Bibliography: Obama, Michelle
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Michelle O Meets Jackie O 2008Wall Street Journal 1 March 2008Article compares Michelle Obama to former first lady Jackie Kennedy Onassis, noting their similar hair styles and approach to clothing.
Greening the White House…Again 2009Buildings June 2009Explains that the Obamas plan to continue the process of redesigning the White House begun under the Clintons in order to make it more environmentally friendly, but emphasizes that no plans have been announced.
Save the ChildHarris-Lacewell, Melissa2010Nation Magazine 8 March 2010Article discusses the First Lady's "Let's Move" campaign to end childhood obesity.
Despite Club Members’ Rift, Obama Gets InvitationLandler, Mark2017New York Times 24 January 2017President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama received an invitation to join the mostly Jewish Woodmont Country Club, because of Pres. Obama's policies toward Israel.
Our First YearHackett, Larry, and Sandra Sobieraj Westfall2010People Magazine 25 January 2010Interview with the First Lady and the President discusses their expectations and surprises after one year in the White House.
#JeSuisCharlie: What Does Twitter Activism Accomplish?Lindsay, Rowena2015Christian Science Monitor 17 January 2015Mentions Michelle Obama, and her #BringBackOurGirls hashtag to raise awareness of the girls kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria.
10 Best DressedFields, Jackie, et al.2009People Magazine 28 September 2009The First Lady is listed as one of the best-dressed celebrities in the United States, quoted on her wardrobe, and shown in three different outfits.
16 Medal Recipients Exemplify 'A Life Well Lived'Cindy Clark2009USA Today 13 August 2009Mrs. Obama watches as her husband awards Presidential Medal of Freedom at White House ceremony.
2 First Ladies Share Tales of Budding Partnership and Life in the SpotlightBaker, Peter2014New York Times 7 August 2014The article focuses on the partnership between First Ladies Michelle Obama and Laura Bush for the promotion of education, health, and women's rights in 2014.
2008 Spouses Shape Role from Democrats' SidesBellantoni, Christina2007Washington Times 29 August 2007Analysis of the roles of wives of presidential candidates speculates that Michelle Obama would take time to help their daughters settle in school should Barack Obama win the presidency.
2014 Best Dressed List 2014Ebony September 2014The First Lady makes the Eunice W. Johnson Best Dressed Women for 2014 list.
The 25 Most Intriguing People of 2010 2010People Magazine 27 December 2010Includes biographical sketch of the First Lady and explains why she qualified for this list.
30 Years After Michelle Obama, Cultures at Princeton Still ClashThomason, Andy2014Chronicle of Higher Education 7 February 2014Article about the troubles of Princeton to diversify includes a focus on alumna Michelle Obama.
$45 Million Match Is PledgedStrom, Stephanie2010New York Times 28 May 2010First Lady announces that five foundations have pledged to make $45 million in grants to match federal monies in the Social Innovation Fund designed to expand successful social programs.
5 Generations: Slavery to White House 2009Dallas Morning News 8 October 2009Mrs. Obama's roots include a female slave who was likely the First Lady's great-great-great-grandmother.
50 Years Later, LBJ's Lessons on LeadershipPage, Susan2014USA Today 6 March 2014Joseph Califano, Jr., 82, a domestic policy adviser for President Lyndon Johnson, stresses that the Obamas would not be in the White House were it not for Johnson's congressional victories in 1964 and 1965.
$600 Earrings a Costly Gaffe?Bellantoni, Christina2008Washington Times 12 July 2008Michelle Obama castigated for deriding President Bush’s economic stimulus package, claiming refund checks were practically worthless given the magnitude of the diffiulcties most Americans face.
About Michelle Obama Blogspot   : Michelle Obama fan covers the activities of the First Lady as well as the other members of the First Family in this blog. The blog can be found here:
Accepting Peace Prize, Obama Emphasizes WarFletcher, Michael A.2009Boston Globe 10 December 2009First Lady in Oslo as the president accepts the Nobel Peace Prize.
The AccompanistsSlevin, Peter2008Washington Post 2 February 2008Comparison of Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton on the campaign trail.
Activist Gets A Real Party CallBailey, Henry2010Memphis Commercial Appeal 30 November 2010Democratic activist in northern Mississippi invited to celebration at the White House and promises to invite Mrs. Obama to visit.
Activist Height Honored by Obama, AdmirersSimmons, Deborah2010Washington Times 30 April 2010Memorial service in the National Cathedral for civil rights activist Dorothy Height draws large crowd, including the Obamas.
Addressing Graduates, First Lady Speaks OutHarris, Gardiner2016New York Times 11 April 2016In 2016, Michelle Obama spoke at three educational institutions: City College of New York, Santa Fe Indian School, and Jackson State University.
Administration Pushes Women's Issues to ForeHall, Mimi2009USA Today 14 September 2009First Lady working with the new White House Council on Women and Girls to assess and publicize the work of federal agencies on women's issues.
Africa Seeks Action as Obama Trip EndsNelson, Colleen McCain, et al.2013Wall Street Journal 3 July 2013Summary article about the Obama's trip to Tanzania, during which they shared the spotlight with George and Laura Bush.
After a Fashion, Students Design for the ObamasBarker, Olivia2008USA Today 31 December 2008Students at Marymount University in Arlington, VA, capture Michelle Obama's style.
After Attacks, Michelle Obama Looks for a New IntroductionPowell, Michael, and Jodi Kantor2008New York Times 18 June 2008In an interview with reporters aboard a campaign plane, Mrs. Obama seeks to counter rumors and innuendos about her in the blogosphere.
Age Of YouthGivhan, Robin2008Washington Post 10 September 2008How Michelle Obama’s decision to wear a dress by Thakoon Panichgul has affected his reputation and changed his profile among young designers.
The AgroEcological-Educator: Food-Based Community DevelopmentWight, R. Alan2014Community Development Journal April 2014Michelle Obama is mentioned in this article about food and community development.
Air Traffic Official Reassigned After Michelle Obama IncidentHalsey, Ashley, III2011Washington Post 28 April 2011Supervisor who accidentally ordered Air Force jet carrying the First Lady flies perilously close to a military cargo plane while approaching Andrews Air Force base reassigned.