Lesson Plans Johnson, Eliza


Johnson, Eliza
The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
In 1868, Congress voted to impeach President  Andrew Johnson.  Harper’s Weekly was the leading weekly newspaper at that time, and focused a great deal on the impeachment trial, including editorials, news stories, and political cartoons.  Harper’s Weekly (under the title HarpWeek) has taken much of the information that originated in its newspaper from that time period and put it together as a website.  Included in this website are many of the original editorials, news stories, and Thomas Nast cartoons.  It provides excellent resources to better understand why Johnson was impeached, including a focus on the Constitutional issues related to his impeachment, the arguments used on both sides, and an understanding of public opinion during the time period.  In addition, one of the Famous Trials websites also gives a wide variety of information on the trial, its reasons, and the people involved in the impeachment.
Skill: High School/College     Category: Law, Politics and Govt

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