Manuscripts for: Lou Hoover

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library , West Branch, Iowa:

--Lou Henry Hoover Papers, 141 linear feet, over 220,000 items:
Personal Correspondence Series, 67 boxes: This material covers period from her adolescence to her death in 1944. Principal female correspondents include Grace Abbott, Mary Austin, Mildred Hall Campbell, Grace Coolidge, Florence Harding, Antoinette Hughes, Alice Longworth, Mary Pickford, Rosa Ponsella, Edith Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Laurette Taylor, Mabel Walker Willebrant, Edith Wilson. Principal male correspondents include Joel Boone, Calvin Coolidge, Charles Curtis, Christian Herter, Herbert Hoover, Will Irwin, Frank B. Kellogg, Jan Ignae Paderwski, William Howard Taft, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Hubert WWork. There are four Chronological Subseries, each organized alphabetically:

1874-1920, boxes 1-8: large amount of Henry family correspondence, but lacks information on Hoover family life and their life in Europe.

1921-1928, boxes 9-24: mostly incoming letters and replies by secretaries.

1929-1933, boxes 25-44: covers White House years.

1933-1944, boxes 44-67: Subseries includes correspondence on Mrs. Hoover's work with Friends of Music, Salvation Army, Stanford University and Pal Alto groups, and the Girl Scouts.

--White House General Files

, 79 boxes: These include: Clubs and Organizations, box 1-2; Flowers, Books, Songs, etc. Named for Mrs. Hoover, box 2; Invitations received, accepted, declined, boxes 2-11; Announcements, weddings, etc. box 12; Social Events at the White House, boxes 30-31; Offers to Sing at the White House, boxes 31-32; Congratulations and Greetings, boxes 33-38; Personal Matters, boxes 39-41; Photographs, boxes 41-43; Clippings Sent In, boxes 43-44; Merchandise Offered for Sale, boxes 44-46; Requests for Assistance, boxes 46-64; Genealogy, box 64; Appointments Requested, boxes 64-68; Manuscripts Submitted for Review, box 68; Miscellaneous Correspondence, boxes 69-79; Items Returned to Sender, box 79.

--White House Social Files

, 38 boxes: A partial selection of subjects in these containers includes: Contents, Cabinet Dinners, List of Callers, Guests, lists of election letters, lists of persons to invite, container 1; Music selections and artists, plants and flowers sent, President's Engagements (1929-1933), protocol and procedures, container 2; receptions, seating charts, (1929-1930), Valentines, White House Aides and Staff, 1929 Events, container 3; 1929 Events, containers 4-8; 1930 Events, containers 8-15; 1931 Events, containers 15-24; 1932 Events, containers 24-33; 1933 Events, containers 34-38

--Subject File Series: This collection of materials consist of 121 boxes. There are dozens of different subjects, but an important selection includes the following [box numbers do not necessarily indicate that the subject comprises the entire box]: include American Women's War [World War I] Relief Fund, boxes 1-3; Articles, Addresses, and Statements by Mrs. Hoover, boxes 3-12; Belgian Relief, boxes 12-13; Boxer Rebellion, boxes 13-15; Campaigns of 1928 and 1932, boxes, 16-29; Chinese Character (and society) Studies (book drafts), boxes 29-30; Clippings File (1910-1944), boxes, 31-50; DePriest Incident, boxes 51-52; Family History, boxes 52-55; Food Administration, U.S. box 55; Food Administration Club, box 55; Gifts, boxes 56-57; Herbert Hoover (numerous sub-headings), box 59; Lou Henry Hoover (numerous sub-headings), box 60; Lou Henry Hoover Death and Funeral, boxes 60-69; Lou Henry Hoover Honorary Degrees, Honors and Awards, boxes 69-70; National Amateur Athletic Federation, Women's Division; President's School (near Camp Rapidan), box 73; Properties and Lots (2300 S Street, and Palo Alto houses), boxes 75-76; Camp Rapidan, boxes 76-77; Requests for Assistance (advice, clothing, jobs, money), boxes 78-90; School Papers, boxes 95-96; Servants and Aides, boxes 97-99; Social Engagements, boxes 102-108; South American Trip, 1928-1929 (begins Good neighbor Policy), boxes 108-110; Stanford University, boxes 110-111; White House (furnishings, patronage of arts, social events, functioning of staff, etc.), boxes 113-119

