Eager to Sacrifice (Peace Corps)

Eager to Sacrifice (Peace Corps)
Jackie Kennedy: Religion, Social Issues and Reform

Skill: High School/College
Time Required: one week


One of John F. Kennedy’s first accomplishments as president was creating the Peace Corps.  In his announcement of the Executive Order providing for the establishment of the Peace Corps, he stated, “The initial reactions to the Peace Corps proposal are convincing proof that we have, in this country, an immense reservoir of such men and women--anxious to sacrifice their energies and time and toil to the cause of world peace and human progress.”  The truth of President Kennedy’s statement can be seen in the 182,000 Peace Corps volunteers who have volunteered since 1961 and who continue to work on issues such as environmental preservation, information technology, and AIDS education in 138 countries around the world.


In this lesson, students will gain an understanding of the meaning and implications of globalization.

Materials Required:

Access to the InternetUse of the Peace Corps timeline link


First explain to students the history of the Peace Corps and/or direct them to go to the Peace Corps website.  Once students have a general understanding of the history and purpose of the Peace Corps have them select one of the countries on the Peace Corps interactive map.  

Then have students go to the Development Education Program’s DEPweb to Explore Sustainable Development of The World Bank Group.  On this site is an explanation of sustainable development as well as numerous learning modules.  Have students use this web site to gain a better understanding of world economics as well as the place of their Peace Corps’ country in this economy.  

Then direct students to research the history of their Peace Corps’ country and prepare a presentation for the class that must include charts, photos and other data in a PowerPoint presentation.

Extending the Lesson:

To extend this lesson have students write a position paper regarding U.S. foreign aid.

Sources & Resources:


Peace Corps:
http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=learn.wherepc.latinamerica(interactive world map)
Sustained Development:
U.S. Foreign Aid:

This lesson plan was inspired by the Development Education Program’s DEPweb to Explore Sustainable Development of The World Bank Group; retrieved from http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/index.html.  
This lesson was adapted by Debra L. Clark, Kent State University.