Manuscripts for: Dolley Madison

Library of Congress, Manuscript Division , Washington, D.C.:

--Dolley Payne Todd Madison Papers,

1794-1852, 2600 items: In part, photocopies. Correspondence, financial papers, invitations, calling cards, and miscellany, chiefly 1836-49, relating to personal and family matters, and the estates of William Madison and James Madison, as well as Mrs. Madison. Family correspondents include her son, John Payne Todd; her nieces, Anna (Payne) Causten and Rebecca Todd; and her nephews, Richard D. Cutts and Samuel P. Todd. Other correspondents include Rev. James Laurie, Eliza Lee, Henry W. Moncure, and Anthony Morris. Unpublished finding aid in the repository.

--Cutts Family Papers,

1755-1905, ca. 100 items and 1 microfilm reel: In part, photocopies. Correspondence of various members of the Cutts family including Charles Cutts (1769-1846), U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, his wife, Lucy Henry Southall Cutts, his mother, Anna Holyoke Cutts, and his cousin, Richard Cutts (1771-1845), U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; Richard’s son James Madison Cutts I (1805-1863) and grandson James Madison Cutts II (1837-1903); and Dolley Payne Madison (1768-1849) and Stephen Arnold Douglas (1813-1861), collateral members of the family. Other papers include notes and copies of poems by Dolley Payne Madison, and copies of poems by John Quincy Adams and Louisa Catherine Adams. Container 1 has folder of "Dolley Madison: Notes and poems," Facsimile of "A Poem on La Fayette" by Dolley Madison, Dolley Madison to Ellen O’Neal Cutts or Lucy Payne Todd; note of Dolley Madison to Anna Payne Cutts or Lucy Payne Todd; note DPM to unidentified, and photocopy of note. 1 Reel of Microfilm from 1802-1840 has letters received and many letters sent, undated.

--James Madison Papers

, about 50 items: Extensive listing in Index located in Manuscript Division. Material on Dolley Madison for period 1808-1848. Correspondence received and sent. Located in Series 1 and 4.

--Anita Newcomb McGee Papers

, 1688-1932, 5 ft.: Open. Published guide and register. A resident of Washington, McGee (1864-1940) was an anthropologist and physician. Papers also contain correspondence of Anita McGee’s grandfather Charles A. Hassler, who was a US Navy surgeon, with James Madison and others.

--John Davis Batchelder Papers

, Container 7: Letters from Dolley Madison to John M. Thomas, December 1846 and to "Catherine," no date.

--William W. Corcoran Papers

, Volume 6: Two letters and one quote from Dolley Madison to William Corcoran, with reference to repayment of debt, 9 December 1845, 1 January 1847, 17 June 1848.
--Alexander Balmain Papers, Container 1: Photostat of list of marriage of James Madison to Dolley Payne Todd, 15 September 1794. Balmain was rector at Winchester, Virginia.

--William Eustis Papers

, 1761-1901, 1 foot: Published guide. A physician, Eustis (1753-1825) was a U.S. representative, secretary of war for Presidents Jefferson and Madison, minister to the Netherlands, and Massachusetts governor. Correspondents include Dolley Madison.

--Peter Force Papers

: Letters, notes, checks, and invitations covering period 1839-1846. Invitations are to the White House from various other presidents and their wives. 19 items related to Dolley Madison. Replies, acknowledgments, and receipts. Unpublished finding aid in the repository. Also, there is a microfilm of the collection.

--Thomas Jefferson Papers

: Dolley Madison letter of 29 January 1834 to unknown, Series 6, and Dolley Madison to Virginia Trist, 17 July 1835, Series 6.

--Sarah Ridg Papers

, 1809, 1 item: Excerpts of a diary in which (Miss) Ridg describes social events she attended in Burlington, New Jersey Philadelphia, and Washington, including James Madison’s inaugural ball.

--William Cabell Rives Papers

: Various individual letters from Dolley Madison to Mrs. Rives. In Container 50, 27 May 1832; in Container 55, 3 November 1834; in Container 64, 27 February 1837; in Container 65, 2 March 1841 which references lease on sale of her house, and 29 March 1841, which indicates attention to appointment of her friend to professorship of modern languages; Container 67, 24 February 1844 and 1 July 1843.

--Henley J. Smith Collection: Letters of Margaret Bayard Smith are contained within the collection and some pertain to Dolley Madison.

--Margaret Bayard Smith Papers

. 1789-1874, about 7 ft.: Open. No guide. An author, Smith (1788-1844) was an early chronicler of Washington society. Family correspondence, diaries, and commonplace books record the activities and thoughts of a Washington hostess who entertained both Whigs-her political preference-and her husband’s Jeffersonian friends. Includes copies of letters James Madison wrote to "my dearest."

--Anna Marie Thorton Papers

. Included in these papers is Mrs. Thorton’s diary with mention of Dolley Madison, who was her friend and neighbor.

--Nicholas Philip Trist Papers

, 1795-1873, ca. 6500 items: Lawyer and diplomat. Family and general correspondence, letter books, memoranda, notes, reports, legal and financial papers, writings, clippings, printed matter, and other papers, chiefly 1831-1848. Persons represented either through correspondence or other material include James Madison and Dolley Madison. Mrs. Madison’s letters are in Container 56, and include Dolley Madison to Mrs. Trist, 7 May 1833, 2 December 1846, 21 September 1847.


Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia:

--Grinnan Family Papers

, 1645-1935, 1610 items: In part, photocopies and typewritten transcripts. Includes correspondence, medical and personal accounts, and other papers of Dr. Andrew Glassell Grinnan (1827-1902) and his wife, Georgia Screven (Bryan) Grinnan (1837-1918), relating to his medical practice, Dolley Madison and the Payne family, and their residences Brampton, in Madison County, and Loch Lomond, in Goochland County, Virginia.