--Girl Scouts and Other Organizations, 60 boxes: The following is a general selection of boxes and contents. There are often more organizations in each box than is listed here: Girl Scouts, Administrative Correspondence, boxes 1-4; Girl Scouts, General Correspondence, Boxes 5-8; Girl Scouts, American Girl Magazine, articles on Mrs. Hoover and Scouts, camp properties, box 8; Girl Scouts clippings, boxes 8-10; Girl Scouts, national conventions, boxes 10-11; Girl Scouts, Little House, boxes 11-12; Girl Scouts, memorabilia for headquarters, units, miscellaneous, box 12;

--Clubs and Organizations, Aca-American Association of University Women, boxes 15; AAUW, boxes 15-16; American Child Care Health Association, American Federation for the Blind, box 16; American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Women's Auxiliary, boxes 16-17; American Red Cross, boxes 17-18; American Relief Administration, box 18; American Society for the Control of Cancer, boxes 18-19; American Women's Club, American Women's Hospitals, American Women's Legion, Animal Rescue League, box 19; Berry schools, Big Brother Movement, blindness assistance groups, box 20; Boys' Clubs, box 21; Chr-Cur, box 22; California League of Women Voters, box 22; Children's Bureau, Children's Hospitals, Committee to Defend American by Aiding the Allies, box 23; Convent of the Sacred Heart, Council of Women for Home Missions, box 24; Engineering Women's Club, box 25; our-H Clubs, French Wounded Emergency Fund, Friends of Music, box 26; Friends of the Poor, box 27; General Federation of Women's Clubs, Golden Gate International Exposition, box 28; Goodwill Industries, Hoover Institutions, Hospital for the Women of Maryland, House of Mercy, Instructive Visiting Nurse Society, International federation of University Women, International Radiotelegraph Conference, box 29; Iowa Centennial State Fair, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Law Enforcement Organizations, box 30; League of Women Voters, Marie Curie Radium Fund, box 30; Mobilization for Human Needs, boxes 31-32; Motion Pictures Industry, Motion Picture Research Council box 32; The National Amateur Athletic Federation, Women's Division, boxes 32-43: Correspondence and materials on Mrs. Hoover's role as Vice President and involvement, 1922 to 1940. Principal correspondents include Edith Gates, Anne Frances Hodgkins, Elizabeth Hutchin, Helen McKinstry, Clelia Mosher, Marie Ortmayer, Ethel Perrin, Lillian Schedler, Elizabeth Stoner, Thomas Storey, May Van Horn, Agnes Wayman. National Child Labor Committee, National Conference on Social Work, National Conference on Outdoor Recreation, National Congress of Parents and teachers, National Council of Women of the U.S., National Defense, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, box 44; National League for Women's Service, National peace Conference, National Training School for Women and Girls, National Tuberculosis Association, National Women's Party, Near East Relief, Neighborhood House, box 45; New York World's Fair, Palo Alto Dental Clinic, Palo Alto Community Players, Palo Alto League of Women Voters, box 46; Palo Alto Negro Activities, Palo Alto Women's Service League, Pan American Scientific Conference, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Playground and Recreation Associations of America, box 47; President's Emergency Committee for Employment, pro America, Pomona College, box 47; Progressive Education Association, Pro Musica, Relief Organizations (Belgium, Britain, China, Finland, General, Greece, Mercy Ships for Children, Poland, Russia) Save the Children, box 48; Republican Organizations, boxes 48-49; Salvation Army, boxes 50-51; Salvation Army, San Francisco (chamber of music, conservatory of music, museum of art, opera), Save the Children Fund, Save the Redwoods, Seismological Society of America, Social Hygiene Society, box 51; Society of Women Geographers, Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford Home for Convalescent Children, box 52; Stanford University boxes 52-54; Traveler's Aid Society, box 54; U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, University of Southern California, Woman's World's fair, Washington Animal Rescue League, box 55; Washington Home for the Incurables, Washington Opera Company, Washington Movie Makers, Waterloo Woman's Club, Welfare and Relief Mobilization of 1932, Whittier City Schools, box 56; Whittier College, boxes 56-57; Woman's Athletic Club, Woman's Universal Alliance, Woman's Welfare Association, Women's City Clubs, box 57; Woman's Hall of Fame, box 58; Women's Overseas Service League, boxes 58-59; Women's University Club, box 59-60; Women's War Veterans, Wooster College, YWCA, box 60.

