Clinton spoke to the crowd of supporters at the City Hall. She contrasted the Clinton and the Dole visions and agendas for the future and urged those in the audience to emphasize the importance of this election to their friends and relatives.HRC-10370
194 min
Democratic Convention Evening Session1996/08/27C-SPANIn the second day of the Democratic Convention, Rev. Jackson criticized Republicans and Colin Powell. Former Governor Cuomo scolded President Clinton for signing welfare reform legislation. House Minority Leader Gephardt talked about being "the Speaker of the House when the new Congress convenes." First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about her daughter and about families. Keynote speaker Governor Bayh praised President Clinton and also spoke on the evening's theme, "Families First."HRC-10380
49 min
Presidential Health Care Proposal1993/10/28C-SPANFollowing an introduction by a Johns Hopkins medical school student, first Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the faculty and students concerning the president's health care reform proposal and the need for universal care. Following her address, President Clinton detailed the administration's plan to make universal care available to all Americans. This was the first in a two-day trip to New York, Baltimore, and Boston in an effort to stimulate support for his plan.HRC-10390
54 min
Jefferson - Jackson Dinner1993/10/28C-SPANAt an event honoring Rep. Lowey, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the keynote address. She spoke about youth violence and the need for more stringent gun control legislation.HRC-10400
63 min
1998 Muskie Award Dinner1998/09/17C-SPANThe 1998 Muskie award was given to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for her work representing America abroad. She was honored by the speakers and she also talked about the places she has visited on behalf of the United States.HRC-10410
20 min
Release of Breast Cancer Research Stamp1998/07/29C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was joined by others to announce the release of a special stamp. The stamp was designed to support efforts in breast cancer research.HRC-10420
134 min
Hillary Clinton Announcement2000/02/06C-SPANCharacterizing herself as a "New Democrat" Mrs. Clinton announced that she would be a canidiate for Senator from New York. President Clinton attended the event but did not speak.HRC-10430
27 min
Hillary R. Clinton Announcement1999/11/23C-SPANFollowing a speech to teachers in which she said that she intended to run for the Senate in New York, Mrs. Clinton spoke to reporters about the status of her campaign. She said that she would move to New York after the Secret Service approved security at her Westchester home and that she would cut back on her duties as first lady in order to campaign. After her remarks she answered questions from the reporters.HRC-10440
76 min
National First Ladies' Library Opening Events1998/06/08C-SPANCelebrities, Ohio dignitaries and former first lady Roslynn Carter spoke at the opening of the new First Ladies Library, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and then at the dinner. A video of congratulatory remarks by first lady Hillary Clinton was shown.RSC-11750
3 min
Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton Photo Op1992/11/19C-SPANCameras recorded the scene as the First Lady Barbara Bush greeted the next First Lady Hillary Clinton outside the White House, where Mrs. Bush warned Mrs. Clinton to stay away from the media "like the plague." Prior to Mrs. Clinton's arrival, Mrs. Bush briefly responded to reporters questions while two of the family's dogs roamed around her feet.ZZZ-10060
98 min
A Conversation with Hillary Rodham Clinton1994/11/29C-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton talked about her role as the presidents spouse.HRC-10450
106 min
Global Gender Issues1995/08/17C-SPANA video presentation of greetings from the First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was shown. Mr. Speth announced some of the findings in the 1995 Human Development Report published by the United Nations Development Program. Ambassador Albright talked about heading the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing in September. The participants spoke individually about international gender issues and research. Following all prepared remarks, Ambassador Albright and Mr. Speth answered audience questions.HRC-10460
39 min
