Audio/Visual Items for: Hoover, Lou

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3 min
Mrs. Hoover Christens New Cargo Ship "Excalibur"1930/08/05University of South CarolinaMrs. Lou Henry Hoover presiding over ship launching ceremonies. Ship going down ways. Camden, NJ In black and white, with sound.LHH-10010
9 min
First Lady visits mountain kids1930/07/18University of South CarolinaMrs. Hoover speaking to children. Boys and girls singing a song, "Carry me back to old Virginia" Rapidan Rivers, VALHH-10020
5 min
Mrs. Hoover and "Santa Claus" give gifts to the poor1929/12/23University of South CarolinaMrs. Hoover and Santa Claus greeting those in attendence. Mrs. Hoover handing presents to young children."Santa" holds a baby. Children standing in a row with their presents. In black and whit, with sound.LHH-10030
2 min
Aviation: "Buenos Aires" Christened1929/10/03University of South CarolinaMrs. Hoover shown christening airplane with bottle. Aerial views of twin engine seaplane taking off from Potomac River, in flight over D.C. In black and white, with sound. Tape ALHH-10040
7 min
Aviation: "Buenos Aires" Christened1929/10/03University of South CarolinaVarious aerial views of twin engined seaplane landing and taking off the Anacostia River. Airplane taxiing upon water, sailors help it beach. Plane starting engines. Passenders aboard aircraft, then disembark. In black and white, with sound. Tape BLHH-10050
9 min
Aviation: "Buenos Aires" Christened1929/10/03University of South CarolinaAerial views of plane in flight over city. Airplane taxiing towards ramp. Plane moved ashore on dolly. Various scenes of Mrs. Hoover as she christenes plane. In black and white, with sound. Tape C LHH-10060
6 min
Four-H Contest Winner1929/06/21University of South CarolinaSecretary of Agriculture Arthur Hyde presents trophy's to members of 4-H clubs. Mrs. Hoover presenting trophy cup to John Jackson of Louisiana. Unidentified girl/women receives trophy and makes remarks. 4-H members singing "How do you do Mrs. Hoover. In black and white, with sound.LHH-10070
Audio CD
15 min
Mrs. Hoover's address, "Frontiers of Girl Scouting"1936/10/15Herbert Hoover LibraryStation WEAF, New YorkLHH-10080
Mrs. Hoover Goucher College llUnknownHerbert Hoover Library LHH-10090
9 min
Mrs. Hoover Now Doctor of Laws1931/05/07University of South CarolinaFirst Lady Lou Henry Hoover receives honorary degree as leader in welfare work from Goucher College. Winifred Clara Cullis of London University presented with degree at ceremony. Closeup speaking. College song being sung. In black and white, with sound. Also available in VHS Tape # 118766LHH-10100
Audio CD
10 min
Mrs. Hoover's address on the "Farm and Home Hour"1931/11/07Herbert Hoover LibrarySound onlyLHH-10110
4 min
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and Lou Hoover at Mother's Day Luncheon1931/05/06University of South CarolinaWomen's Studies, Pregnant Women and Infant Deaths, New York, New YorkLHH-10130
Video Cassette
10 min
Taft's Funeral1930/03/11University of South CarolinaArmy soldiers place casket/coffin of William Howard Taft upon caisson in front of Capitol. Various scenes of funeral cortege/procession moving through downtown streets, past the "White House." Marching bands play music, casket/coffin of William Howard Taft on horse drawn caisson. Cortege arrives at house, casket removed from caisson and carried into house. President and Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover leave house, get into waiting automobile. Washington, D.C. Black and white and with sound. Tape # 002522 In ZZZ collectionZZZ-10140
Video Cassette
4 min
A visit to the President's Summer Camp1930/08/02University of South CarolinaPresident Herbert Hoover with wife, Lou Henry Hoover, strolling through rustic gardens. Rapidan, Virginia. In black and white and with sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10140
Video Cassette
12 min
20th Annual Convention of Girl Scouts of America1934/10/24University of South CarolinaBoston, Massachusettes Mrs. Frederick Edey introducing First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt speaking. Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover. Crowd. Girl Scouts. Audience and Mrs. Roosevelt reciting Scout Pledge. Applauding. Leaving car. Speaking on quality of a Scout. Lou Henry Girls; Societies and clubs; speeches, addresses, and womens studies. In black and white, some sound. Tape # 002522ZZZ-10150
Video Cassette
7 min
