Bibliography: Roosevelt, Eleanor
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* Inaugural Issue of White House History 1983White House History Vol. 1, No. 1The inaugural issue of the journal White House History, published by the White House Historical Association. Copy 1- gift of Mary Regula; Copy 2- gift of Gloria A. Dongler
Eleanor Roosevelt Diplomat and Humanitarian Toor, Rachel1989New York, New York : Chelsea House PublicationsA biography of Eleanor Roosevelt for readers ages 11 and above.
* The Roosevelts: A Family in TurmoilParks, Lillian Rogers1981Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 
* 100 Americans Who Shaped American HistoryCrompton, Samuel Willard1999San Mateo, CA: Bluewood Books 
The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time New YorkKuiper, Kathleen2010New York: Britannica Educational PublishingBrief biographical sketches explain why and how selected women affected world history.
130 Liberals Form a Group on Right 1947New York Times 5 January 
1920: The Year of Six PresidentsPietrusza, David2008New York: Basic BooksIncludes material on Edith Wilson and Eleanor Roosevelt and Florence Harding’s roles during the 1920 election.
3,360 Intimate Letters Raise Questions about Lorena Hickok, the Woman Eleanor Roosevelt Called ‘Darling. 1979People 12 November 
The 42 First Ladies: Their Place in HistoryKlemesrud, Judy1982New York Times 6 December 
50 Years Ago: First Lady Keeps Yule Custom Here 1942Ideals. December 1992 Eleanor Roosevelt’s duties as Christmas hostess inare discussed.
* The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945Wyman, David S.1984New York: Pantheon 
Abolish Jim CrowRoosevelt, Eleanor1943New Threshold August 
About Women: The Ladies Home Journal Looks Back Mall, Janice1983Los Angeles Times 11 December 1983Notes that Edith Roosevelt was chosen the most admired woman at the turn of the twentieth century and that Eleanor Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy earned the same honor in their time.
Address by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to Americans for Democratic Action 1950Congressional Record Appendix 19 April 
Address Delivered by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt 1948Congressional Record Appendix 16 June 
Addresses at the Roosevelt Shrine Dedication 1946New York Times 13 April 
* Adlai Stevenson: His Life and LegacyMcKeever, Porter1989New York: Morrow 
* Admiral Halsey's StoryHalsey, William F., and Joseph Bryan, III1947New York: McGraw-Hill 
* Adventures of a Slum FighterPalmer, Charles F.1955Atlanta: Tupper and Love 
Adventures with Early American FurnitureRoosevelt, Eleanor1934House & Garden February 
* Affectionately, F.D.R.: A Son’s Story of a Lonely ManRoosevelt, James, and Sidney Shalett1959New York: Harcourt, Brace 
After 75 Years, Barnard Makes Activist an AlumnaFears, Darryl2004Washington Post 4 JuneInspired by Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune, civil rights activist Dorothy I. Height dedicated her life to fighting for racial equality.
Aid to Youth Urged by Mrs. Roosevelt 1933New York Times 19 October 
Airbrushing the RooseveltsSchorr, Daniel1997The New Leader 30 June 
Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, From White House Princess to Washington Power BrokerCordery, Stacy A.2007New York: VikingThe only biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth written by an historian, Alice is based on Longworth's private papers and provides an insider's view of first ladies during Mrs L's sixty years in Washington (including her step-mother Edith Roosevelt).
Alice and Eleanor: A Contrast in Style and PurposeCurtis, Sandra R.1994Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press 
* Alice Roosevelt LongworthFelsenthal, Carol1988New York: Putnam’s 
* All for OneSchneiderman, Rose1967New York: Erickson 
* Always on Sunday: 1,000 Sundays with "Issues and Answers"Whedon, Peggy1980New York: Norton 
* Amelia and Eleanor Go For a Ride: Based on a True StoryRyan, Pam Munoz, and Brian Selznick2000New York: ScholasticFor readers ages 4-8.