First Lady Interview1997/01/17C-SPANHillary Rodham Clinton talked about her experiences in the White House and about her family. She also described some of her early experiences and talked about her love of politics and issues.HRC-10470
57 min
Road to the White House1997/01/15C-SPANAn interview with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was shown. Then Senator Warner, Chairman of the Joint Congressional Inaugural Committee, and Ms. Magill were interviewed and the inaugural committee was shown in a meeting and also practicing for the inauguration events on January 20. A briefing of parade volunteers was also shown.HRC-10480
13 min
Native American Sculpture Exhibit Opening1997/11/05C-SPANMrs. Clinton spoke at the opening of an exhibit honoring Native American sculpture. She said that the works exhibit the idea of "honoring the past and imagining the future." The exhibit will be in the Jacqueline Kennedy garden through September 1998.HRC-10490
14 min
New York City Aid Package2002/03/07C-SPANFollowing a meeting at the White House, New York officials spoke to reporters about the meeting and an assistance package for New York City and New York State in the wake of September 11, 2001 attacks. They also answered reporters questions.HRC-10500
20 min
Response to Secretary Rumsfeld Testimont2004/05/07C-SPANFollowing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's testimont before the Senate Armed Services Committee regarding the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, several senators talked with reporters. They expressed appreciation for the secretary's testimony. They talked about remaining concerns, including allegations of additional abuse, ongoing investigations, chain-of-command obscurities, and the possibility that Secretary Rumsfeld would resign. The senators also responded to questions from reporters.HRC-10510
17 min
Security of Nuclear Power Plants2003/01/09C-SPANThe senators talked about legislation designed to improve security at nuclear power plants. Following prepared remarks, they responded to questions from reporters.HRC-10520
16 min
New York City Aid Package2002/03/07C-SPANWith the governor, the mayor and the New York congressional delegation standing behind him, President Bush and others spoke with reporters about their meeting and the federal pledge of at least $20 Billon to help New York City and state recover from the September 11 attacks. The president praised New Yorkers for their strength of character.HRC-10530
29 min
Terrorist Attack One Month Anniversary2001/10/11C-SPANJoined by firefighters and police officers, senators and others who spoke to reporters outside the U.S. Capitol one month after terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.HRC-10540
158 min
Condition of the Tourism Industry2001/10/12C-SPANWitnesses testified about the state of the tourism industry in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks on America. The subcommittee is examining legislation that would help promote U.S. tourism. Several tourism industry employees who lost their jobs were introduced.HRC-10550
86 min
Tribute to America's First Ladies1994/05/11C-SPANSix of the seven living first ladies participated in the opening of the Washington Botanical Gardens. The gardens will be a living tribute to the accomplishments of the nation's first ladies. The event was hosted by Mr. Griffin and Ms. George, and Rep. Michel sang the National Anthem. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was unable to attend the event due to her ongoing battle with cancer. The former first lady died eight days later. Following the address by the first lady and the president, Johnny Mathis entertained the audience with several songs.ZZZ-10110
30 min
Peace on Earth Gala1992/12/07C-SPANRemarks by Ms. Gore and Ms. Clinton preceded the remarks of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter as she received an award from Peace Links, an organization made up primarily of wives of congressmen and which advocates nuclear disarmament. Mrs. Carter lauded the goals of Peace Links and was followed by other award recipients at the podium.ZZZ-10120
74 min
Bush Presidential Library Dedication1997/11/06C-SPANPresident and Mrs. Bush, President and Mrs. Clinton and former presidents and first ladies gathered to celebrate the opening of the Bush Presidential Library. President Bush praised the former presidents and thanked them for coming to the dedication.ZZZ-10130
195 min
Iowa Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner2003/11/15C-SPANSenator Clinton served as master of ceremonies, introducing Democratic presidential candidates before their speeches to Iowa party members.HRC-10560
