Manuscripts for: Grace Coolidge
Amherst College Library
, Amherst, Massachusetts:
Calvin Coolidge Papers, 1894-1931, 47 items: Correspondence, chiefly letters from Coolidge to Frank Waterman Stearns, Mrs. Stearns, and Foster Stearns mailed from the Office of Lieutenant Governor in Boston and the Vice-President's chamber in Washington, and one penciled draft of a speech given in Boston (1917). Includes 7 letters from Grace Goodhue Coolidge and one from John C. Coolidge. Open to investigators under library restrictions.
Forbes Library, Northampton, Massachusetts:
Calvin Coolidge Papers, 1875-1957, 23 ft., In part, transcripts (typewritten): Official and personal correspondence, speeches, statements, proclamations, official messages, transcripts of press conferences, personal accounts, 152 scrapbooks, clippings, programs, banquet menus, other papers, and photos. The material bulks largest in the period 1918-29, when Coolidge was Governor of Massachusetts, Vice-President, and President. Includes material on the Boston Police Strike, 1919. Also included are articles she wrote for popular magazines, biographical accounts and photos of her, a few fiscal accounts reflecting her management of the White House, clippings on her social and family life, and personal correspondence, notably with Therese Christiansen Hill of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, and Grace Graham Medinus, an Illinois clubwoman.
Local World War II Collection, 1939-47. 22 drawers, 110 vols., and 2800 items, Open, Unpublished guide: Includes correspondence to Grace Coolidge on the work of the Northampton War Finance Committee women's division for the sixth war loan campaign.
Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, Northampton, Massachusetts:
Oral History Project, Oral history, 1963-, 2 ft. and 47 tapes and transcripts, Partially restricted, Card file: Tapes, transcriptions, research notes, and correspondence relate to interviews in which prominent Northampton residents and older citizens discuss their lives and the town's history. Included are recollections of Grace Goodhue Coolidge and other information about women in the interviews of male residents.
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Anna Churchill Moulton Tillinghast Papers, 1911-45, 1 Hollinger box, Open, Published and unpublished guides: Papers of Tillinghast (1874-1951) concern her career as an ordained minister, a speaker for prohibition, Commissioner of Immigration for New England from 1927 to 1933, a suffrage amendment advocate, and a state and local Republican party worker. Correspondents include Calvin and Grace Coolidge.
Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vermont:
Miscellaneous Files, Collection, 1800s-, 16 drawers, Open, Lists: Small groups of personal papers and business and town records, all pertaining to state and local history and biography, include papers of numerous women. Includes letters of Grace Coolidge on a monument in Vermont to her husband, President Calvin Coolidge, 1934.
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.:
Edward Tracy Clark Papers, 1923-35, 8 ft, 9000 items: Presidential secretary, lawyer, and businessman, of Washington, DC. Includes letters from Mrs. Coolidge and her sons, John and Calvin, Jr.
Container 3 includes handwritten letter from GC to Rita (Clark) dated December 18, 1935; a handwritten letter from GC to EC dated June 27, 1934; a letter from GC to RC dated July 18, 1924, a letter from GC to RC dated Saturday; a letter from GC to EC dated July 8, 1934; a letter from GC to EC dated July 28, 1934; a letter from GC to EC dated March 16, 1935; a letter from GC to EC dated August 21, 1934; a letter from GC to EC undated; a letter from GC to EC dated October 22, 1931; a letter from GC to EC dated Friday; a letter from GC to EC dated March 3, 1933; a letter from GC to EC dated June 27, 1933; a typed/signed letter from GC to EC dated August 14, 1935; a typed/signed letter from GC to EC dated August 17, 1935; a typed/signed letter from GC to EC dated August 22, 1935; a typed/signed letter from GC to EC dated December 18, 1933. Container 22 includes a signed card in an envelope of cards and notes of sympathy on T.E. Clark's death dated December 1939. Unpublished register in the Library. Described in the Library's Press release no. 63-11.
--Edith Wilson Papers
, 1833-1961, 27 ft., ca. 19,000 items: Second wife of Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States (1856-1924). Correspondents include Grace Coolidge, Mamie Eisenhower, Florence Harding, Lou (Henry) Hoover, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Container 12 includes a sympathy note from GC to EBW dated Sunday, February 3; an acknowledgment of sympathy from GC to EBW dated January 14, 1933; a carbon of a sympathy noted from EBW to GC; 3 calling cards of Mrs. Coolidge dated January 5, 1927; a letter from the secretary to GC to EBW regarding a question that GC would like to ask EBW (Pierrepont Moffat) dated January 5, 1927; a carbon of an invitation to call from EBW to PM dated January 6, 1927. Unpublished finding aid in the Library.
