Manuscripts for: Julia Tyler

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division , Washington, D.C.:

--John Tyler Papers

, 1691-1918, 3 feet, about 1410 items: Correspondence and other papers, including correspondence of Julia Gardiner Tyler, an autograph collection assembled by their son, Lyon G. Tyler, and family papers, reflecting social life and customs in Virginia. Extensive listing in Index in Manuscript Division. Covers period 1844 - 1885 and undated; principally correspondence sent. There are also numerous listings for letters from Julia Tyler to her mother, Juliana Gardiner for period 1844 - 1863 and undated, Series 1 and 3. Index by correspondence prepared for publication. Many of the letters were published in The Letters and Times of the Tylers, by L.G. Tyler.

--William Maxwell Evarts Papers

, 1835-1908, 14 ft.: U.S. Secretary of State and Senator from New York. Among the more frequent correspondents is Julia Gardiner Tyler. These include the following: Container 1: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 15 July 1871. Container 10: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 10 November 1877. Container 14: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 29 April 1878, 13 May 1878. Container 15: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 1 June 1878, 8 June 1878. Container 17: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 11 October 1878. Container 18: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 10 November 1878. Container 20: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 29 January 1879. Container 24: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 25 October 1879, 27 October 1879, 1 November 1879. Container 25: Julia Tyler to Evarts, 15 November 1879. Indexed in part. Unpublished finding aid in the library.

--Wilson Barstow Papers

: In Container 1 there is a letter from Julia Tyler to Wilson Barstow, 11 September 1862.

--John Davis Batchelder

: Container 11 has a signed card from Julia Tyler.

--Andrew Johnson Papers

, 1814-1900, 67 ft., 40,000 items: Correspondence includes Julia Gardiner Tyler. These are: Container 122, Julia Tyler to Johnson, Series 1, 26 February 1869; Container 123, Julia Tyler to Johnson, Series 1, 10 April 1869.

--Lucretia Garfield Papers

: In container 64, there are four letters and one telegram from Julia Tyler to Lucretia Garfield: 4 July 1881, 4 July 1881 (telegram), 18 August 1881, 21 September 1881, and 29 June 1887.

Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut:

--Gardiner Family Papers

, 1843-98, 5000 items: Papers of the Gardiner family of Easthampton, NY, particularly relating to the courtship and marriage of Julia Gardiner and John Tyler, and to social and political life in New York, Washington, and Virginia. Card index in the library. Also described in Yale University Library Gazette, v. 34, no. 1 (July 1959).

Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia:

--Julia Tyler Papers

, 1844-1946, 363 items: Correspondence, accounts, notes, legal papers, checks, invitations, dance cards, and other papers, of Mrs. Tyler and members of the Gardiner and Tyler families, of Castleton Hill, Staten Island, New York, Sherwood Forest and Hampton, Virginia. Other persons represented include Pearl (Tyler) Ellis (1860-1947), Juliana (McLachlen) Gardiner (1799-1864), David Gardiner Tyler (1846-1927), and Lyon Gardiner Tyler (1853-1921). Includes two letters from President Tyler to Margaret (Gardiner) Breckman.

Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia:

--Julia Gardiner Tyler Papers: Correspondence and collected papers of John Tyler, Julia Tyler, and his children by both wives: Alice, David G., Elizabeth, John A., John, Jr., Julia, Lachlan, Letitia, Lyon G., Robert, Robert F., and Tazewell Tyler, Pearl (Tyler) Ellis, and Mary (Tyler) Jones. Also includes genealogical information on the Gardiner and Tyler families. About 1300 letters to or from Julia Tyler, many are typescripts, covering the period from 1839 to 1889. They run the gamut in topics, including politics, and much of the collection is from her time as First Lady. Also a collection of newspaper clippings, from 1844 to 1872, many about the 1844 elopement between Julia Gardiner and President Tyler. Unpublished description in the library.

East Hampton Library, East Hampton, New York:

--Gardiner Family Papers, Long Island Collection: Materials on Julia Tyler and her extensive Gardiner family, early settlers of East Hampton.