Video Cassette
10 min
Hillary Rodham Clinton Tour1999/07/23News Watch, IncHillary Rodham Clinton tour and opening of the Ida Saxton McKinley home in Canton, OhioNFLL-28910
Video Cassette
71 min
National Salute to First Ladies, National First Ladies Library Award Dinner1999/03/16C-SPAN, 1999 Purdue Foundation 4 copiesRonald Reagan International Trade Center. Barbara Walters hosts. Mary Steenburgen and Jane Alexander protraying past First Ladies. Along with Mary Regula, First Lady Hillary Clinton announces award winners Madeline Albright, Sandra Day O'Conner, Elizabeth Campbell, Gwendolyn Brooks, Shirley Chisholm (not present). Special award also given to First Lady Hillary Clinton. NFLL-29040
Video Cassette
60 min
American Experience: A Talk with Hillary Rodham ClintonUnknownPart one and two- UCLA ArchivesMarriage, Presidency, and death. We also have this on DVD- #61874. 2 tapes.HRC-10570
Video Cassette
14 min
First Ladies: Political Role Public Image1997/03/18Roland House and Smithsonian Productions.Many First Ladies highlighted- Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon, Jackie Kennedy. Features information on ERA, Just Say No, Cancer, Health Care, and Mental Health. Smithsonian has no more copies of this tape. 3 tapes.ZZZ-10180
Video Cassette
40 min
First Ladies Website Launch1998/02/23Home Made TapeHillary Clinton, Mary Regula, Ralph Regula, Pat Krider, and Carl Anthony in the East Room of the White House for the unveiling of the First Ladies Web site. Four of the sites video conferencing this event were Kent State Stark College in Canton, Ohio, children of U.S. Servicemen at R.A.F. Lakenheath, England, future teachers from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and students from Model Secondary School for the Deaf in Washington, DC. 3 tapes.NFLL- 29070
Video Cassette
122 min
Jacki (sic) Kennedy Onassis: A Life of Dignity1994Home Made TapeJacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Hillary Clinton, Pat Nixon, Nancy Reagan. Consists of nightly news broadcasts, CNN, ABC, NBC and Larry King Live programs, etc. Starts already in progress, announces her death in news broadcasts. Clips of White House tour, Hillary Clinton gives a eulogy for the death of a friend. Son John speaks to the media on his mother's death. President Clinton makes announcement. Wedding clip, campaigning, funeral, Onassis wedding, childhood, JF Kennedy weding, speaking with Dr. Spock, President hopeful, Nixon concedes to Kennedy, winning election, Jackie's trip to India, Jackie swimming and skiing with Astronaut John Glenn in Hyannis, assassination of JFK in Texas, a lot of repeats due to all the different news clips. Nancy Reagan on Larry King Live (audio).JBK- 10300
Video Cassette
47 min
Restore America: A Salute to Preservation2003HGTV with Scripps ProductionNational Historic Building Museum with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Restore America Honors, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ralph Regula, Joan Maynard, Ralph Lauren and Masters of Cereminies Sam and Jan Smith.NFLL- 30020
Video Cassette
20 min
The Junior Senator from New York2003/06/09ABC News Production, NightlineFrom White House to Senate. Her swearing in, brothers involvement in last minute pardons, been more of a workhorse than a show horse her freshman year in the Senate (reply from senior Senators). State of NY to receive billions of dollars after the Trade Towers disaster due to her tireless efforts, showed her to be a serious player and not just the past President's wife. Her book signing, Living History.HRC-10580
Video Cassette
3 min
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton2000/06/06Skehan CommunicationsRemarks for the 2000 First Ladies Salute First Women.HRC-10590
Video Cassette
45 min
The First Family's Holiday Gift to America2000/12/15A Jeff Margolis Production, Nash Entertainment"A Personal Tour of the White House" First time look at their personal quarters, a very private moment. Some rooms never seen before.HRC-10600
Video Cassette
60 min
The First Lady: Public Expectations, Private Lives2004/10/25PBSStockard Channing hosts a look at First Ladies and their role. 2 tapes.ZZZ- 10200
Video Cassette
57 min
Dinner Reception, Opening of the Saxton House1998/06/08Image Video Teleproductions, North Canton, OhioDr. Healy gives opening comments, good recording and sound with music. Do not have on the other copy.NFLL-30050
Video Cassette
100 min