--Nicolas Philip Trist Papers

, 1791-1836, 112 items: Diplomat and lawyer. Correspondence and other papers, concerning the University of Virginia, secession, nullification, James Thomson Callender, and other matters. Correspondents and persons mentioned include James Madison and Dorothy Payne Todd Madison.


University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia:

--Cabell Gwathmey Collection

, 1708-1852, 170 items: Photocopies. Letters, papers, illustrations, and portraits relating to Revolutionary and early nineteenth century statesmen. Persons named include Dolley Madison.

--Dolley Payne Todd Madison Papers

, 1810-49, ca. 50 items: Personal letters and invitations to Dolley Madison from F.C. Clabbe, Theodosia B. David, Ellen Fletcher, Gertrude Kemble Paulding, William Cabell Rives, Julia Maria Dickinson Taylor, Mrs. M.E. Van Ness, and Mrs. M.W. Van Zandt. Includes correspondence of John Payne Todd and others relating to Mrs. Madison.

--James Madison Papers

, 1768-1866, 153 items: Personal and business correspondence of Dolley Madison, concerning the disposal of Madison’s estate, the sale of Montpelier, and the use of the Madison's papers. Includes deeds of gift, indentures, several versions of Mrs. Madison’s will, lists of books and paintings at Montepellier, resolution of the House of Representatives concerning Mrs. Madison, papers relating to her estate, letters and documents of her son John Payne Todd, mostly relating to gifts from his mother, her wills, and the settlement of her estate; and letters (1857-66) from William Cabell Rives to J. C. McGuire pertaining to Madison’s papers and biography. Mrs. Madison’s correspondents include Augustus, count of Turttemberg, Mary Bagot, Robert Brent, John Campbell, M.K. Crittenden, Mrs. Albert Gallatin, James Hoban, L. de Kantzou, Thomas Law, Ann Maury, Anne Mifflin, Thomas Ritchie, Mrs. William Cabell Rives, Mrs. Winfield Scott, and William Tudor.

--James Maury Papers

, 1780-1917, 3 ft.: Merchant and U.S. consul in Liverpool, England. Correspondence, ledgers, bills, receipts, broadsides, and other papers, relating to Maury’s mercantile business and overseas trade extending to Europe, various ports in America, the East Indies, and China. Names represented include James Madison and Dolley Madison.

Independence National Historical Park Collection, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

--W. Parsons Todd Collection

: Contains material relating to Dolley Madison’s life with her first husband, lawyer John Todd.


Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collections, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

--Papers of John Cox and Family

, 1600-1900, 5000 items: Farmer and Quaker leader, of Burlington, N.J. Includes letters and other writings by, to, or concerned with Dolley Madison.

--Richard Rush Correspondence

, 1812-47, 1 volume: Statesman from Philadelphia. Letters to James Madison (1812-31), to Mrs. Madison (1820-47), and a few letters by Mrs. Rush.


Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California:

--Harwood Family Papers

, 1767-1969, about 2 feet, 555 items: Correspondence, documents, autographs, maps, and signed photos, relating to the naval career of Andrew Allen Harwood (1802-1884), his collection of historical materials, and papers of other members of the Harwood family. Persons represented include Dolley Madison. Microfilm Folder 1 has autographed letter signed, Dolley Payne Madison to Mrs. Harwood, 17 September 1805. Unpublished guide in the library.

The Huntington Library, San Marino, California:

--Dolley Madison Papers

, 1803-47, 10 items: Open. Item cards in manuscript catalog. Dolley Madison correspondence which illustrate her attitudes and activities.

Seeley E. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey:

--James and Dolley Madison Papers

, 1788-1836, 9 boxes and 1 carton: Open. Checklist. Papers of James Madison (1751-1836) fourth US President, include correspondence, quotations, poems, and pictures of Dolley Madison.

--Andre De Coppet

, 1892-1953, collection of American historical papers, 1566-1942, ca. 3700 items: Letters and documents of American figures of national importance, mainly from the time of the Revolution to the Civil War. Names represented include Dolley Madison.

New York Historical Society, New York, New York:

--Dolley Madison Papers

, 1805-48, 35 items: Correspondence of Dolley Madison include letters in which she describes to Hannah Gallatin her husband’s illness and deplores the Senate’s action regarding Gallatin’s mission. Others of Madison’s letters, which deal with family news, social gossip, and the prospect of peace, are located in the Gallatin Collection at the Historical Society.


Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland:


Benjamin Latrobe Papers: The importance of Dolley Madison’s influence on material culture of that time period are revealed through the examination of her lists of household furnishings and her work on decorating the White House. Three volume edition, published by John C. Van Horne in 1986.


North Carolina Division of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina:

--Dolley Madison Papers

, 1849, 1 item: Copy of Dolley Madison’s will, taken from Catherine E. Thompson, A Selective Guide to Women-Related Records in the North Carolina State Archives (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1977).


Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky:

--Papers of the Pirtle and Rogers families

, 1797-1875, 62 items: Mainly papers of Judge Henry Pirtle (1798-1880) of Louisville, and of Dr. Coleman Rogers (1781-1855). Other papers include letters (1801-1836) to Gen. James Taylor of Newport, Kentucky from persons including Dolley Madison.


Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee:

--Tennessee Historical Society

, miscellaneous files, 1688-1951, 7 ft., about 3500 items: In part, negative photocopies. Forms part of the Tennessee Historical Society collection. Includes material relating to James Madison and Dolley Madison. Unpublished index and card catalog in the library.


Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana:

--John G. Jackson Papers

: Jackson was the husband of Dolley Madison’s sister Mary, a Congressman, and close ally of Madison’s. Among his papers can be found correspondence with and about Dolley Madison.