Lesson Plans Obama, Michelle


Obama, Michelle
Wind, Sun, Thermal, Water: Energy All Around Us
Both President and Mrs. Obama join many in the United States who are interested in promoting energy efficiency.  But what is energy?  How many different kinds are there? Where does energy come from?  How can we help to conserve it? The answers to these questions and more are there to be found in this lesson.
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Science, Medicine, Inventions and tech

Obama, Michelle
How Does Your Garden Grow? School Gardens Across America
On April 9, 2009, Michelle Obama and 25 students from Bancroft Elementary School in the District of Columbia planted the first seeds and seedlings in the new White House Kitchen Garden, designed to emphasize the creation of local gardens for healthy eating. The students also helped harvest some of the hundreds of pounds of produce that the garden has produced. This is not the first garden planted at the White House: Eleanor Roosevelt did the same thing during World War II, to set an example for the nation that  helped to feed the country in a time of war.
Skill: Elementary School     Category: Education, Arts, Letters and Ideas

Obama, Michelle
Great American Cities: Exploring Chicago
Michelle Obama and her mother were born in Chicago, and that is the city in which she met and married Barrak Obama, and where her two children, Melia and Sasha, were born, and where the Obamas lived and worked until they moved to the White House.  Chicago is the fourth largest city in the United States (some still argue it’s the second largest!), and is full of history and fun things to do. It is surely one of America’s great cities.
Skill: Middle School     Category: Law, Politics and Govt

Obama, Michelle
A School is a School is a School—Well, Maybe Not: Are All Schools the Same?
Wherever you go to school – whether it’s public or private, secular or religious, large or small, you can bet that there are students in the U.S. who go to the same kind of school you do, and students who go to different kinds of schools. Michelle Obama went to a public, neighborhood school in Chicago for elementary school, and a magnet school (also public) – for high school. What kind of school do you attend? How many other kinds of schools are there in your town?
Skill: Middle School     Category: Science, Medicine, Inventions and tech

Obama, Michelle
Thanksgiving Since the Beginning – An American Celebration
We all know that Thanksgiving was first celebrated in the American colonies in 1621, but did you know that in a Pilgrim household, the adults ate first, served by their children and servants?  Did you know that now, nearly 400 years later, although the holiday is celebrated as a harvest festival in many parts of the world, our version of Thanksgiving has become a uniquely American celebration.  The tradition at the Obama household is to gather their extended family – mostly Michelle’s relatives, notes the President – for a dinner in which everyone brings something.  In 2008, Thanksgiving was just after the election that put the Obamas in the White House, but they weren’t there yet.  They had Thanksgiving in Chicago – “My contribution is the house!” said the First Lady.
Skill: Middle School     Category: Economics, Discovery and Daily Life

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