Bibliography: Hoover, Lou
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800 Women Pay Mrs. Hoover Honor: President’s Wife Guest of the College Graduates of Her Own Student Days 1929New York Times 11 April 1929The American Association of University Women hosted the reception for Lou Henry Hoover.
The Adventurous-Home-Loving Mrs. Hoover, Future First LadyRaleigh, Walter1929California Christian Advocate 28 February 1929 
Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, From White House Princess to Washington Power BrokerCordery, Stacy A.2007New York: VikingThe only biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth written by an historian, Alice is based on Longworth's private papers and provides an insider's view of first ladies during Mrs L's sixty years in Washington (including her step-mother Edith Roosevelt).
American First LadiesWatson, Robert2002Pasadena,CA: Salem Press 
American National BiographyCarnes, Mark C., and John A. Garraty, eds.1999New York: Oxford University PressThe American National Biography was originally published in 24 volumes. It is updated semi-annually. The print edition contains biographies of Americans who died before 1955. The on-line, subscription version contains those who died after 1955.
* America’s First Families: An Inside View of 200 Years of Private Life in the White HouseAnthony, Carl Sferrazza2000New York: Touchstone 
* America’s First LadiesHealy, Diana Dixon1988New York: Atheneum 
America’s First Ladies: Ohio Library was Established in 1997 in Their HonorWadley, Carma2007Deseret Morning News 19 February 2007Article celebrates the tenth anniversary of the National First Ladies Library and includes a quiz on the subject of First Ladies.
Baldrige Waxes ‘Magical’ About Kennedy DaysWatson, Craig1998USA Today 16 April 1998 
Banquet Highlights Hoovers' Contributions 1994E&MJ: Engineering & Mining Journal August 1994Both Hoovers were inducted posthumously into the Mining Hall of Fame.
Belgium’s NeedHoover, Lou Henry1915Address October 1915 
The Biography Channel Website: Lou Hoover    : BiographyA page of the Biography Channel website dedicated to information regarding Lou Hoover. This web page can be found here:
Boy Patient Gets His Wish: Mrs. Hoover Sends Him Card 1931New York Times 9 January 1931 
The Candidates as They Really Are: Unvarnished Portraits of Smith and Hoover in Which are Revealed Simple Facts About Them 1928New York Times 14 October 1928 
Candidates for Post of First Lady: Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Roosevelt Have Many Qualities in Common, Though Their Two Personalities are DistinctHager, Alice Rogers1932New York Times Magazine 2 October 1932 
C.D. Henry, 84, Dies in Paralytic: Father of Mrs. Hoover Was Kept Alive Several Days by Hope of Seeing Daughter 1928New York Times 19 July 1928 
Celebrating Women: History, Biographies, and MuseumsByerly, Greg, and Carolyn Brodie2005Library Media Activities Monthly April 2005Reviews of websites containing information about the First Ladies, including the National First Ladies Library.
A Chained Book—Now Free to AllNickel, Hazel Lyman1949Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin June 1949 
* Children In the White HouseSadler, Christine1967New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons 
College-Bred Indeed is Herbert Hoover: Not Only Were the Man and His Ideals Developed at Vigorous Young Stanford University, but There Also He Found His Life Companion and Undertook His First Venture in PoliticsDuffus, R. L.1928New York Times 1 July 1928 
Congress Clears Dollar Coin BillHiga, Liriel2005CQ Weekly 26 December 2005House of Representatives passes bill which would allow the Treasury to mint $10 coins with images of First Ladies.
Coolidge Telegraphs ‘Success’ to Hoover: Hails His Ability to Fill ‘Most Important Position in World’-- Wife Wires ‘Love’ to Mrs. Hoover 1928New York Times 16 June 1928 
The CoverDanielson, Elena M.1998Libraries and Culture 33:2 (1998)Examines link between the Hoovers’ interest in the history of mining and President Hoover’s personal bookplate.
De re Metallica 1928New York Times 17 July 1928 
* De re Metallica: Translated From Giorgius Agricola’s First Latin ed. of 1556, With Biographical Introduction., Annotations, and Appendices Upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law From the Earliest Times to the 16thHoover, Herbert Clark, and Lou Henry Hoover, trans.1912New York: Dover 
Dear First Lady: Letters to the White HouseYoung, Dwight, and Margaret Johnson, eds.2008Washington, D.C.: National Geographic SocietyReproductions of letters from the Library of Congress and the National Archives to and from First Ladies, with annotations explaining the nature of the correspondence and the historical contexts within which each epistle was written.
Dedicate Lou Hoover Memorial 1948New York Times 21 September 1948 
Dictionary of American Biography 1980New York: ScribnerThe venerable Dictionary of American Biography was first published in twenty volumes between 1927 and 1936. Ten subsequent volumes were published, and the most recent, edited by historian Kenneth Jackson and published by Scribner, includes Americans who died before the year 1980. The First Ladies are included.
Dining with the Hoovers--What a Guest Eats at the Table of the Food AdministratorHarmon, Dudley1918Ladies’ Home Journal March 1918 
Do You Know Mrs. Hoover of Iowa? 1928Iowa Business Woman 1 October 1928