Manuscripts for: Abigail Fillmore

Penfield Library , State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, New York:

--Millard Fillmore Papers

: A collection of letters to and from Abigail Fillmore and her husband, sister, son and daughter are located here. Those between Fillmore and her husband during their separations are particularly enlightening as to her political sensibilities.

Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, Buffalo, New York

--Lars G. Sellstedt Papers

, Box 2: Five letters from Abigail Mary "Abbie" Fillmore to Minnie Haven, Buffalo, New York, 6 January 1854 to 13 April 1854.
--Caroline Fillmore Papers: Variety of papers of second wife of Millard Fillmore, including diaries and French lesson books (1836-1866), poems, essays and short stories, and 17 volumes of clippings and clipping scrapbooks on variety of subjects.

Library of Congress, Manuscript Reading Room, Washington, D.C.

--Bess Furman Papers

: Container 75, file 1 contains draft materials researched and prepared by the author and journalist pertaining to Mrs. Fillmore.
--Millard Fillmore Papers: also available on microfilm edition at Library of Congress. These papers include letters written by the general public to Mrs. Fillmore as First Lady.