--Herbert Hoover Special Collections, 1657, 1750-1964, 625 ft.: Correspondence, drafts, galley and page proofs, research notes, collateral translations, and other papers (1908-61), relating to the translation of Agricola's De Re Metallica by Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover (1912), among other materials. Unpublished finding aid in the repository. Access restricted, in part.
--Herbert Hoover Pre-Presidential Period Papers, 1928-29, 101 ft., Open, Unpublished guide: Papers in the special subject series pertaining to women include a 75-page diary of Ruth Fessler Lippman, who was secretary to Lou Henry Hoover, (1874-1944), in the Latin American trip file; Lippman evidently accompanied Lou Hoover on this goodwill trip in 1928 and 1929 after the Presidential election.
--Herbert Hoover Post-Presidential Period Papers, 1933-64, 500 ft., Open, Unpublished guide: Files pertaining to women and containing correspondence with women are those under the titles American Child Health, the blind, child welfare, the DAR, Food for the Small Democracies, the Girl Scouts, the Girls' Clubs of America, activities of Lou Henry Hoover, and women and women's clubs of Republican party affiliation. Files pertaining to social and personal relations include those of Jacqueline Kennedy.


Stanford University Libraries, Manuscript Division, Palo Alto, California:
--Noted Women, Collection, Nd., Ca. 2 in., Open, Register: Collection includes correspondence of Lou Henry Hoover.
--Women's Papers, ca. 1884-1939, ca. 60 items: Correspondence, pamphlets, and autographs of and about noted women. Persons represented include Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished guides in the library.
--Birge Malcolm Clark Papers, Files on the construction of the Lou Henry Hoover House on the Stanford University Campus, 1921-49, ca. 350 items: Architect, of Palo Alto, California. Chiefly correspondence, together with sketches, specifications, newspaper clippings, and other papers, relating to the home built by Lou Henry Hoover on the Stanford campus, for which Clark and his father, Arthur Bridgeman Clark served as advising architects. Includes correspondence between the Clarks and President and Mrs. Hoover. Unpublished finding aid in the repository.
--Ephraim Douglass Adams Papers, 1730-1863, 1900-30, 2 ft., In part, transcripts (typewritten) made by Adams of diaries used for research purposes: Professor of American history at Stanford University. Includes Adams' recollections of Herbert Hoover and material relating to the Hoover War Library. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished guide in the repository.


Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California:
--William Parmer Fuller Papers, 1919-62, , 3 boxes: Chief of the American Relief Administration European Children's Fund Mission to Poland, and member of the board of trustees of Stanford University, CA. Includes correspondence (1920-62) of Fuller and his wife Adaline with Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished inventory in the repository.
--Catherine Breshkovsky Russian Relief Fund, Edward H. Egbert Collection, 1917-21, Palo Alto, California, 1 box, In part, transcripts: Letters from Mme. Breshkovsky (Ekaterina Konstaninovna (Verigo) Breshko-Breshkovskaia, 1844-1934), some addressed to Lou Henry Hoover. Finding aid available in the repository.
--Clelia Duel Mosher Papers, 1898-1937, 7 ms. boxes, Open, No guide: Physician and associate medical director for the American National Red Cross. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover.


Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, California:
--Anne Henrietta Martin Papers, 1892-1951, , 17 v., 16 boxes, and 8 cartons: Head of the Department of History, University of Nevada. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover.
Mills College Library, Oakland, California:
--Aurelia Henry Reinhardt Papers, 1824-1958, 60 ft.: Educator, of Oakland, California. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished finding aids in the repository.


Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Inez Haynes Irwin Papers, 1872-, 5 boxes: Author and reformer. Persons named include Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished inventory in the library.
--Rosa Marie Levis Papers, 1890-1959, ca. 2 ft. and 1 folder: Italian-American civic leader, of Boston, Massachusetts. Persons represented include Lou Henry Hoover. Described in Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America: The Manuscript Inventories and Catalog of the Manuscripts, Books and Pictures (1973). Supplement to be published.
--Massachusetts Girl Scouts Records, 1915-67, 2 items: Includes letters from and articles about Lou (Henry) Hoover, national Girl Scout president, 1922-25, 1935-37. Unpublished finding aid in the repository.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Archives, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
--George Russell Harrison Papers, 1916-1973, ca. 11 ft.: Professor of physics and dean of science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Includes correspondence between Harrison's first wife, Florence Kent Harrison (d. 1955) and Lou Henry Hoover.


Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C.:
--Edith Bolling Galt Wilson Papers, 1833-1961, 27 ft., ca. 19,000 items: Wife of Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States (1856-1924). Correspondents include First Ladies, including Lou Henry Hoover. Container 21 includes a calling card, a letter on Girl Scouts/typed/signed from LHH to EBW dated November 4, 1927; a carbon response from EBW to LHH dated November 5, 1927; a typed/signed letter on National Women's Committee of the Welfare and Relief Mobilization from LHH to EBW dated October 18, 1932; a handwritten invitation to tea to discuss Cathedral construction from LHH to EBW dated May 4; a handwritten letter from LHH to EBW dated Thursday. Unpublished finding aid in the Library.
--William Allen White Papers: Container 177 includes typed/signed letter/invitation from Lou Henry Hoover to WAW dated November 28, 1931. Container 203 includes a carbon from WAW to LHH dated February 14, 1933. Container 215 includes a telegram from LHH to WAW dated August 17, 1934. Container 414 telegram from LHH to WAW dated March 2, 1943.
--Charles Moore Papers: Container 10 includes 3 invitations to White House events; a note from Lou Henry Hoover to CM dated July 10, 1928; a letter seeking donation toward G. Washington Birthplace from CM to LHH dated November 13, 1930; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM dated May 17, 1930; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM dated November 24, 1930; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM on White House dated May 25, 1929; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM on White House dated June 1, 1929; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM on a bookplate dated November 8, 1929; a letter from the secretary to LHH to CM regarding questions on bookplate dated April 21, 1930. Container 11 includes: a note typed and signed from LHH to CM dated May 16, 1929; a photocopy of a letter typed and signed from LHH to CM dated typed & signed dated June 22, 1931; a letter typed/signed from LHH to CM dated August 1, 1935.
--Henry Morgenthau PapersContainer 11 includes an undated letter/handwritten from Lou Henry Hoover to Mrs. Morgenthau with no date.
--John Adams Kingsbury Papers: Container 11, Series B includes a typed/signed note from Lou Henry Hoover to John Adams Kingsbury, dated June 8, 1932.
--Gertrude Lane Papers: Container 1 includes a brief note, typed and signed from Lou Henry Hoover to Gertrude Lane dated February 26, 1926; a typed note with some handwritten text, signed, from LHH to GL dated September 2, 1926; a typed/signed note from LHH to GL dated September 1, 1928.
--Joel T. Boone Papers: Container 32 includes approximately 100 items from Lou Henry Hoover to the President's physician, with typed carbons of letters, notes, cards, correspondence, telegrams for period 1927 - 1944.
--Calvin Coolidge Papers: Container 245 includes Folder #2375 with a letter from Lou Henry Hoover to Mr. Sanders Secretary to President Coolidge, regarding Girl Scouts dated March 22, 1926; a letter from LHH to Mr. Sanders regarding the Girl Scouts dated March 30, 1926; a letter from the secretary to LHH to Mr. Sanders regarding the Girl Scouts dated April 30, 1926; a letter from LHH to Mr. Sanders dated May 7, 1926.
--John Davis Batchelder Papers: Container 5 includes a signed card, "Yours sincerely...Lou Henry Hoover." #731.
--Alexander Graham Bell Papers: Container 69 includes a telegraph message. Sympathy on death of A.G. Bell in Marian Bell Fairchild series - folder marked - Letters of condolence on A.G. Bell's death in 1922 dated August 4, 1922.
--Bess Furman Armstrong Papers: Container 44 has variety of materials on Lou Henry Hoover by the New York Times reporter who covered her, including press stories, drafts of chapters on Mrs. Hoover, memos and assorted notes.

