Manuscripts for: Rachel Jackson
Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
, Washington, D.C.:
--Andrew Jackson Donelson Papers
, 1779-1943, 6 ft., about 4500 items: A diplomat, lawyer, and planter, Donelson (1799-1871) worked in various capacities for President Andrew Jackson. Donelson’s papers include correspondence with his cousin and wife Emily Donelson (1807-36). Her correspondence, some of which dates from the period when she served as White House Hostess for Jackson, is with her parents Mary P. and John Donelson, her sister, niece, and friends. Card index for part of the collection in the Library. Entire collection is available on microfilm.
--Andrew Jackson Papers
: Extensive listing in Index located in Manuscript Division covers period 1799 to 1828 and miscellaneous, principally correspondence received; includes materials on Rachel Jackson, Emily Donelson and Sarah Yorke Jackson.
--John Davis Batchelder Papers: Container 5 contains a signature of Rachel Jackson.
The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee:
--Tennessee Collections,
Andrew Jackson Papers, 1788-1961, 315 items: In part, transcripts (typewritten) and photocopies. Correspondence, account books, contracts, licenses, appointments, 99 Hermitage guest books (1801-), invitations, military orders, land grants, deeds, indentures, broadsides, bills, receipts, and some miscellaneous memoranda. Correspondence consists of 118 letters, including 49 letters (1799-1845) by Jackson, 5 letters (1852-63) by Andrew Jackson III to members of his family, 16 letters by Rachel Jackson (1813-21), and 6 letters by Sarah Yorke Jackson and Emily Donelson. Includes references to the death of Rachel Jackson. Unpublished register in the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
--Collection of the Ladies’ Hermitage Association
: The Hermitage has an item which relates to the defense of Rachel Jackson's character as an issue of the 1828 campaign in the Pamphlet-Speech of Thomas Kennedy, Esq., at the Jackson Meeting at the Court House in Hagers-Town, August 4th, 1827. Printed by William D. Bell. Hagers-Town.
Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee:
--State Collection
: There are a number of items which relate to Rachel Jackson's character as an issue of the campaign of 1828. These include,
Nashville Jackson Committee Pamphlet, printed by Hall & Fitzgerald, Republican Office,1827;
The Friend of Reform and Corruption’s Adversary, published by Moses Dawson, in Cincinnati, represented the pro-Jackson side. Issues from 22 March 1828 to 22 October 1828, and a 30 page pamphlet,
A Letter from The Jackson Committee of Nashville, In Answer to One From Similar Committee at Cincinnati Upon the Subject of General Jackson’s Marriage (1827).
Truth’s Advocate, a series of ten pamphlets published in Cincinnati, was anti-Rachel Jackson (issues from January to October, 1828).
--Andrew Jackson Papers
, 1800-1942, 3 ft., 1500 items: In part, photocopies. Includes papers of the Donelson family, Andrew Jackson Jr., his wife Sarah Yorke Jackson, and their children, Rachel Samuel, and Andrew Jackson III.
--Bettie Mizell Donelson Papers
, 1787-1938, 2.9 ft.: Register. An early worker in the Tennessee suffrage movement, Donelson (1862-1939) was also a charter member and later regent of the Ladies’ Hermitage Association. Includes photos of Rachel and Andrew Jackson, their home The Hermitage, Donelson, and other members of the Ladies Hermitage Association; and scrapbooks and clippings on the Jacksons.
Heard Library, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee:
--Stanley F. Horn Collection
, 1780-1905, Andrew Jackson Papers, 2ft., 650 items:
The papers of Andrew Jackson III include Civil War correspondence with his aunts, his mother Sarah Yorke Jackson, and his father Andrew Jackson, Jr. (adopted son of Andrew Jackson), and a small diary (1863). Photocopies of the collection are in the library and also in the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York:
--Moore Family Papers
, 1751-1939, 459 items, 0.4 cu. ft.: Papers of the family include a corrected transcript of recollections written by the wife of an aide to General Jacob Brown about figures including Rachel Jackson and other people involved in Washington society during the winter of 1824-25.
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley:
--William Anderson Scott Papers
, ca. 1830-85, 11 boxes: Papers of Scott (1813-85) include letters by and to his wife Ann (Nicholson) Scott (1811-88); letters from and between their children; and letters from Sarah Yorke Jackson.
North Carolina State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina:
--Alexander Brevard Papers
, 1751-1911, ca. 300 items: In part, transcripts (typewritten) of originals in the possession of the Southern Historical Collection University of North Carolina Library and Mrs. J.E. Cousar, Jr., Covington, VA. Revolutionary quartermaster and iron manufacturer of Lincoln Co., North Carolina. Includes a typewritten transcript of the diary of Mrs. Juliana Margaret Conner which describes her impressions of General and Mrs. Andrew Jackson. Unpublished description in the repository. Also described in Guide to private manuscript collections in the North Carolina State Archives.
Center for American History, University of Texas, Austin, Texas:
--William Alexander Donelson Papers
, ca. 1880-1937, 59 items, 2 in.: Published guide. Letters, memoranda, clippings, and photos, relating to the social and genealogical interests of Donelson and other descendants of Rachel Donelson Jackson, especially to Bettie M. Donelson’s activity in the Andrew Jackson Society, the Ladies’ Hermitage Association, and the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Includes material relating to Nashville, Tennessee, and to Andrew Jackson Donelson, Betsey Donelson, Bettie Mizell Donelson, Louise Donelson, Andrew Jackson, and Rachel Donelson Jackson.
Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi:
--Sarah Knox Harris Sager Papers
, 1793-1921, 6 boxes and 2 vols.: A collateral descendant of both President James K. Polk and Rachel Jackson, Sager was the great-great granddaughter of John Sevier, first governor of Tennessee. Includes a genealogy of the Donelson family, of which Andrew Jackson's wife was a member.
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, South Carolina:
--Julia Ann M. Conner Papers
, 1827, 1 vol.: Card catalog. Conner, a young bride from Charleston, visited the Hermitage during a trip to Tennessee with her husband. Her journal includes her account of meetings with General and Mrs. Andrew Jackson.