Manuscripts for: Jane Pierce

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division , Washington, D.C.

--Franklin Pierce Letters

: Entire archive of Jane Pierce letters to and from her family, the Appletons and her sister’s family, the Aikens. 32 items listed for period, 1837-1861, correspondence received and sent, includes several letters from Franklin Pierce to Mrs. Pierce.


New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, New Hampshire

--Franklin Pierce Papers

, 6 feet: Includes letters from Jane Pierce to her husband and family, especially the Aikens, describing health, activities, life in Washington and Pierce’s political career. Available on microfilm.


Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts

--Amos Lawrence Papers

: No guide. Over one dozen letters from Mrs. Pierce to her relative Amos Lawrence, 1832-1852.

Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois

--Wives of U.S. Presidents Collection

, 143 items: Contains Jane Pierce letters among others from 1840-1948.

Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Missouri

--Lewis F. Linn Papers

, 150 items: Letters to wife of, and scrapbooks of U.S. Senator Linn, concerning political issues. Scrapbooks contain varied written material, including Jane Pierce letters.