Manuscripts for: Ida Mckinley

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division , Washington, D. C.

--Lucretia Garfield Papers: Container 59 includes an invitation card to McKinley home dated February 5, 1896, and a letter from LG to William McKinley asking if he can use his influence to get a friend employed at the Library of Congress dated June 14, 1897.

--William McKinley Papers

: Covers period from 1895 - 1901; principally correspondence received and a great deal of this is listed as "invitation acceptance" in the Index. A number of listings for 1901 include the heading, "Health Report," principally located in Series 3. Extensive listing in Index in Manuscript Division.

--George Bruce Cortelyou Papers: Container 6 includes the following: Ida Saxton McKinley to GBC (August 23, 1904); ISM to GBC (March 7, 1904); GBC to ISM - carbon (April 22, 1903); GBC to ISM - carbon (December 21, 1903); GBC to ISM - carbon (June 12, 1904); ISM to GBC (September 28, 1904). Container 11 includes the following: ISM to GBC (January 30, 1906); ISM to GBC (February 10, 1906); ISM to GBC (February 22, 1906); ISM to GBC (April 10, 1906); ISM to GBC (May 10,, 1906); ISM to GBC (December 17, 1906); ISM to GBC (December 17, 1906); "Thank you card"(December 29, 1906); ISM to GBC (January 21, 1907); ISM to GBC (February 2, 1907); ISM to GBC (April 1, 1907); ISM to GBC (March 2, 1907); ISM to GBC (March 13, 1907); ISM to GBC (March 13, 1907); ISM to GBC (March 23, 1907); Also, 6 telegrams dated 1907. Container 40 includes Ida McKinley Estate correspondence - 1 folder.

--Mrs. Daniel Manning Papers

: Container 1 includes an invitation to White House dated January 1, 1900.

--John Davis Batchelder Papers

: Container 7 includes a signed card (#1002).

Western Reserve Historical Society Collections, Cleveland, Ohio

--Myron Timothy Herrick Papers, ca. 1827-1935, , ca. 17 ft., in part, photocopies: Humanitarian, financier, industrialist, Governor of Ohio, and diplomat. Includes correspondence (1889-1906) from Ida and William McKinley. Unpublished register in the repository. Open to investigators under restrictions of the repository.

Buffalo and Erie Historical Society, Buffalo, New York

--William McKinley Papers; 3 boxes. Includes photos of Ida McKinley at 16 and 18 years of age and photos of her with President McKinley at the Pan American Exposition.