Lesson Plans Hayes, Lucy


Hayes, Lucy
Looking for Books: A Treasure Hunt
During Lucy Hayes’s life, people in the United States began the shift from a rural, agricultural way of life to a more urban, manufacturing way of life.  Many aspects of this shift were reflected in children’s books of the period.  These books became part of the life of childhood in the middle and later years of the nineteenth century, and some are still favorites today.  Using a simple worksheet, this lesson will ask children to use the Timeline on the First Ladies Library Website to find “treasures”—children’s books published during the lifetime of Lucy Hayes.  They will then discuss what they found, paying special attention to whether or not they, themselves, have also encountered some of these books.
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Education, Arts, Letters and Ideas

Hayes, Lucy
Why Do Boys Play with Marbles and Girls Play with Dolls? Do They?
When Lucy Hayes was a little girl, there were definitely “girl toys and games” and “boy toys and games.”  Do you think that is still true today?
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Economics, Discovery and Daily Life

Hayes, Lucy
Bubble Gum and Other Fun Stuff!
Not only has childhood changed since Lucy Webb Hayes’ lifetime; the toys of childhood have changed as well.  However, it was during this time period that the “fun” things of childhood were developed and became more available.
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Sports and Popular Culture

Hayes, Lucy
America's First Peoples
The march westward, usually called “Manifest Destiny,” occurred during the lifespan of Lucy Webb Hayes.  Implicit in this move westward was the displacement of the Native American tribes for whom the Great Plains and the Southwest had been home. 
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Religion, Social Issues and Reform

Hayes, Lucy
Who Invented the First Music Player?
In 1878, when the Hayes family lived in the White House, the great inventor, Thomas Edison, came one evening to demonstrate his new invention, the phonograph, for Lucy and Rutherford and their guests.   Up until that time, if people wanted to hear music, they would have to go to a concert, or to a theatrical performance.  Now, with the gramaphone, they could buy a record (or a cylinder), bring it home, and play it on a gramophone.    The people gathered at the White House were so excited by this marvelous machine that they stayed on and on, not leaving until the middle of the night!
Skill: Middle School     Category: Science, Medicine, Inventions and tech

Hayes, Lucy
The Wonderful World of Books!
When Lucy Webb was growing up, there was no electricity—no TV, no videos, no CDs.  So what did young people do?  Well, some of them read!   Today we are going to explore some of the books, stories, and poetry that date from Lucy’s lifetime.  Using the timeline below, we’ll list these nineteenth century “classics” (the best-sellers of that time for young people!) and read some of them too.
Skill: Middle School     Category: Education, Arts, Letters and Ideas

Hayes, Lucy
Childhood: Then and Now: A Comparison
Childhood during Lucy’s time (her childhood and that of her children) probably had some similarities as well as differences to our own childhood.  What did children wear?  What did they play?  What kind of chores did they have? How did they interact with their parents?  All these are questions that tell us something about childhood in a particular time.
Skill: Middle School     Category: Economics, Discovery and Daily Life

Hayes, Lucy
The Age of Volunteerism
The mid-nineteenth century is often pointed to as the first time women made significant contributions to their communities through organized efforts and social projects.  Thus, this is the beginning of the “Age of Volunteerism” and the adult life of Lucy Webb Hayes is an example of this kind of community service.
Skill: Middle School     Category: Religion, Social Issues and Reform

Hayes, Lucy
Why Should a Woman Be Learned or Wise? The Rise of Women's Colleges
Lucy Webb Hayes was the first First Lady to graduate from college (1850).  In her early adulthood, it was still very unusual for women to have advanced academic educations. As time went by, however, more and more colleges for women (and colleges that accepted women) were founded.  Today, something over 50% of all colleges students are women.
Skill: High School/College     Category: Education, Arts, Letters and Ideas

Hayes, Lucy
What We Can Learn from Family Stories
In the mid-nineteenth century, just as today, families had stories—stories about parents when they were children, stories about their family members or pets, stories about school, stories about what life was like “back then.”  However, today we are all so busy, we often don’t take the time to pass along the great stories in our families.
Skill: High School/College     Category: First Ladies' Lives

Hayes, Lucy
Creating An Inventors' Showcase
Lucy Webb Hayes’ lifetime was a period of great creativity in America.  There were numerous inventions and technological advances during the late nineteenth century especially. 
Skill: High School/College     Category: Economics, Discovery and Daily Life

Hayes, Lucy
Our Ethnic Heritage: The German Americans
The contributions of German immigrants to the United States are numerous and far-reaching.  They and their families have embraced their adopted land and we have been the richer.  Major immigration from Germany took place during the lifetime of Lucy Webb Hayes.  And the city of Cincinnati, Lucy’s home for many years, was a major German immigrant settlement area.
Skill: High School/College     Category: Sports and Popular Culture

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