--Charles Warren Papers: Container 2 includes a typed and signed note from Grace Coolidge to Mrs. Warren dated August 13, 1923.
--William Allen White Papers
: Container 120 includes a letter from the secretary to Grace Coolidge to WAW dated February 8, 1927. Container 202 includes a carbon from WAW to GC dated January 27, 1933; a note from the secretary to GC to WAW dated January 30, 1933; Container 230 includes a carbon from WAW to GC dated August 24, 1933.
--Charles Moore Papers: Container 10 includes: A card acknowledging sympathy dated January 19, 1933; an invitation for a performance at White House dated January 20; Folder 1 includes 22 other invitations to White House events, 13 letters from secretaries to GC; Folder 2 includes a handwritten note from GC to CM dated August 15, 1923, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated June 26, 1923, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated November 23, 1922, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated October 31, 1922, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated October 3, 1922, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated August 14, 1922, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated July 21, 1922, a handwritten note from GC to CM undated, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated May 24, 1923, a handwritten letter from GC to CM dated January 16, 1934, a letter from GC to CM dated April 10, 1934, a letter from GC to CM dated January 20, 1937, a letter from GC to CM dated October 24, 1932, a carbon/copy from GC to CM dated June 4, 1929, a letter from GC to CM dated January 22, 1933, a note on White House stationary from GC to CM undated, a letter from GC to CM dated May 1, 1933, a letter from GC to CM dated April 24, a letter from GC to CM undated. The correspondence are warm and friendly over the entire period.
--Mark Sullivan PapersContainer 2 includes 4 invitations to White House events.
--Charles Hamilin Papers: Grace Coolidge listed as major correspondent in gen. correspondence file (containers 345 - 348).
--Warren Harding Papers, Microfilm: Reel 242 includes letters between Grace Coolidge and Florence Harding for period 1920 - 1923. Carbons of letters from FKH to GC. GC letter handwritten.
--Cyril Clemens Papers: Container 1 includes 2 copies of typewritten letter signed by Grace Coolidge regarding mis-statements in Chapter 6 in book on Calvin Coolidge dated October 11, 1939; 1 copy of note signed by GC, a typed/acknowledgment of receipt of book on Clement Alttee and her election as a Daughter of Mark Twain dated November 7, 1947.
--Bess Furman Papers: Container 25 includes a carbon from Bess Furman to Grace Coolidge regarding article on White House with GC's annotations dated September 5, 1951; a typed memo/ reply from GC to BF dated 1951.
--John Davis Batchelder Papers.: Container 3 includes a signed engraving of the White House #325.
--Joel T. Boone Papers: Container 30 includes approximately 90 copies (typed) of letters and notes from GC to the Boone Family covering the period 1924 - 1956.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming:
Mary Hornaday Papers, 1921-65: 13 in., Open, Accession list: Hornaday (1906-) did volunteer work in Europe during WWII. Includes letters from Eleanor Roosevelt from 1942 to 1946, and invitations from President and Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs Roosevelt, and Mrs. Truman.
Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York:
James Earle Fraser and Laura Gardin Fraser Papers, 1895-1967, 63 ft.: Sculptor. Correspondents include Grace Coolidge, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Unpublished inventory in the library. Open to investigators under restrictions accepted by the library.
University of Arkansas Library, Fayetteville, Arkansas:
Hattie Wyatt Caraway Papers, ca. 1884-1950, 82 items: U.S. Senator from Arkansas. Correspondents include Grace Coolidge. Unpublished finding aid in the library. Access restricted.
Emory University Library, Atlanta, Georgia:
Jordan Costen Harrell Papers, 1828-1970, 5981 items, In part, transcripts (typewritten): Methodist clergyman, professor of theology at Candler School of Theology, and trustee of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Correspondents include Grace Coolidge. Unpublished register in the library.
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Michigan:
Arthur Jay Lacy Papers, 1876-1975, 9 ft., Ann Arbor, Michigan: Lawyer and judge of Detroit, Michigan. Correspondents include Grace Coolidge. Unpublished finding aid in the repository.
Stanford University Libraries, Stanford California:
Noted Women Collection, ca. 2 in., Open, Register: Collection includes correspondence of Grace Coolidge, Lou (Henry) Hoover, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Helen Taft.
Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois:
Wives of U.S. Presidents Collection, 1840-1948, ca. 143 items, Open, Card catalog: Correspondence and other papers of the wives of American presidents includes items of Grace Coolidge.