"White House" Egg Roll1929/04/01University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover and children on balcony. Men's chorus sings off camera. The crowd cheers. A child dressed as "Easter Rabbit" recites "Sing A Song of six Pence" and "Heigh Diddle Diddle". The Hoover's on the balcony, along with various crowd scenes. Long shot of the White House. In black and white, with sound. Tape # 002515LHH-10150
Video Cassette
1 min
Mrs. Hoover and Girl Scouts1929/09/01University of South CarolinaNew York, New York Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover attends art exhibit for the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Hoover being welcomed by Girl Scout Leaders to art exhibition. Mrs. Hoover responds. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002515LHH-10160
Video Cassette
2 min
Mrs. Hoover Buys Christmas Seals1929/12/17University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Miss Nancy Leech (child) asks Mrs. (Lou Henry) Herbert Hoover to buy some "Christmas (Tuberculosis) Seals" / Stamps. Mrs. Hoover agrees, Nancy Leech and Mrs. Hoover walk off. Repeat of Nancy asking the question to buy stamps. In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002515LHH-10170
Video Cassette
8 min
Children's Home Groundbreaking Ceremonies1930/01/25University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Various scenes of the groundbreaking ceremony for the New Episcopal Home for Children. Includes words by Reverened James E. Freeman, Bishop of D.C., Miss Dorothy Robie. First Lady Lou Henry Hoover, and children singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" In black and white, and with sound. Tape # 002515LHH-10180
Video Cassette
Mrs. Hoover Makes Radio Broadcast1931/03/23University of South CarolinaWashington, D.C. Mrs. Lou Henry Hoover speaking to American women on women's relief work. Girl Scout Peggy Star and Lois Kuhn attending broadcast at "White House". Speech made during Depression. Black and white, with sound.LHH-10190
Video Cassette
133 min
Role of the First LadyUnknownC-SPAN, George Washington UniversityCarl Anthony interviews Nancy Reagan in depth- talks about the Bushes and the Clintons and show pictures. Newsreel of Mrs. Hoover making one of her speeches with the Girl Scouts during the Depression. Panelist discussion with past social secretaries, society reporter, chief of staff. Ends abruptly. Tape 2 continues with panelist discussion. Interview with Barbara Bush. Interview with Hillary Rodham Clinton- tells of her meeting and getting to know Bill Clinton in their college days. Interview continues, then stops abruptly.ZZZ- 10230
Video Cassette
57 min
Heart of a Nation- America's First Ladies2000PBSHost Nancy Wardle, Mary Regula, Carl Anthony, Pat Krider and Dr. Sheila Fisher talk about First Ladies and the National First Ladies' Library. 3 copies.ZZZ-10280
Video Cassette
120 min
History of the Study of First Ladies1994George Washington UniversityContains clips of multiple First Ladies. Clip of Mother's Day Luncheon of the Maternity Center Association featuring Edith Roosevelt and Lou Hoover, Nancy Reagan addresses the UN, the East Room with Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson addresses a forum on peace and healing following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pat Nixon visits and discusses "the projects," Betty Ford with the International Women's Year, Barbara Bush at Wellesley College commencement, Margaret Truman interviews her parents in their Missouri home, Mamie Eisenhower's birthday, Florence Harding entertaining guests and with a group of women, Grace Coolidge with war veterans, Christmas Seals, Rosalynn Carter in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lou Hoover and the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls present a birthday cake to Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton testifies before the Ways and Means Committee, a clip from a black and white 1950's television program featuring a female President and her husband, the First Gentleman.ZZZ-10300
Video Cassette
59 min
First Ladies Smithsonian Video Collection 19891989Smithsonian InstituteNancy Dickerson hosts special. Includes interviews with former First Ladies and curators of the Smithsonian Institute's collection of gowns and memoribilia.ZZZ-10285
11 min
Girl Scouts of AmericaUnknownNational First Ladies LibraryFirst Ladies Roosevelt & Hoover. 
90 min
First Lady, Lou Hoover2013C-SPANFirst Lady Lou Hoover during her time in the White House.LHH-10200