Bibliography: Adams, Louisa
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The Adams Chronicles 1975Boston: WGBHPublic television series from 1975.
* The Adams Women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, Their Sisters and DaughtersNagel, Paul C.1987New York: Oxford University Press 
Adamses at HomeNagel, Paul C.1987Americana 15.4 (1987) 
Adventures of a NobodyAdams, Louisa Catherine1840 : privately publishedThis is an autobiographical sketch, begun by Louisa Catherine Adams in 1840. If it was published, it was privately published. It can be found today in the Masachusetts Historical Society, on Reel 269 of the Adams Family Papers ("Louisa Catherine Adams, Miscellany").
American First LadiesWatson, Robert P., ed.2006Pasadena, CA: Salem Press 
American National BiographyCarnes, Mark C., and John A. Garraty, eds.1999New York: Oxford University PressThe American National Biography was originally published in 24 volumes. It is updated semi-annually. The print edition contains biographies of Americans who died before 1955. The on-line, subscription version contains those who died after 1955.
American Phoenix: John Quincy and Louisa Adams, the War of 1612, and the Exile That Saved American IndependenceCook, Jane Hampton2013Nashville: Thomas NelsonAuthor Jane Hampton Cook's book, intended for the general public and published by the Christian publishing house of Thomas Nelson, provides little new about Louisa Adams but does emphasize an inner motivation for Louisa's actions.
America’s First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735-1918Brookhiser, Richard2002New York: Free Press 
* America’s First Families: An Inside View of 200 Years of Private Life in the White HouseAnthony, Carl Sferrazza2000New York: Touchstone 
America’s First Ladies: Ohio Library was Established in 1997 in Their HonorWadley, Carma2007Deseret Morning News 19 February 2007Article celebrates the tenth anniversary of the National First Ladies Library and includes a quiz on the subject of First Ladies.
* America’s Most Influential First LadiesAnthony, Carl Sferrazza1992Minneapolis: Oliver PressFor readers grades 5-7.
Anniversary ObservedSmith, Barry2004Patriot-Ledger (Quincy, MA) 1 November 2004Ceremony to commemorate birth of John Quincy Adams discusses the family.
An AutobiographyAdams, Henry1916New York: Houghton Mifflin Company 
The Biography Channel Website: Louisa Adams    : Biography A page of the Biography Channel website providing a bit of information regarding Louisa Adams. The web page can be found here:
* Bulfinch’s BostonKirker, Harold and James1964New York: Oxford University PressCaptures Boston in the era of Louisa Adams.
* Cannibals of the Heart: A Personal Biography of Louisa Catherine and John Quincy AdamsShepherd, Jack1980New York: McGraw-Hill Book CompanyThe most thorough and useful biography of Louisa Adams to date, it interestingly discusses her political acumen and public role.
Celebrating Women: History, Biographies, and MuseumsByerly, Greg, and Carolyn Brodie2005Library Media Activities Monthly April 2005Reviews of websites containing information about the First Ladies, including the National First Ladies Library.
* Charles Francis Adams, 1807-1836Duberman, Martin B.1961Boston: Houghton MifflinBiography of son of Louisa Adams.
Congress Clears Dollar Coin BillHiga, Liriel2005CQ Weekly 26 December 2005House of Representatives passes bill which would allow the Treasury to mint $10 coins with images of First Ladies.
Dear First Lady: Letters to the White HouseYoung, Dwight, and Margaret Johnson, eds.2008Washington, D.C.: National Geographic SocietyReproductions of letters from the Library of Congress and the National Archives to and from First Ladies, with annotations explaining the nature of the correspondence and the historical contexts within which each epistle was written.
* Descent from GloryNagel, Paul C.1983New York: Oxford University PressA highly personal examination of the Adams family, which discusses Louisa Adams’s chronic depression and other problems.
Diary and Autobiographical Writings of Louisa Catherine Adams, Volumes 1 and 2: 1778-1849 Adams, Louisa Catherine2013Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard UniversityThese two volumes are compiled and edited by Judith S. Graham, Beth Luey, Margaret A. Hogan (the editor of the Adams Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society, and C. James Taylor (the editor-in-chief of the Adams Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society).
* The Diary of John Quincy Adams, 1794-1845Adams, John Quincy1951New York: UngarEdited by historian Allan Nevins.
Dictionary of American Biography 1980New York: ScribnerThe venerable Dictionary of American Biography was first published in twenty volumes between 1927 and 1936. Ten subsequent volumes were published, and the most recent, edited by historian Kenneth Jackson and published by Scribner, includes Americans who died before the year 1980. The First Ladies are included.
The Education of Henry Adams: An AutobiographyAdams, Henry1961Boston: Houghton MifflinLouisa Adams is thoughtfully considered here by her grandson.
The Encyclopedia Britannica Website: Louisa Adams    : Encyclopedia BritannicaAn entry on the Encyclopedia Britannica website that provides a short biographical sketch of Louisa Adams and external links for further information. The entry can be found here:
* The Era of Good FeelingsDangerfield, George1952New York: Harcourt, Brace 
* Faith of the First LadiesMacGregor, Jerry and Marie Prys2006Grand Rapids: Baker Books 
"A Fine Romance": The Courtship Correspondence Between Louisa Catherine Johnson and John Quincy AdamsHeffron, Margery M.2010New England Quarterly June 2010An analysis of the courtship correspondence between Louisa Johnson and John Quincy Adams, from April 1796 until their marriage in July 26, 1797.
First First Ladies, 1789-1865: A Study of the Wives of the Early PresidentsWhitton, Mary Ormsbee2008Whitefish, MT: Kessinger PublishingThis is a facsimile reprint of the original 1948 edition which contains chapters on each of the early First Ladies delves into specific topics from their lives and careers in the White House.