Girl Scouts of the USA Library and Archives, New York, New York:

--Book of Memory, Records, 1945-, 0.15 ft. and 6 vols., Open, Unpublished guide: Books contain posthumous tributes and photos honoring women and men who contributed to Girl Scouting. Lou Henry Hoover, twice the president and once the honorary president, is honored.
--Clara A. Lisetor-Lane Papers, 1913-62, 0.14 ft., Access restricted, Unpublished guide: Primarily correspondence between (Miss) Lisetor-Lane, Juliette (Gordon) Low, and Lou (Henry) Hoover regarding Lisetor-Lane's contention that she founded the Girl Scouts before Juliette Low.
--Personalities, Records, 1912-, 9 ft., Open, Unpublished guide: Files of more than 1150 individuals connected with the girl Scouts include correspondence, memoranda, biographies, notebooks, clippings, press releases, publications, and memorabilia. People represented include Lou Henry Hoover.


Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collections, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
--Harrison Family Papers, 1789-1965,15 ft.: Correspondence, diaries, notebooks, photo albums, and newspaper clippings relating chiefly to Marie Louise Lemoine Harrison (1880-1966), of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Correspondents include Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished guide in the repository.


Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:
--Gertrude Howard Olmsted Nauman Papers, 1780-1972, 11 cu. ft., Open, Published guide and inventory: Includes personal correspondence of Gertrude Howard Olmsted McCormick (1874-1953), who was national vice-president of the Girl Scouts of America. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover.


Minnesota Historical Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota:
--William Crowell Edgar Papers, 1832-1949, ca. 3 ft., In part, photocopies (negative) made in 1938 from originals in the possession of the Minneapolis Public Library: Correspondence of Edgar, business manager and editor of the Northwestern Miller from 1882 to 1924. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover. Descriptive inventory in the repository.


State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin:
--Arthur Page Papers, 1908-60, , 28 ft.: Public relations and business consultant, of New York. Correspondents include Lou Henry Hoover. Unpublished inventory in the repository.


Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia:
--Gordon Family Papers, 1802-1940's, 9142 items, In part, transcripts (typewritten): Correspondence, diaries, household accounts, business records, personal financial records, poems, stories, reminiscences, genealogical material, scrapbooks, and photos, of a prominent Savannah, GA, family. Correspondents include First Ladies Frances Cleveland, Florence Harding, Lou Henry Hoover, and Ellen Wilson. Unpublished finding aids in the repository.


American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming:
--Mary Hornaday Papers, 1921-65, 13 in., Open, Accession list: Hornaday (1906-) did volunteer work in Europe during World War II. Includes invitations from Lou Hoover.