Manuscripts for: Julia Grant

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division , Washington D.C.:

--Ulysses Simpson Grant Papers

, 1844-1908, 30 ft. (47,236 items): General and family correspondence, speeches, reports, messages, MS. of Grant's personal memoirs (1885-86), military records, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous papers, relating to the Mexican War, Grant’s pre-Civil War career, the Civil War, and his Presidency. Correspondents include Julia Dent Grant. Also, Container, Series 1A contains three volumes of original letters from Ulysses Grant to Julia Dent Grant spanning years 1844 -1883 (both before and after their marriage).
--William T. Sherman Papers, Container. Vol. 34, No. 248 (October 28, 1872 - January 20, 1873): Letter from Mrs. Grant’s secretary, O.E. Babcock to Gen. Wherman on "Executive Mansion" papers dated 20 December 1872. Mrs. G. wanted to know "at what Post the Cavalry is going to rendezvous - mentioned to her in conversation last evening."
--Frederick Dent Grant Papers, Container, MMC - 104: Calling card of Mrs. Grant with penned message "A Merry Christmas, best wishes for a Happy New Year;" Original letter from JDG to Gen. Furlong – 20 November 1893; Original letter from JDG to an unknown General – 18 December 1896.
--Hamilton Fish Papers: Container 156 -JDG to HF: handwritten note (27 June 1887); Container 66 - Sec. to JDG to HF: handwritten note (1 December 1869); JDG to HF: handwritten note (2 November 1876).
--Lucretia Garfield Papers: Container 55 - Original letter from JDG to LG (30 August 1880); Original letter from LG to JDG in sympathy at Pres. Garfield’s death (26 July 1885); Original penned invitation from JDG to Mrs. Garfield for luncheon (24 January 1896).
--Newman Papers: Mrs. Grant to Mrs. John P. Newman, 26 November 1869.
--Conkling Papers: Mrs. Grant to Mrs. Roscoe Conkling, 5 August 1874.


Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Missouri:

--Grant Papers

: U. S. Grant to Mrs. Grant, 15 August 1861.
William K. Bixby Papers: Grant to Louisa Boggs, 24 April 1864., relative of Julia Boggs Dent Grant.
--Emma Dent Casey Papers: Family narrative, ms. by relative of Julia Dent Grant.
--Anna Barnes Heath Papers, 1869-1951, St. Louis, Missouri, 25 items: Open. Card catalog. Heath, a friend of Julia Grant, was invited to the Grant inaugurations and balls; dinners a the White House during the Grant, Hayes, and Cleveland administrations; and the to the Grant-Sartoris wedding. Souvenirs of White House social life during the Grant administration, clippings about various events, menus, and place cards.


Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois:
--Grant Family Letters: Collection includes the following: Grant to Nellie Grant, 4 June 1864; Salmon Portland Chase to Mrs. Grant, 5 March 1869; Grant to Mrs. Grant, 24 February and 29 March 1862; Grant to Nellie Sartoris, 22 November 1877; Mrs. Grant to Nellie Sartoris, 15 July 1879; Grant to Nellie Sartoris, September 1879; Grant to Nellie Sartoris, 27 June 1880; Grant to Nellie Sartoris, 4 November 24, and 19 December 1883; Grant to Nellie Sartoris, 16 February 1885.


Chicago Public Library, Chicago, Illinois:
Civil War and American History Collection. 1820-80: Open. Unpublished guide. Collection contains correspondence, diaries, legal papers, photos, broadsides, pamphlets, books, and artifacts relating to the Civil War and American history. Includes photos of Julia Grant.


Illinois Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois:
--Mrs. Grant to Mrs. William S. Hillier, 28 February 1885.


South Carolinia Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina:
--Joseph P. Smith Papers, 1877, Columbia, South Carolina: Letter in which Smith explains to Edwards Pierrepont in London that his mother and sisters have been traveling in Europe for three years and have just arrived in London. He asks whether he may give Pierrepont their addresses so they could attend a reception for General and Mrs. U.S. Grant.


Louisiana State University, Department of Archives and Manuscripts, Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
--Thomas MacCurdy Vincent Papers,1824-1916, 473 items: Army officer. Correspondents include Julia Dent Grant.


Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
--Ishbel Ross Papers, 1948-59, 1 folder: Open. Published and unpublished guides. Letters to Ross, biographer of Julia Grant from Alice Stone Blackwell, Howard Lane Blackwell, Nell Grant Gronan, Florence Ledyard Cross Kitchelt, and others. See Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on The History of Women in America, The Manuscript Inventories and the Catalogs of the Manuscripts, Books and Pictures, vol. III (Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1973).