Former First Ladies Forum1997/10/27Home made tape- C-SPANAndrea Mitchell, NBC News Correspondent, interviews the former First Ladies. A&E Presents First Lady on the Front Line- celebrates Hillary Clinton's 50th birthday in Chicago. Tours her childhood area, school, home with family and friends, travels, Monica Lewinsky scandal.ZZZ-10210
Video Cassette
16 min
The First Lady1997/04/29Worleybird Productions, Inc., Timeless VisionSecond version. Showcases the First Ladies and their causes- Barbara Bush and education, Jacqueline Kennedy and foreign languages, Betty Ford and breast cancer and drug and alcohol abuse, Nancy Reagan and Just Say No, Ida McKinley and her exceptional education, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and healthcare. Also discusses Eleanor Roosevelt's many accomplishments. 4 tapes.ZZZ- 10220
Video Cassette
133 min
Role of the First LadyUnknownC-SPAN, George Washington UniversityCarl Anthony interviews Nancy Reagan in depth- talks about the Bushes and the Clintons and show pictures. Newsreel of Mrs. Hoover making one of her speeches with the Girl Scouts during the Depression. Panelist discussion with past social secretaries, society reporter, chief of staff. Ends abruptly. Tape 2 continues with panelist discussion. Interview with Barbara Bush. Interview with Hillary Rodham Clinton- tells of her meeting and getting to know Bill Clinton in their college days. Interview continues, then stops abruptly.ZZZ- 10230
Video Cassette
43 min
Remember the Ladies- Segment 51993/10/31CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and Connie ChungHost Maureen Bunyan talks about Eleanor Roosevelt- Franklin's affair, women's rights, life after Franklin's death, public wanting her to run for the Senate in the 1950's. President Kennedy's appointment of her to Chair of Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. President and Mrs. Kennedy attending Eleanor's funeral November 1962. The evolving role of women in politics.AER- 28990
Video Cassette
108 min
Wellesley College "125"2001/04/20Copy made at Wellesley College125th Anniversary. Hillary Rodham Clinton ('69) and Madeline Albright ('59) describe their college years.HRC-10610
Video Cassette
7 min
Ladies of Firsts2001/09/10CNN Live This Morning with Mary Regula, Good Morning Washington (ABC)National First Ladies' Library announces the 5 Ladies of Firsts.NFLL- 30060
Video Cassette
93 min
Opening of the Saxton House1998/06/08Home made copy of Channel 43 NewsNational First Ladies Library Ribbon Cutting, Press conference in the Ballroom, VIP Reception and Outdoor Reception. No audio at dinner. Tape ends abruptly during the dinner.NFLL-30080
Video Cassette
93 min
National First Ladies Library2001/06/04Image Video ProductionsContains footage of ribbon cutting, press conference, VIP reception, and outdoor reception. Rosalynn Carter speaks.NFLL-30130
Video Cassette
50 min
First Ladies2001The 20th Century with Mike WallaceProgram detailing the contributions of 20th century First Ladies. 2 copies.ZZZ-10170
Video Cassette
120 min
History of the Study of First Ladies1994George Washington UniversityContains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman.ZZZ-10300
5 min
Kisowera School Performance1998/03/24C-SPANPresident and First Lady Hillary Rodman Clinton travel to Mukono, Uganda. Students of the Kisowera High School perform.HRC-10640
65 min
First Lady Hillary Rodman Clinton Ireland SpeechUnknownC-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Clinton and speakers talk about the role of women in establishing a new peace in Northern Ireland and their role in the new political process. Mrs. Clinton specifically addressed the terrorist violance in Omaugh.HRC-10630
47 min
First Lady Hillary Rodman Clinton's South Africa SpeechUnknownC-SPANFirst Lady Hillary Rodman Clinton in Capetown, South Africa. Addressed students and faculty, praising the way South Africa has discarded racial seperation.HRC-10650
3 min
First Lady Hillary Clinton visits Mode Kane Elementary SchoolUnknownC-SPANMrs. Clinton and Ms. Diouf visit Mode Kane Elementary School in Dakar, Senegal. Speaks briefly with teachers and administrators.HRC-10620
23 min
Caring Hearts: Health of a Nation Exhibit--Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitUnknownNational First Ladies Library Post ProductionsExhibit Loop for kiosk. Red Dress ExhibitNFLL-30220
Video Cassette
57 min
Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies2000PBSHost Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies.ZZZ-10280
90 min
First Lady, Hillary Clinton2013C-SPANFirst Lady, Hillary Clinton during her time in the White House.HRC-10670
40 min
Hillary Clinton-Washington Univ.1994/11/29  HRC10680